Fiona Dodwell: "Misunderstanding Morrissey: Sparks and the steady drip, drip, drip of slander" (July 15, 2020)

"One wonders whether the vocal Morrissey detractors have delved much beyond the surface of NME's clickbait headlines and the lefty identity politics of formerly reputable publications like The Guardian."


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If Moz were to read this thread (or any of the countless others), he would piss himself laughing. All of you nonces, to the right and the left, think you got him all figured out. You don’t even have yourselves figured out. The basic lack of self awareness is staggering. None of you know him. Only Morrissey knows Morrissey.
That's bollocks.

I was interested in his coverage because it made no sense - you have to severely edit him to stick to the idea that he was or turned into a far right racist.

He doesn't fit in neat boxes & doesn't have a media strategy, which is why he ends up in trouble all the time.

Complete context? What utter shite. It's not possible even if they wanted to. An article needs an angle & the closer to news it is, the more dangerous it is for an artist.
You're bollocks. An absolute brown nosed apologist who could never break free from their narrow viewpoint to see that the old man is a massive prick with horrid views, and for well over a decade, boring music tossed off by the numbers. Gee, I can't wait to sing along with devastatingly insightful lyrics like "there is no such thing in life as normal" when the "Ennio's almost cold" deluxe edition of ringlickers comes out. Something tells me you'll buy three copies so you can gibber and gnaw and drool on two.
Where has the media printed things within context? It’s all been twisted for their clickbait needs.

Not only won’t they print what won’t help their agenda, no article has enough room to print all the positive and hilarious things he has said through out his career, nor does the media reference or look into lyrics that don’t fit their hate/anti-Moz campaign, and what about the voice ? It says the most, but can’t be put into words.

It all has to be taken into consideration before one can come to any conclusion or something that even points towards a fair judgment.

The Der Spiegel tape was released, edited as the interviewer did confess it was,why the need for edits? What needed to be erased? What needed to be changed? Morrissey was chatty and seemed to trust her, he also sounded jet lagged,tired, or just very relaxed. I don’t agree with some of things he says, but most of it? nothing controversial. An awful interviewer, and because of that I was only able to stomach listening to it once. Cringe fest.
You see your version of the truth. Life is a subjective little roller coaster, innit?
I see with my own eyes.
When I see that he has a heart left and not just mean spirited misanthropy and toxic bitterness, I may choose to see something different. Until then, I'll not wear the hat.

When you begin to see with the heart, then you’ll see the truth, the Moz-truth, and nothing but the truth.

You're bollocks. An absolute brown nosed apologist who could never break free from their narrow viewpoint to see that the old man is a massive prick with horrid views, and for well over a decade, boring music tossed off by the numbers. Gee, I can't wait to sing along with devastatingly insightful lyrics like "there is no such thing in life as normal" when the "Ennio's almost cold" deluxe edition of ringlickers comes out. Something tells me you'll buy three copies so you can gibber and gnaw and drool on two.

You've got a nerve if that's your reply - you're more like a toxic troll trying to cobble together reasons for your obsessive dislike of Morrissey.

I'm looking at everything - you're the narrow-minded one who needs to break free.
You've got a nerve if that's your reply - you're more like a toxic troll trying to cobble together reasons for your obsessive dislike of Morrissey.

I'm looking at everything - you're the narrow-minded one who needs to break free.

It all started with his comments on BBC 6 music in October 17. This was nothing to do with the press, it came straight out of Morrissey's mouth. I and others on this site were watching the live stream and many commented live on here that they can't believe he has just said that. The crowd reaction was complete silence.

"It was very interesting to me to see Anne-Marie Waters become the head of UKIP" he said.

“Oh no, sorry, she didn’t. The voting was rigged. Sorry, I forgot.”

He added: "You don’t get it do you. You obviously don’t read the news."

Greeted by silence.

His comments have not gone down well on Twitter.

"I'm fairly certain Morrissey just voiced support for Anne Marie Waters and I'm really uncomfortable about it," wrote one person.

Anti-Islam campaigner Waters was backed in her leadership bid by former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson.
I’m sure he was ‘supporting’ Waters,
he has a thing for strong women that are lesbian and are also championing animal rights on top of it.

Gay rights and animal rights are first on Morrissey’s agenda, even to the point of turning a blind eye to the rest
of their manifesto, that’s if he even read it.
It all started with his comments on BBC 6 music in October 17. This was nothing to do with the press, it came straight out of Morrissey's mouth. I and others on this site were watching the live stream and many commented live on here that they can't believe he has just said that. The crowd reaction was complete silence.

"It was very interesting to me to see Anne-Marie Waters become the head of UKIP" he said.

“Oh no, sorry, she didn’t. The voting was rigged. Sorry, I forgot.”

He added: "You don’t get it do you. You obviously don’t read the news."

Greeted by silence.

His comments have not gone down well on Twitter.

"I'm fairly certain Morrissey just voiced support for Anne Marie Waters and I'm really uncomfortable about it," wrote one person.

Anti-Islam campaigner Waters was backed in her leadership bid by former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson.
I'm going to watch that BBC6 thing again as I'm sure your assertion on 'complete silence' is untrue.
I’m sure he was ‘supporting’ Waters,
he has a thing for strong women that are lesbian and are also championing animal rights on top of it.

Gay rights and animal rights are first on Morrissey’s agenda, even to the point of turning a blind eye to the rest
of their manifesto, that’s if he even read it.
Why didn't he support the Greens or Lib Dems then? Why did he support the party that doesn't like brown people?

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