Der Spiegel audio file of Morrissey interview released

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Here you go. The recording of the interview.

Der Audiomitschnitt zum SPIEGEL-Interview mit Morrissey - Spiegel Online
Sänger Morrissey fühlt sich nach einem Interview mit dem SPIEGEL falsch zitiert und will nun nie wieder mit Printmedien sprechen. Hören Sie hier den Mitschnitt des Interviews.

English version:

The Audio of DER SPIEGEL's Interview with Morrissey
British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.

On Friday, Nov. 10, DER SPIEGEL culture reporter Juliane Liebert told her editors that she had been offered an interview with British popstar Morrissey and that a decision needed to be made quickly on whether to accept. We agreed: The former lead singer of The Smiths doesn't shy away from speaking his mind - and he also doesn't grant interviews very often.

The following Monday, Liebert flew to Los Angeles, where she was to interview Morrissey on Tuesday. The interview appointment got delayed several times before finally taking place on Wednesday and lasting 40 minutes. Edited versions of interviews published in DER SPIEGEL are usually authorized by the interview subject before publication, consistent with established procedure in German journalism. But in this instance, Morrissey's team elected to forego authorization.

After its publication on Nov. 18 in DER SPIEGEL, the interview (available behind the SPIEGEL Plus paywall in German) generated headlines not only in the German-language media. English publications like the Independent also wrote about Morrissey's statements regarding Trump, Brexit, the #MeToo debate and questions of national identity.

The musician then sought to distance himself from the published interview. "Unless you see the words form in my mouth and then you see or hear the words come out of my mouth... please, if you don't see that, I didn't say them," he told fans at a concert. He said he would never grant an interview to a print journalist again.

On Monday, Morrissey followed up with a post on his official Facebook page casting doubt on whether his statements had been reflected accurately by DER SPIEGEL. He also alleged that the fact that the magazine had not yet posted the raw audio of the interview was tantamount to an indirect admission of guilt.

To counter that claim, the editors of DER SPIEGEL have decided to post the audio of the interview online.

You can listen to the interview conducted with Morrissey in Los Angeles on Nov. 15 here:

Posted by Famous when dead:

Interview mp3 - yours to keep:
(the exact file as used on the site).

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520 posts. That's too much to read. I'm want to read an unbiased opinion on all this, so can someone link me to Benny's comment in this thread? Thank you very much :)
I haven't. In my circles, work and social it would be unacceptable. You say you hang with people who casually brag about assaulting women? Blimey.

Look sorry to burst your bubble but this is how a lot of men talk about women, whether it be sports teams, guys at a pub or workmates over a few beers. It's a form of bonding, it's a way to release sexual tension, and often case it's also a form of oneupmanship. Maybe that doesn't sit well in your prudish bubble but talking this sort of 'grab 'em by the pussy' shit is as Trump said common locker room talk. Now does that mean that guys actually do go out grab women by their pussies? I mean are you serious?????? Have you even stopped to consider the optics of how that would look??

Now the question is would I condone that type of behavior if I then saw one of my mates go out and do that? Of course I wouldn't. There is a difference between thoughts/words and actions.

As per my post before I've also been in situations with female friends out on the ran tan and listened to them say things like they are gonna grab that hot guy over at the bar by the balls, he's a prawn, throw away the head and eat the body etc. Did i find this type of talk offensive? No, I take it for what it is, shit talking and nothing more. Amd hardly an admission of sexual assault.
I wish he’d just keep his mouth shut and let his music do the talking.

He’ll sail through this current shit storm, but he’s slowly wearing out the good will and tolerance of his fans. Worst thing of all is that he is beginning to be viewed by many as a somewhat of a joke. A part of me wishes he’d just buy himself an animal sanctuary and disappear before he does his legacy any more damage...
I don’t care about cultures because I don’t see culture I try to see people for the human beings that they are.

Sanctimonious prick, of course people have cultures, do you think all of the different nationalities that have come to the uk have just forgotten about who they are, where they are from, what their culture is? My family are immigrants to the uk and we're proud of our heritage and culture, that doesn't stop me seeing everyone as equal.

You really are the classic Liberal dumbed down idiot
It’s interesting how immigrants can become the most fanatic nationalists. Morrissey is Irish, as populist politician Geert Wilders in Holland is in fact Indonesian. What are they compensating for?

Perhaps deep down they are able to realise that a country which gave their families a chance of a new life is worth preserving.
Very bad quality sound. I had to put headphone on and volume to the maximum. About the interview itself. Well, aren't we all free to have our own opinion about things. Sorry Spiegel, but I still like Morrissey. You didn't succeed in your attempt. No with me!
Morrissey is the one who come out denying what he said calling Spiegel a liar, what are you on about?
Look sorry to burst your bubble but this is how a lot of men talk about women, whether it be sports teams, guys at a pub or workmates over a few beers. It's a form of bonding, it's a way to release sexual tension, and often case it's also a form of oneupmanship. Maybe that doesn't sit well in your prudish bubble but talking this sort of 'grab 'em by the pussy' shit is as Trump said common locker room talk. Now does that mean that guys actually do go out grab women by their pussies? I mean are you serious??????

