Der Spiegel audio file of Morrissey interview released

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Here you go. The recording of the interview.

Der Audiomitschnitt zum SPIEGEL-Interview mit Morrissey - Spiegel Online
Sänger Morrissey fühlt sich nach einem Interview mit dem SPIEGEL falsch zitiert und will nun nie wieder mit Printmedien sprechen. Hören Sie hier den Mitschnitt des Interviews.

English version:

The Audio of DER SPIEGEL's Interview with Morrissey
British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.

On Friday, Nov. 10, DER SPIEGEL culture reporter Juliane Liebert told her editors that she had been offered an interview with British popstar Morrissey and that a decision needed to be made quickly on whether to accept. We agreed: The former lead singer of The Smiths doesn't shy away from speaking his mind - and he also doesn't grant interviews very often.

The following Monday, Liebert flew to Los Angeles, where she was to interview Morrissey on Tuesday. The interview appointment got delayed several times before finally taking place on Wednesday and lasting 40 minutes. Edited versions of interviews published in DER SPIEGEL are usually authorized by the interview subject before publication, consistent with established procedure in German journalism. But in this instance, Morrissey's team elected to forego authorization.

After its publication on Nov. 18 in DER SPIEGEL, the interview (available behind the SPIEGEL Plus paywall in German) generated headlines not only in the German-language media. English publications like the Independent also wrote about Morrissey's statements regarding Trump, Brexit, the #MeToo debate and questions of national identity.

The musician then sought to distance himself from the published interview. "Unless you see the words form in my mouth and then you see or hear the words come out of my mouth... please, if you don't see that, I didn't say them," he told fans at a concert. He said he would never grant an interview to a print journalist again.

On Monday, Morrissey followed up with a post on his official Facebook page casting doubt on whether his statements had been reflected accurately by DER SPIEGEL. He also alleged that the fact that the magazine had not yet posted the raw audio of the interview was tantamount to an indirect admission of guilt.

To counter that claim, the editors of DER SPIEGEL have decided to post the audio of the interview online.

You can listen to the interview conducted with Morrissey in Los Angeles on Nov. 15 here:

Posted by Famous when dead:

Interview mp3 - yours to keep:
(the exact file as used on the site).

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Some people. The rest of us think you're knuckle dragging f***wits that forgot that we got rich in the first place on the back of Colonalialism, slavery and the Industrial Revolution, none of which are coming back any time soon. We also notice things like the amount of immigration which is temporary and brings a shitload of money into the country.

al convey your thoughts to the girl we know who was knocked down and left for dead by the Romanian with no insurance who was over the drink drive limit only last week, luckily she will be out of hospital for xmas
Does your above statement mean that you think that sexual assault doesn't happen? "I mean are you serious?????"

Jovial talk about aggressive behavior normalizes aggressive behavior. Is there a reason you'd reprimand a child for saying such things, but it's okay when your friends do it? Because "they know better"? Clearly not, because sexual assault still happens in the droves. Am I saying that any one of your friends is going to sexually assault a woman in their lifetime? I don't know, I don't know them. But all it takes is someone socially unhinged enough to hear one of your jokes and think "Ha, yeah, it WOULD get my rocks off to do something like." And believe it or not, you're responsible for the normalization of that behavior.

You seem to be making a lot of excuses: "if my female friends say it, then it must be okay." Well, no, of course it doesn't. The same thing I said above applies. Are you really so desperate to "bond, release sexual tension, one-up" that you need to imagine violent non-consensual scenarios? Sounds like you and your friends need a different coping mechanism for your crippling levels of testosterone.
Nicely put Mr Crickson although we must accept that in Bhops mind we are 'prudes'.
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Hi Bhops,
Maybe I am bursting your bubble?
Neither at my work (I am a field engineer so I visit lots of different offices daily), nor any social gatherings would that sort of language be acceptable and I do not hear it.
And I do not agree that there is such a big gap between talk and action.
Maybe I am the exception but that is the case.
All I can say is that you must have lived a very cloistered life. And no, no bubble burst from my end.
Does your above statement mean that you think that sexual assault doesn't happen? "I mean are you serious?????"

Jovial talk about aggressive behavior normalizes aggressive behavior. Is there a reason you'd reprimand a child for saying such things, but it's okay when your friends do it? Because "they know better"? Clearly not, because sexual assault still happens in the droves. Am I saying that any one of your friends is going to sexually assault a woman in their lifetime? I don't know, I don't know them. But all it takes is someone socially unhinged enough to hear one of your jokes and think "Ha, yeah, it WOULD get my rocks off to do something like." And believe it or not, you're responsible for the normalization of that behavior.

You seem to be making a lot of excuses: "if my female friends say it, then it must be okay." Well, no, of course it doesn't. The same thing I said above applies. Are you really so desperate to "bond, release sexual tension, one-up" that you need to imagine violent non-consensual scenarios? Sounds like you and your friends need a different coping mechanism for your crippling levels of testosterone.

