Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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So by his backwards rationale, all nations that slaughter animals for meat should be considered just as morally reprehensible as Canada. But has he boycotted every country with a meat industry? No, the hypocritical fool has not. Why? Because every country he tours and makes his millions off of has a meat industry. The only reason he's boycotting Canada (and I've said this before) is because he can still get touring dollars off of us by playing border towns like Lewiston, NY, which is only 1 minute from the Canadian border. Obviously, he cares less about animals than he does his own ego and bank account, I can assure you that, otherwise he would have retired and hid under his covers from life a long time ago. Seriously, I have very little respect remaining for "Mr. Morrissey".

So by his backwards rationale, all nations that slaughter animals for meat should be considered just as morally reprehensible as Canada. But has he boycotted every country with a meat industry? No, the hypocritical fool has not. Why? Because every country he tours and makes his millions off of has a meat industry. The only reason he's boycotting Canada (and I've said this before) is because he can still get touring dollars off of us by playing border towns like Lewiston, NY, which is only 1 minute from the Canadian border. Obviously, he cares less about animals than he does his own ego and bank account, I can assure you that, otherwise he would have retired and hid under his covers from life a long time ago. Seriously, I have very little respect remaining for "Mr. Morrissey".


And yet you are interested enough to visit Moz solo site and post comments. Why bother? I'm not saying this site should be a lickarse site like True To Nobody but it strikes me as odd the number of 'disinterested' people who keep visiting here. The sanest days are mad.
Hi All,
I was a Morrissey fan in the 80's, used to love his stuff and find him inspirational.
I've got old, he's got old, I find my views are possibly out of date with society, but then I find his views very much as the Canadian minister says, the views of someone with the luxury to be able to hold those very fashionable views, and who doesn't live in the real world.
It would be fair to say, due to his current views of the past decade at least, I don't really consider myself a fan anymore, but I do still consider him a very intelligent man, if misguided.
I've come here, because if Morrissey is making public pronouncements, there should be a forum or method for the public to respond, I do feel deeply enough that I want to respond, and if this is not a good place to respond directly, please refer me to a better place. I did search over the internet, and this is the best I came up with.
I am English, I'm from Cornwall, I support our fishermen, and fox hunters. I support Spanish bullfighters, I support Canadian seal hunters. We are humankind, we are lucky enough that we are almost top of the food tree (barring aliens and viruses). We are not demi-gods, we do not make the laws of physics or the laws of nature, rather we adapt to them as best we can. It is our place to kill and use animals in whatever way that is advantageous to our species. The day the flu virus develops a sense of compassion towards young or elderly humans is the day it can kiss goodbye to its future survival. The day the lion on the Serengeti plains decides to stop hunting zebras out of sentimentality is the day its species dies. The point being, yes Morrissey's views are very much sentimentalist, bleeding heart views that bear little relation to what's really going on in the world and in my opinion would only kill our species if we were to adopt his way of thinking, as we would become decadent like the Romans whose civilisation came crashing down around their ears as they lived the good live with wine, orgies and feasting.
If Morrissey wants to do some good in the world, how about some love towards fellow man?
What about the children in Syria?
Not fashionable enough?
Would helping them in some way actually be too much hard work and take some real sincerity?
The children in Syria are pretty much going through the same experiences, just as helpless, and are human.
Point is, mankind don't even have our own house in order, let alone deciding its time to get sentimental on some random animal slaying.
How about starting with the priorities?
I still don't understand why a man who can afford endless shopping sprees at Whole Foods and a private chef continues to eat dairy. He's given up eggs, and the Meet your Meat video has a section on dairy cows. He knows the extreme cruelty of the industry, which is tied to the veal he so hates. I just don't get it.

Neither do I. Dairy foods are just "liquid meats". Their impact on health, animal welfare and the environment is quite the same.
I agree that Moz is kidding himself by thinking that supporting the dairy industry is okay. That's one thing about Moz that makes no sense. When I started the "Moz Go Vegan" campaign, he responded with the "Alma Matters" video portraying me as a skinhead yelling at him while he ate cereal with bovine lactation, so he dumped the bowl of cereal with the bovine lactation on the skinhead. What a goof. (I'm so vain; I probably think that video is about me. LOL.) Remember when he said he puts bovine lactation in his tea? What's that all about? Then he said he makes the tea weak by skimming the bag across the surface of the water. Huh? Then his friend who likes tea said she doesn't approve of tea bags. LOL. He is so obsessed with tea he travels with a tea pot.