Does your above statement mean that you think that sexual assault doesn't happen? "I mean are you serious?????"

Now the question is would I condone that type of behavior if I then saw one of my mates go out and do that? Of course I wouldn't. There is a difference between thoughts/words and actions

Jovial talk about aggressive behavior normalizes aggressive behavior. Is there a reason you'd reprimand a child for saying such things, but it's okay when your friends do it? Because "they know better"? Clearly not, because sexual assault still happens in the droves. Am I saying that any one of your friends is going to sexually assault a woman in their lifetime? I don't know, I don't know them. But all it takes is someone socially unhinged enough to hear one of your jokes and think "Ha, yeah, it WOULD get my rocks off to do something like." And believe it or not, you're responsible for the normalization of that behavior.

As per my post before I've also been in situations with female friends out on the ran tan and listened to them say things like they are gonna grab that hot guy over at the bar by the balls, he's a prawn, throw away the head and eat the body etc. Did i find this type of talk offensive? No, I take it for what it is, shit talking and nothing more. Amd hardly an admission of sexual assault.

You seem to be making a lot of excuses: "if my female friends say it, then it must be okay." Well, no, of course it doesn't. The same thing I said above applies. Are you really so desperate to "bond, release sexual tension, one-up" that you need to imagine violent non-consensual scenarios? Sounds like you and your friends need a different coping mechanism for your crippling levels of testosterone.
He should get back here then and stop f***ing up other countries' cultures by emigrating there.

Both Morrissey & Marr have been very critical of Britain since the get go, and that’s fine in itself, but it would be nice if there was a very faint understanding from them that the country they despise so much also provided somewhere for them to exploit their great talent.

& i
i'm not sorry for
for the things i've said
there's a wild man in my head
there's a wild man in my head
520 posts. That's too much to read. I'm want to read an unbiased opinion on all this, so can someone link me to Benny's comment in this thread? Thank you very much :)

Benny no comment, very telling. Benny and the hatebots have lost...



maybe Germany will give him an official day ? they should.


Both Morrissey & Marr have been very critical of Britain since the get go, and that’s fine in itself, but it would be nice if there was a very faint understanding from them that the country they despise so much also provided somewhere for them to exploit their great talent.
Is it Britain or England they seem to mouth off about?
Both Morrissey & Marr have been very critical of Britain since the get go, and that’s fine in itself, but it would be nice if there was a very faint understanding from them that the country they despise so much also provided somewhere for them to exploit their great talent.

yes, and thank their parents too for ever being born ! those ungrateful sods ! :cool:
yes, and thank their parents too for ever being born ! those ungrateful sods ! :cool:
And thank them for moving to the UK too. I very much doubt we would be having this conversation now if they didn't. :cool:
I am finding the people who are on this page more and more pathetic. Music has gotten so boring because the artists making it are often boring. I don't always agree with Morrissey, but he makes great records that are subversive, intelligent, and unique. I would bet there are a lot of artists in your collection that you may disagree with something they said. Morrissey has given us so many years of great work, this new album most definitely included. We get the artists we deserve. If we are gonna demand that everyone thinks exactly like we do, the world will become a very dreary place. I don't agree with everything Morrissey says, but who cares? He isn't enacting policy. He isnt voting for anyone or campaigning for anyone. He makes records and the records are f***ing great. The shows are great.

Take Mel Gibson, who actually said things far worse than Morrissey. I can both recognize Apocalypto as a great movie and also recognize the things he said were wrong. It's not that hard. F. Scott Fitzgerald says one who is intelligent should be able to hold two opposing views at the same time.

My beliefs would largely fall on the left. Don't try to peg me as some Trump supporter. I hate that orange clown. But the people carrying on and on about Morrissey and how terrible he is, and that they are done with him over things he just doesn't make sense to me. Are we going to have a purity test for artists? If you you better delete about half the things in your life that you find meaningful.
yes, and thank their parents too for ever being born ! those ungrateful sods ! :cool:

The point is that their best work is not inextricably linked to Galway or Cork or Drogheda, but to Manchester. Whether they like it or not they are British, and as they are both millionaires Britain has done quite well by them.

Perhaps Marr’s dislike of the British state goes back to his handling of stolen goods. Well, don’t do it, old stick. Perhaps Morrissey’s hatred for the judiciary goes back to his court case. Well, tell the truth, me old mucker. Personally, I find my interactions with the police and state mirror closely the laws I contravene.

I can fully understand why the Irish diaspora become rheumy eyed at the thought of the old country. How could you not? It’s beautiful. However, too often Morrissey in particular has butted heads with the British state and come off worse, feeding his loathing further. Had he stayed in Ireland I dare say he’d do the same there.

If you don’t want to get into trouble don’t steal Trevelyan’s corn, lads.

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