It pains me to see good loyal fans take this Central post as some sort of sign that BOT will now get released.
This changes nothing. Morrissey's reputation is as low as it can possibly be throughout the recording industry.
Worthwhile remembering there was one person only who botched BOT being released- Morrissey.
Who was it that said they wouldn’t be surprised if Moz ends up having to tour with Robbie Williams to get big uk audiences and a record deal again ? Im starting to think that is the case
In the past he wouldn’t be seen dead with Robbie or Miley. He knew they were pop garbage but after seeing the emails to capital and his desperate attempt to gaslight the suit , simply so he could ride MCs coat tails . I bet he doesn’t like her even
It was just to say “ look at me with a big American star “ . Basically an extension of California Son,. So even though he isn’t keen on Robbie , his desperation might mean he would take the cash and the hope of a bigger audience. I wouldn’t be surprised anymore . Especially as Robbie’s Netflix thing has given him some clout and even though Robbie has a much bigger audience than him and is liked , would still be in awe of Moz as he is a fan. to the point of having plastic surgery to try to look like him. Moz and him do kinda look a little like each other these days. in terms of ,build , coloring and certain fashion choices. In spite of all Robbie’s surgery , they still don’t like each other in face of course , they have very different faces . Robbie has Freddy Stars face . lol .
The fact that Robbie is a fan of his and is in awe means Moz would have power over him and could lord it .and we all know moz loves to lord it and feel above folk .
Sad thing is it wasn’t Billy Bragg and the. For Britain thing that lost all the fans. he has lost . It was all these little games and lies and stupid posts on Central ( even if not by him the website is his official one , so in his name ) and utter contempt for his fans..
He has ended up looking like a bitter , childish, empty old man to most people
Where as once he was considered up there with Bowie and Dylan , now people think Liam and Robbie have more about them than him, It’s a shocking turn of events .
The real shame is he still has a great voice he still has it in him to make a brilliant song and do a good show . But it’s like he can’t reach the man he used to be . He trusted all the wrong people. Imagine what could have been if he would have done the tour and a record with Johnny in 2009 . He would have put out great Top tunes, his audience that were falling off again after ROT would have got bigger . shows would have been mega , Johnny would have kept him right. Instead he went on tour with Jesse who uses him and had KY who hated him and told loads of fans this in private messages. Then along came SER to help demolish his visual style and image. No wonder his mental health got bad around 2010 and 2015
The cherry on the cake is Dodders, a hired gun PR writer who has no real understanding and keeps rewriting the same kind of article This reflects badly on Moz
I really hope he takes sone time out and gets it together