But Moz is still a hero, none-the-less.

I still don't understand why a man who can afford endless shopping sprees at Whole Foods and a private chef continues to eat dairy. He's given up eggs, and the Meet your Meat video has a section on dairy cows. He knows the extreme cruelty of the industry, which is tied to the veal he so hates. I just don't get it.
The children in Syria are pretty much going through the same experiences, just as helpless, and are human.
Point is, mankind don't even have our own house in order, let alone deciding its time to get sentimental on some random animal slaying.
How about starting with the priorities?

'Human' in itself doesn't mean anything yet. It's very difficult if not impossible to find rational arguments for the idea that human suffering automatically matters more than, say, seal suffering. If the biological capacity to suffer is the same, then that should be the factor that matters the most.

This said, luckily, we can choose to care about all suffering. Phew. "Compassion for animals doesn’t drain away some finite reserve of moral energy and idealism, to the detriment of human welfare, but surely adds to the supply."
I notice the pope has not awarded our fat face supa-hero Stemo the title St Steven of the animals for getting his hands dirty on the front line in his long drawn out campaign to help seals by refusing to perform in Canada. Fair enough but they could of bent some rules and give Ste Mo a box of keys to add to his key collection.

I will be going on the annual sea bass fish soon which will be me Mrs Benny and my two princes fishing off my secret location in Wales for big fat tasty bass coming in on the tide to look for fish to eat. We shall cast our lures repeatedly and real in some big fat ones it never fails, once landed if it's big enough I shall remove the hook and hit the bass over the temple with my trusted 'priest' and bleed it, back at the caravan I shall clean and prepare it for the evening barbecue !
So my question is am I just as bad as a Canadian seal thumper ?

"I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know ".

Yet Mr Morrissey it seems you know nothing about cruelty to animals in other parts of the world, countries you have performed in and continue to perform in, why is this so ?
Is it the case that world animal cruelty and suffering is none of your business and you take "The man on the galloping horse " approach when you drive the covered wagon through to these venues ? You stated you had fell in love with Japan did'nt you ?

Judge weeks was right all along.



Yes, you are.

I will be going on the annual sea bass fish soon which will be me Mrs Benny and my two princes fishing off my secret location in Wales for big fat tasty bass coming in on the tide to look for fish to eat. We shall cast our lures repeatedly and real in some big fat ones it never fails, once landed if it's big enough I shall remove the hook and hit the bass over the temple with my trusted 'priest' and bleed it, back at the caravan I shall clean and prepare it for the evening barbecue !
So my question is am I just as bad as a Canadian seal thumper ?



Benny, the lemmings will only chime in to bash you or claim you have no right to criticize Morrissey if you are a true fan. You are expected to accept everything he says and does as infallible words to live by.

The sad thing is that people like that arse-kissing fans like TRB from another site who puts down or censors anyone who says even one word contrary to Morrissey's words will start trouble with innocent Canadian singers because he has no clue about history or beliefs. This guy is a total fool who would believe anything Morrissey says--and rally for him--no matter what. What kind of a free thinker is that?

Morrissey's music was once a great thing--with witty lyrics and solid musicians. As soon as he starts to chime in on politics or other issues, he sounds like a grumpy old man--which he is. He has positioned himself with some very poor musicians and that does not bode well for him. But, if sales are down, he will say or do something controversial like Madonna or Gaga--oh how predictable. Oh how sad we are!
As Morrissey is thinking on your behalf, you've no need to trouble yourself with the nuances of this debate any further. Her reply made sense from her current understanding of the issues, but you were unable to understand it. That's your challenge, not hers. Morrissey certainly attracts intellectual heavy-weights and you, 'gonzax' are a prize example of the cognitive calibre of his 'fans'.

Interesting how you justify her stance on the basis of "her current understanding of the issues" yet slag anyone with your pompous waffle who agrees with morrissey's " current understanding of the issues"
Your current understanding of any issue only ever sits squarely opposite to whatever the man expresses. Hunched over your sweaty keyboard constantly reacting reacting reacting, anything to prove to the world you are most definitely not, despite The endless hours devoted to his fan site, a morrissey fan.
The world won't listen bummie.
Seriously, I love the man, but he is such a f***ing hypocrite, it makes it hard. He's been droning on about this Canadian seal thing for years and years, yet he plays places like Japan? A country that has been responsible for the largest whale and dolphin holocaust the planet has ever seen? Let not forget his comments, about the great country of Japan:

"I fell in love anew with Japan. It hit me like a lightning thrust, and I woke each day eager for the love of it all; a civility unlike anywhere else on earth. America could never catch up, and England could never be in the race in the first place. By comparison, England is a country of condemnations, whereas America is a country of exclusions, with the obvious inequality of all. Japan has the most finely perceptive culture I have ever known, and I am thrilled to witness the emergence of broad and wide vegetarian options on all restaurant menus, as the dumb misery of eating death recedes. Record shops also continue to exist in Japan - most notably Tower Records, where we are allowed to remember the joy of 'accidental discovery'."

