Morrissey Central "CANCEL VULTURES" (February 7, 2022)



Same YT channel as previous post.
Description says:
"Supporters of the truckers convoy joining the protest on horseback in Ottawa. The city is electric right now."

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They aren’t allowed to carry alcohol around in their body while they drive why should they be allowed to carry Covid around in it? What are they afraid of needles or something? Probably they are obviously a bunch of stupid cowards.
The vaccine doesn't protect you from Convid. Even if it did Convid has a 99.9 percent recovery rate. The pcr test is fake. 80 percent of pregnant women who took the bio weapon have had a miscarriage. I didn't name it a bioweapon the creater of MRNA did. We had tons of athlete's and celebrities that are dead. That's just the short term side effects. Cancer is going to eat you to the bone.

View attachment 79187

Same YT channel as previous post.
Description says:
"Supporters of the truckers convoy joining the protest on horseback in Ottawa. The city is electric right now."

This is a working class protest against the covid mandates ...which have devastated many...but also against the smug, predatory liberal ruling class. Morrissey knows this instinctively.
You have no idea what I know, so you'd better shut your mouth. I know what I've been told and by whom, and you coming on to some message board asking for that information ain't gonna cut it. So tough shit. No doubt you'll reply to this with cries of 'no evidence' and so on, and you can believe what you like, but I am not going to tell you what has been told to me and by whom. So tough.
suppose after years of stalking you would get to know a persons habits.
This is a working class protest against the covid mandates ...which have devastated many...but also against the smug, predatory liberal ruling class. Morrissey knows this instinctively.

From what i have seen looking around it isn't that different to the people upset about covid regulations in the UK.
A mixture of all kinds of people, good, bad, normal and mad. middle class and working class. "the people v the elites" thing gets overplayed as they don't seem to have that much support.
The vaccine doesn't protect you from Convid. Even if it did Convid has a 99.9 percent recovery rate. The pcr test is fake. 80 percent of pregnant women who took the bio weapon have had a miscarriage. I didn't name it a bioweapon the creater of MRNA did. We had tons of athlete's and celebrities that are dead. That's just the short term side effects. Cancer is going to eat you to the bone.
Hahaha! Probably the most wonderfully bonkers post of the decade. Troll.
The quote about 'the silence of our friends' seems slightly ironic to me, considering Morrissey's current means of engaging with the world.

I have no issues with him holding radically different political views than mine, but I do wish he'd have the courage to nail his colours to the mast, and provide some direct dialogue about these things. He's forever lobbing alt-right/alternative news style videos out there, but never actually comes out and saws "I support this for reasons x,y and z".

It's the same with this COVID stuff - he uses words like 'Con-vid' and posts from typirlcally anti-vaxxer sources, but he still hasn't actually come out and stated he's against vaccination. Provide some clarity please, Morrissey. Until then, people are going to assume you are one of the Trump mob, even if it's just guilt by association.
I wonder how many of those cowboys herd and brand cattle, own dairy farms, hunt for pleasure etc.?
Throw a fox in amongst all those horses and I doubt he’d be so quick to support them.

Much as I still like Morrissey’s music, I am not inclined to align myself politically with grown men living some sort of collective John Wayne fantasy. But I’ve always been a maverick…
I wonder how many of those cowboys herd and brand cattle, own dairy farms, hunt for pleasure etc.?
Throw a fox in amongst all those horses and I doubt he’d be so quick to support them.

I am not inclined to align myself politically with grown men living some sort of collective John Wayne fantasy. But I’ve always been a maverick…
a lot of people around here just own horses. my dads girlfriend owned a stable and she did nothing but offer trail rides.
I mean... the status quo is the polar opposite of what you've stated, you couldn't possibly be more wrong

How is his current stance on various issues getting him the results he so sorely wants? Think hard about your answer

Oi 'thing hard about your answer. better yet lets consult FC.

WTF is wrong with you nutters who think they know Moz or what he wants??:censored:

are all having mass hallucinations together?:hammer:
Classic deflection.

You’d better shut your mouth, that ain’t gonna cut it, tough shit, I know something you don’t know nah na-na na-nah. So tough, indeed.
As if peter has ever held back with the negative shit on here RE Moz.
I’m sure if Peter has one iota of dodgey gossip/ info, then he’d be straight on here with it ..
Come on sweetie, you really can do
Better than this .
THIS is how canadians feel. i can say with authourity that the feel good spirit of this truckers protest has been contagious--speaking, that is, as someone who actually lives here and has seen massive protests at parliament in my own city, and not just speaking out of my ass from somewhere in the uk that smells like an old decaying ship.

As if peter has ever held back with the negative shit on here RE Moz.
I’m sure if Peter has one iota of dodgey gossip/ info, then he’d be straight on here with it ..
Come on sweetie, you really can do
Better than this .
Does “grown man likes a few drinks” qualify as dodgy gossip?
THIS is how canadians feel. i can say with authourity that the feel good spirit of this truckers protest has been contagious--speaking, that is, as someone who actually lives here and has seen massive protests at parliament in my own city, and not just speaking out of my ass from somewhere in the uk that smells like an old decaying ship.

Somebody take the phone off Moz.
THIS is how canadians feel. i can say with authourity that the feel good spirit of this truckers protest has been contagious--speaking, that is, as someone who actually lives here and has seen massive protests at parliament in my own city, and not just speaking out of my ass from somewhere in the uk that smells like an old decaying ship.

We can’t move for decaying ships over here, that is true.
I‘d still take that over big, stinking piles of horse-shit every 100 yards.
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