Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey and the Silent Majority" (June 4, 2020)

Morrissey and the Silent Majority.
Fiona Dodwell / tremr - June 4, 2020.

"The artist who tackled social injustice, the meat markets of China and police corruption 20 years ago, finally seems to have his ideas embraced by the mainstream media and population: so why has he been condemned all these years?"

Not her worst.

Although - silent majority is used to mean the public silently supporting right-wing policies that trendy progressives hate - so anyone looking at the headline will think the article is saying that Morrissey shares the right-wing opinions of the silent majority, when in fact she's saying that it's trendy progressives who are silent on issues if they think it will affect their career.

And while I don't think Anne Marie will have any impact on anything at all - For Britain is a terrible party. Its branding, its policies, its far right affiliations, its belief that 'birth rates' will cause Sharia Law to be introduced into the UK, singling out a religious group in its campaigning - you can mount a defence that he doesn't understand that's what he's supporting. I'd even mount a defence that Anne Marie doesn't understand what she's peddling (because going by her videos I'm not sure she really does). But I wouldn't wave the party past.

He hasn't mentioned them for a while - so I think he has doubts. Putting out a statement that he doesn't support them & never would have if he'd thought through all of the implications would do him more good than Fiona's sweet waffle.

(I apologise for all the posts - I've got a script to work on & it's either this or doing the dishes).
Thank you for your reasoning and to my eyes and mind, your compassion. Here, I’m new to the forums but not the site itself, it’s good to know your voice is being aired and heard.
I’m new to the online conversation, not the real world one. Years of refusal to join this fray - affray of the ether? - finally crumbled when Morrissey hypocritically waded in with his support for BLM and condemnation of police brutality. That’s all. So there’s no rat to smell, my friend. I simply felt compelled to voice my disdain for his latest utterances and to air my despair for how my maligned and often misunderstood religion is characterised and perhaps assumed to be some of the things Anne Marie Walters and her shabby associates claim it to be. It’s not.
Fair point. Welcome. Sorry for suspecting your motives: there is a fair amount of shit stirring that occurs here. It leaves one a little cynical.
Has any other artist ever had a hired "journalist" on the payroll to put out positive press about them? Truly bizarre.
Fair point. Welcome. Sorry for suspecting your motives: there is a fair amount of shit stirring that occurs here. It leaves one a little cynical.
Thanks HL, your reasons were entirely valid in these invective fuelled, suspicious times.
Thanks for taking time to apologise.
I don't think she's on Morrissey's payroll. He picked her because she's 100% on the line. I used to think Morrissey was an artist for minorities. Now they talk big about the "silent majority". What do I expect in a crisis like this? That my once favourite artist comes across his "relevant" lyrics to songs like "Ganglord" or "World peace" with penetrating violence or would I rather feel reminded of what once gave me security and quiet understanding? Would I like to hear live acoustic versions of "Lazy Sunbathers" or again videos about cruelty to animals? Should I charge myself with more bad conscience in a time when everything is difficult and nothing positive is in sight? I find it tragic that someone like Alain Whyte sits down every day and plays an acoustic piece to show what is possible. OK, he also wants to promote his new music but he does it all quietly, humbly, gracefully and with an eye for detail, while Morrissey gives his nephew a free hand to open one poison barrel after another on morrissey-central. The music and Morrissey's former relevance as a gifted singer/voice no longer play any role at all. It just makes me sad.
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Do you have any proof whatsoever that Morrissey pays Fiona to write her pieces about him?

No, of course you don’t; yet you persist in repeating the accusation as fact.

Says a lot about you; just like your daily posts on here. You only start a topic if it’s something negative about Morrissey, & if it’s something positive, you’re the first to jump in with a negative comment.

Is somebody paying you? Oh yeh, probably the disability payments you receive for being a mental defect unfit for even gathering the trolleys in Morrison’s car park.

P.s: I don’t think Morrissey condemned the CHINESE wet markets specifically 20 years ago, but he did at least 9 years ago, & has been a champion for the ethical treatment of animals for decades, you petty little pedant.
I can't agree more. But people who have been ahead of their times always have paid a price for it. Morrissey is not the exception. But if some people could't function in this way, humans would still live in caves. Thanks God Morrissey is not Jeanne d'Arc and lots of people love him.
I can't agree more. But people who have been ahead of their times always have paid a price for it. Morrissey is not the exception. But if some people could't function in this way, humans would still live in caves. Thanks God Morrissey is not Jeanne d'Arc and lots of people love him.
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt...melted hearing aid & Walkman. Shocking.
Has any other artist ever had a hired "journalist" on the payroll to put out positive press about them? Truly bizarre.
No only the domineering dictator Morrissey.
He has no balls for face to face interviews they show him up to be a lying hypocritical dumb c***.
His circus show is 100% curated by him.
Even then he looks like a very unsavory character.
No only the domineering dictator Morrissey.
He has no balls for face to face interviews they show him up to be a lying hypocritical dumb c***.
His circus show is 100% curated by him.
Even then he looks like a very unsavory character.


posting while ironing the babooshka??
She doesn’t, actually, do Morrissey justice: The article is full of faux naivety.

Nevertheless the achievement of the article might be a rare one—pissing off both sides of the Morrissey debate.

Morrissey took real risks, and risks have consequences. I love him for that, but the risks without consequences (she feels he deserves) are not really risks at all.
I totally agree.
By the way - leaving aside the ludicrous paid-for-content of this 'article', can anyone point out where he 'tackled' the issue of Chinese meat markets 20 years ago?

30 years ago: "November spanwed a monster"... a prophecy about the Covid crisis begining around november. Next question, please.

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