I find it interesting that you try and narrow this down to ‘my friends’ when I have been at pains to point out that I hear this type of talk in many different types of social settings, across different types of social stratas and BOTH sexes.
Who gives a shit about immigration there are far to many problems in this world then worry about someone migrating to my country illegally I have bills to pay and mouths to feed and provide a roof over they’re head I have to many things to worry about then an illegal immigrant that wants to come and take a Shit job that no one wanted in the first place. In all my years I have never met anyone who has lost they’re job to an illegal immigrant, major companies don’t hire illegal immigrants they go around that and out source your job to another country completely. Also to the people who protest against immigration where the f*** do you get the time to go protest because I would never have time to go protest because I’m busy working? Don’t you have jobs? Rather then worry about someone else just worry about your own shit because if you don’t no one else will.
I have no intention of bursting your bubble or making a judgement on you or your lifestyle. I'll leave that conceit to you.
It is my experience and it's valid whether you like it or not.
(Could you be mistaken? Surely not)
I have no intention of bursting your bubble or making a judgement on you or your lifestyle. I'll leave that conceit to you.
It is my experience and it's valid whether you like it or not.
(Could you be mistaken? Surely not)

No. Not sure what you mean by my ‘lifestyle’ seems like you’re making some inaccurate assumptions, but whatevs.
Who gives a shit about immigration there are far to many problems in this world then worry about someone migrating to my country illegally I have bills to pay and mouths to feed and provide a roof over they’re head I have to many things to worry about then an illegal immigrant that wants to come and take a Shit job that no one wanted in the first place. In all my years I have never met anyone who has lost they’re job to an illegal immigrant, major companies don’t hire illegal immigrants they go around that and out source your job to another country completely. Also to the people who protest against immigration where the f*** do you get the time to go protest because I would never have time to go protest because I’m busy working? Don’t you have jobs?
Excellent post.
Mass movements of people is and always has been a fact of life . This why talk of culture is such nonsense. We are always in a state of flux.
No. Not sure what you mean by my ‘lifestyle’ seems like you’re making some inaccurate assumptions, but whatevs.
I made no assumptions. You made them all. Anyway have the last word. This discussion is dull and over.
thanks for your barrage of abuse and name calling, I wont stoop so low as your level - I m used to it by now anyway being mixed raced, oh and I voted remain

You know that skin colour doesn't stop you from being racist right? You should know better to be honest, when I grew up in the 70's it would have been your family that was getting talked about in the same way that you're talking about immigrans now.
I find it interesting that you try and narrow this down to ‘my friends’ when I have been at pains to point out that I hear this type of talk in many different types of social settings, across different types of social stratas and BOTH sexes.

Oh cool. Doesn't really refute the point of the post, but thanks for your pains.
You know that skin colour doesn't stop you from being racist right? You should know better to be honest, when I grew up in the 70's it would have been your family that was getting talked about in the same way that you're talking about immigrans now.

I grew up in the 70s too Charlie, but I am not so silly to know this is not the 70s, we face different challenges and problems now, that's not to say the 70s were trouble free, of course not, I was the only mixed race kid at our school - along with a Sikh and a couple of jewish brothers, apart from school banter those days seemed trouble free, the ira may have blown u up while out shopping instead of isis = I understand the brit psychy at the min so please don't call me all those names




Some people. The rest of us think you're knuckle dragging f***wits that forgot that we got rich in the first place on the back of Colonalialism, slavery and the Industrial Revolution, none of which are coming back any time soon. We also notice things like the amount of immigration which is temporary and brings a shitload of money into the country.

That's... erm... how do I put this... wr-wr-wr-WROOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG!!!

I see you offer no statistics for your claim, so let me help you out, pal.

"European immigrants contribute £5bn to UK economy but non-EU migrants 'cost £118bn'"

The journalist tries to explain this away (unsuccessfully) later in the article with the usual reality-avoiding nonsense, but the figures are there plain on the page for anyone to see. I'll give you this though Charlie, yes some immigration does bring a "shitload of money into the country", and that's all well and good if you conveniently ignore the fact that non-EU migration takes out a tenfold-shitload amount more than it brings in.

"European immigrants contribute £5bn to UK economy but non-EU migrants 'cost £118bn'

Immigrants from Poland and the other nine countries that joined the EU in 2004 have contributed almost £5 billion more to the UK’s economy than they used in benefits and public services.

Analysis by the University College London Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration found that while the fiscal contribution by European workers was overwhelmingly positive – amounting to £20 billion in a decade – the same was not true for non-EEA arrivals.

Between 1995 and 2011, immigrants from outside the EU made a negative contribution of £118 billion over 17 years, the report found, using more publicly-funded services, including the NHS, education and benefits, than they paid in tax.
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People will value western values and culture only when they lose them. Then they will remember the good old times when women had equal rights and homosexuals were not stoned. Until people don't experience barbarism they won't understand the importance of defending western cultural values and laws.

If you doubt if you are on the good side of history, think which side defends at the same time democracy and human rights. If you are on the side that supports, promotes, protect or defends religions or ideologies that clearly states some human beings, like women, gays or non believers are per se inferior to others, then you are on the wrong side of history. Think who brought barbarism to Europe and you will understand the historical roots of that behavior.The worst you can do is to negotiate with those people, they go for everything.
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