I mean, how can anyone be that ignorant? Yeah, those poor Canadian seals, but what about the thousands of dolphins and whales Japan has unapologetically murdered in the last decade? What about the fact that he will happily play in Denmark, a country where they murder whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands entirely for fun and tradition? They still cull seals in the UK you know, Morrissey? I really don't understand this man's thought process sometimes. The guy obviously has some sort of agenda against Canada, and no, I am not Canadian. Japan thanks you Morrissey, but how can you sleep at night spouting this nonsense about Canadian seals when Japan has been bathing in the blood of whales and dolphins for years.[

How can he sleep at night?
Are you serious?
So he makes a stand against the worst government funded animal slaughter on the planet and oiks like you jump to attack him for not making a bigger stand?.
He sleeps knowing he's making some attempt at drawing attention to this barbarity, what have you done?
Side with the three wise monkeys; bummie bitcher and barley born if you must or have nothing to offer but please think about what you're moaning about.
Benny, the lemmings will only chime in to bash you or claim you have no right to criticize Morrissey if you are a true fan. You are expected to accept everything he says and does as infallible words to live by.

The sad thing is that people like that arse-kissing fans like TRB from another site who puts down or censors anyone who says even one word contrary to Morrissey's words will start trouble with innocent Canadian singers because he has no clue about history or beliefs. This guy is a total fool who would believe anything Morrissey says--and rally for him--no matter what. What kind of a free thinker is that?

Morrissey's music was once a great thing--with witty lyrics and solid musicians. As soon as he starts to chime in on politics or other issues, he sounds like a grumpy old man--which he is. He has positioned himself with some very poor musicians and that does not bode well for him. But, if sales are down, he will say or do something controversial like Madonna or Gaga--oh how predictable. Oh how sad we are!

I just think Benny's a bit of a twat. What Morrissey says or does is irrelevant in that.
Benny, the lemmings will only chime in to bash you or claim you have no right to criticize Morrissey if you are a true fan. You are expected to accept everything he says and does as infallible words to live by.

The sad thing is that people like that arse-kissing fans like TRB from another site who puts down or censors anyone who says even one word contrary to Morrissey's words will start trouble with innocent Canadian singers because he has no clue about history or beliefs. This guy is a total fool who would believe anything Morrissey says--and rally for him--no matter what. What kind of a free thinker is that?

Morrissey's music was once a great thing--with witty lyrics and solid musicians. As soon as he starts to chime in on politics or other issues, he sounds like a grumpy old man--which he is. He has positioned himself with some very poor musicians and that does not bode well for him. But, if sales are down, he will say or do something controversial like Madonna or Gaga--oh how predictable. Oh how sad we are!

