Morrissey Central "CANCEL VULTURES" (February 7, 2022)



Same YT channel as previous post.
Description says:
"Supporters of the truckers convoy joining the protest on horseback in Ottawa. The city is electric right now."

Media item:
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Of what???
Straws to vainly clutch at in the face of an undeniable and inescapable truth that can’t be brushed aside? Absolutely, @sycophantic_slag. I went to Pride in 2016, and the way some folks got treated was disgraceful.
A group of lesbian asylum seekers who were campaigning against the co-opting of the event by the military (#noprideinwar) were spoken down to for doing so (“You will protest quietly now, won’t you?”) by a seriously jumped-up steward.
I told the steward that the previous year, they let UKIP march behind asylum seekers (despite them being excluded officially) and that 80-odd years ago, these selfsame bods would have pinned a pink triangle on him and he'd have had no say in the matter whatsoever.
His smug demeanour evaporated - replaced by the embarrassment of a home truth told to him. Even the two coppers he brought along to inflate his ego nodded in total agreement with me for what I said, as did others in the crowd.
If Dr. King Jr. was alive now, Mozzer’s fash bezzies would put on display the same contempt and hatred they have for Obama, AOC and George Floyd amongst others. Of that you can be most certain. Would a certain popster use him as a token gesture were that the case? As if!
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Why don't Morrissey just wear a Swastika button on the lapel of his jacket next time he performs so as to leave no doubt as to where exactly he stands as we don't know already?

Sure, why not? Morrissey is punk. And sadly, maybe one of the last.
Please help. Can someone explain, in simple words, what is being protested? I work so much that I don't often get to see or read the news. Thanks in advance.

They are fighting for their rights to earn a living. And fighting for their rights to chose what they do or don’t do with their own bodies.
They are fighting for their rights to earn a living. And fighting for their rights to chose what they do or don’t do with their own bodies.

They aren’t allowed to carry alcohol around in their body while they drive why should they be allowed to carry Covid around in it? What are they afraid of needles or something? Probably they are obviously a bunch of stupid cowards.
All this ceaseless to-ing & fro-ing, yet ‘Bonfire Of The Teenagers’ remains unreleased still. Life just isn’t fair….eh, Moz? ;) What’s the cause of this, it needs asking.
Well, it’s your loss that you will not hear this record and loss of this woke mob. It’s not like Morrissey is going to beg for change tomorrow if his record remains shelved.
Well, it’s your loss that you will not hear this record and loss of this woke mob. It’s not like Morrissey is going to beg for change tomorrow if his record remains shelved.
I mean... the status quo is the polar opposite of what you've stated, you couldn't possibly be more wrong

How is his current stance on various issues getting him the results he so sorely wants? Think hard about your answer
Well, it’s your loss that you will not hear this record and loss of this woke mob. It’s not like Morrissey is going to beg for change tomorrow if his record remains shelved.
Geezer, I didn’t even buy the last two, if the truth be told. I downloaded them….from a well-known source. So it’s really no skin off my nose whether or not they ever see the light of day. :brows:
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Well, at least that won't happen, because when push comes to shove, Morrissey will never put his money where the mouth is. Anyway, 87 % of the people in Ottawa want the protesters gone, so "the narrative" (a new alt-right, catchphrase I see) isn't really falling down, no matter what some people here who first heard of Morrissey three days and two stupid M-Central postings ago.
Who watches the MSM? Get your facts from youtubers and independent journalists, cretin.
Yeah. They rode their horses from Alberta to Ottawa, Ontario.

You can’t even get the basic details right but you’re hitching your wagon to the bullshit.

Two things Melvis has in common with all the protestors on Parliament Hill… 1. He hasn’t read the Canadian Constitution. 2. He’s got enough time on his hands to prance around with his gob dribbling nonsense while many go without clean drinking water and the homeless freeze and stave to death.

Stay classy!
You have no idea what I know, so you'd better shut your mouth. I know what I've been told and by whom, and you coming on to some message board asking for that information ain't gonna cut it. So tough shit. No doubt you'll reply to this with cries of 'no evidence' and so on, and you can believe what you like, but I am not going to tell you what has been told to me and by whom. So tough.
Classic deflection.

You’d better shut your mouth, that ain’t gonna cut it, tough shit, I know something you don’t know nah na-na na-nah. So tough, indeed.
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i think you'd like this lady, moz!! shes the new interim leader of the opposition and she is on fire!!!

and this amazing guy just announced hes running for prime minister!! there is hope for canada yet!!

There is hope. …just not for wanna-be populist twats. Bernier splits the votes. The CPOC is a wasteland of last-year’s soggy cereal. Have been since Harper.

There aren’t enough “Old Stock Canadians” left to support both parties. …and the coming implosion of both will be most amusing.

Know what you speak of or, kindly ZIP IT.

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