Agrees with you about TRB.He also knows the truth about where that blue rose idea actually originated but wants to somehow continue to spread a lie about it because he feels like he is the originator of that stolen idea.He claims to be "nice" as though he does not stalk anyone or everyone on Twitter that Morrissey mentions in a public manner.Nobody asked him to be a stalking thug.He is only doing this because he is no better than what he likes to believe other fans are. He seems like a major jerk who is kind of clueless and it makes virtually no sense why he would blindly follow what someone else says who he cannot even verify but long time fans of Morrissey apparently need to be on his same level of idiocy or he will delete it because that is what he thinks Morrissey wants to hear. If I were a famous person I would probably not find it impressive to talk to people who think they constantly had to say the right thing to me without a thought of their own.He is self centered and self serving. Not very diverse and really comes off as not seeming terribly bright.Fake nice. Probably married with children and all of a sudden Morrissey mentions being humasexual and then has a man crush.Pathetic.The already more open minded people he feels the need to step on to make himself feel better, especially people who had been there and done that already way back in the day or people who were and are always just being themself.I'm glad his man pubes are coming in now that he is older but his self discovery doesn't have to include putting down other individuals .I am sure people remember all of the delusions Morrissey has inspired in others over the years going way back to the eighties .Why would anyone want to disclose their identity to this person when they will just get stalked.People come from all different backgrounds and beliefs. Nullifying that and insisting their are only twelve real fans is ridiculous. Morrissey has more than twelve fans or he wouldn't flying off to France to record an album.He is no better than the people he says he dislikes.
I feel quite ignorant in all this open university diatribe...insert reference... insert wiki...
I have been happily vegetarian prior to Meat is Murder.
I find myself feeling awful when whoever highlights suffering of any kind.
Yet, the social construct I live in is concretely rooted in the mass eating/killing/using of animals.
I can not leave my house without some animal product meeting my eyes. I can't access any form of transport or shop anywhere that is going to make animal advocates happy.
The whole infrastructure around me in Birmingham, UK is built around aspects of humans bullying/utilising creatures and resources to their own ends (much like it has been in developing places for hundreds/thousands of years).
As an indication of minority view: over 60million people in the UK - less than 2 million identify themselves as muslim or jewish via the census... vegan voices are probably more minority than this - hence nobody listens to even well made points about cruelty.
So really, I'm at a loss as to how all these empassioned, overly-verbose emotive remarks are going to change a thing.
Even Moz making comments that some like and some hate will never address these deep rooted issues which when taken to extremes gives us seal, whale, bear abuse et al... but no real solution to the problem exists that will ever happen - except some really well thought out (if mildly abusive) comments sparked by a singer's behaviour.
Not really change the world stuff is it?
People can't even get off their apathetic arses to vote in a human participatory democracy, let alone become enlightened to other sentient beings... won't ever happen in our lifetimes - even with this forum to vent.
Born and braised...
Agrees with you about TRB.He also knows the truth about where that blue rose idea actually originated but wants to somehow continue to spread a lie about it because he feels like he is the originator of that stolen idea.He claims to be "nice" as though he does not stalk anyone or everyone on Twitter that Morrissey mentions in a public manner.Nobody asked him to be a stalking thug.He is only doing this because he is no better than what he likes to believe other fans are. He seems like a major jerk who is kind of clueless and it makes virtually no sense why he would blindly follow what someone else says who he cannot even verify but long time fans of Morrissey apparently need to be on his same level of idiocy or he will delete it because that is what he thinks Morrissey wants to hear. If I were a famous person I would probably not find it impressive to talk to people who think they constantly had to say the right thing to me without a thought of their own.He is self centered and self serving. Not very diverse and really comes off as not seeming terribly bright.Fake nice. Probably married with children and all of a sudden Morrissey mentions being humasexual and then has a man crush.Pathetic.The already more open minded people he feels the need to step on to make himself feel better, especially people who had been there and done that already way back in the day or people who were and are always just being themself.I'm glad his man pubes are coming in now that he is older but his self discovery doesn't have to include putting down other individuals .I am sure people remember all of the delusions Morrissey has inspired in others over the years going way back to the eighties .Why would anyone want to disclose their identity to this person when they will just get stalked.People come from all different backgrounds and beliefs. Nullifying that and insisting their are only twelve real fans is ridiculous. Morrissey has more than twelve fans or he wouldn't flying off to France to record an album.He is no better than the people he says he dislikes.

Who is TRB?
Who is TRB?

the douche bag who writes a Morrissey blog to support the fandom of twelve people only. They have created the Blue Rose Society and delegated rankings of people within that structure based on an anonymous comment a veg woman who is an ex goth from the midwest who was a fan of Morrissey made .They use this to gain attention at concerts.It makes them feel special that they have a gimmick and can talk amongst themselves about this .They treated the same person who fleetingly made a comment about blue roses like crap to support their cause and make their presence known. they inflated the whole ordeal because it makes them feel "Special" while using it as a way to alienate other people and make an ass out of themself.
the douche bag who writes a Morrissey blog to support the fandom of twelve people only. They have created the Blue Rose Society and delegated rankings of people within that structure based on an anonymous comment a veg woman who is an ex goth from the midwest who was a fan of Morrissey made .They use this to gain attention at concerts.It makes them feel special that they have a gimmick and can talk amongst themselves about this .They treated the same person who fleetingly made a comment about blue roses like crap to support their cause and make their presence known. they inflated the whole ordeal because it makes them feel "Special" while using it as a way to alienate other people and make an ass out of themself.

Oh, thanks. What do the initials TRB stand for?

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