Morrissey Central "Another one bites the dust." (January 3, 2023)


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is this good or bad? i dont understand the charts
In the real world it means nothing, nobody cares! Music is either good or bad, most of his is good, I'll listen to it anyway and his other fans will too - the only effect it has is airplay which generally means more sales/streams.

For Morrissey it's life or death, he releases something, loads up Netscape Navigator, goes to the charts, looks at number one, realises it's not him and says "how do they get the order wrong every time I release something!"

Sam turns the monitor upside down and morrissey says "oh, they fixed it!"
I don't know if I'm one of the "red button" brigade.

He should sit himself down and have a quiet word with himself. If he can't accept that the music industry has changed massively since his first contract with Rough Trade, no one owes him a living or going to promote his career on the same level as Swift or Sheeran, then he might as well pack it in and just do a greatest hits tour every couple of years.
I’m not convinced he wants it anymore. But I suspect he knows he’d miss the attention.

I dare say he sees the pursuit of infamy as some form of compromise: he gets to further the perception that he’s a single-minded ‘outsider’ artist without taking responsibility for the stasis of his creative career.

I’d take a greatest hits tour every couple of years, at the moment. Particularly if he could recognise (this time) that Paris was neither great nor a hit.
Weirdly, the entire world seems to be adopting the Morrissey ‘red-button’ approach to inconvenience, disagreement and frustration. Members on this site (though it has never been a place of harmony) now seem equally disposed to nuclear options, judging from several posts I’ve just read.

Many artists, at this stage in their career, can rely on their live performances to maintain some profile—so he’d do well repair his reputation for playing truant. Obviously he won’t though: those France and Belgium dates will surely get the two fingered salute?
I agree with that .
I would love to take the daughter to shows in UK and Europe but it takes planning and you can make all these plans and spend thousands just to get a social media update saying " M is not playing tonight " then you hear he's well enough to go on the lash. When I was 30 I thought it meant M was bad ass . Now I just think hes a bit of selfish twat and couldn't give a shit about his fans .
The fact he thinks it's cool to say "sorry my LP cover was shit. Someone else done it " I mean , do it the f*** yourself you lazy loveless twat
I agree with that .
I would love to take the daughter to shows in UK and Europe but it takes planning and you can make all these plans and spend thousands just to get a social media update saying " M is not playing tonight " then you hear he's well enough to go on the lash. When I was 30 I thought it meant M was bad ass . Now I just think hes a bit of selfish twat and couldn't give a shit about his fans .
The fact he thinks it's cool to say "sorry my LP cover was shit. Someone else done it " I mean , do it the f*** yourself you lazy loveless twat
I never understood his hatred towards original Kill Uncle and Maladjusted covers. I mean yeah he's bitter that he didn't have full control over them but Kill Uncle artwork he later revised looks like he's doing gymnastics in front of a public toilet. And the revised Maladjusted looks like a soft jazz album. He's the very same man who created the most iconic album/single artworks, with carefully curated typography and groove etchings. I don't understand how he let go.
I never understood his hatred towards original Kill Uncle and Maladjusted covers. I mean yeah he's bitter that he didn't have full control over them but Kill Uncle artwork he later revised looks like he's doing gymnastics in front of a public toilet. And the revised Maladjusted looks like a soft jazz album. He's the very same man who created the most iconic album/single artworks, with carefully curated typography and groove etchings. I don't understand how he let go.

He will never not have it. Steve is the best. I love that guy.
But the 72nd place is far from the top positions. because does it publish that it is in that position?????? :eek: :unsure:
In the real world it means nothing, nobody cares! Music is either good or bad, most of his is good, I'll listen to it anyway and his other fans will too - the only effect it has is airplay which generally means more sales/streams.

For Morrissey it's life or death, he releases something, loads up Netscape Navigator, goes to the charts, looks at number one, realises it's not him and says "how do they get the order wrong every time I release something!"

Sam turns the monitor upside down and morrissey says "oh, they fixed it!"
i love you,bear face :lbf:
Let Me Kiss You was the last song I remember being impressed with the lyrics. Everything since is so half arsenal.
My Facebook pages are littered with thank you for your support messages and what's coming up in 2023 from bands that I follow. All I saw from Morrissey was a link to Mporium advertising a sale. He literally does f*** all to help keep himself relevant, so why does he expect a higher chart placing?
Wrong or right I understand his reluctance to engage with the music press... but yes, he also largely ignores all the low-hanging fruit of interacting directly with his audience (no music press needed) through channels like Social Media and YouTube.
Wrong or right I understand his reluctance to engage with the music press... but yes, he also largely ignores all the low-hanging fruit of interacting directly with his audience (no music press needed) through channels like Social Media and YouTube.

Yes it's really not difficult, Tim Booth from James posted this simple message today and its had 15k views already.

If Morrissey didn’t put out such trite then obviously the chart position would be higher. I mean “the game I play is older than America”. Come on, Up the game, don’t sing about it.
Hilariously, you haven't even managed to pick the correct lyrics. This is a totally different track.
I don't think there is any coming back from the events of 2022
At first, it looked like this would be a great year for Morrissey, but he f***ed it all up as usual. In no particular order-
The live shows were going great, he starts canceling, even walked off the stage.
He got a record deal, then starts endlessly whining that is majesty is not being properly respected.
Announces dates or announces dates will be announced, backtracked on the UK dates, never mentioned the France dates again.
Fires his management
Fires his record company
That cringe interview with Fiona
Other cringe Fiona things
Fiona goes after Miley Cyrus on twitter
Morrissey complains about Miley Cyrus on Central
Morrissey apparently breaks an agreement to leave her uncredited which starts an avalanche of legal bullshit
Miley Cyrus ignores him
He can't get his record distributed
He is recording another album with no idea how it will be distributed
He is just poison now, he has ruined everything he's touched

When did Central/he mention UK tour dates? They must have been removed sharpish because I never got my beady eye on them. Did see the ones for France and Belgium, though, was it around the same time?

And yeh, it's extremely weird, but sadly no longer unexpected, that the dates for the French-speaking gigs have never been mentioned again despite saying the actual "finalised" dates would be released last week.
mimimi...our beloved, offended crooner is back in the new year.
He can't age in dignity. Ask Nick Cave if he has ANY interest in ANY charts?? He's doing his stuff (newly celebrated god's services during his shows) and that's it. Charts are for young people. Mozzer, you don't have to prove anything. You were the Mastermind of the SMITHS!!! Isn't that enough? You had a 30y solo career. You have fans around the world. You have enough money. Who f***ing cares about "charts"?????
The loan of your neat screenshot, FWD, could be taken in the spirit of, imitation - or copying and pasting - being the sincerest form of flattery! Re. who's buttering whose bread though, I guess Morrissey is the prime mover, from whom Msolo is a beneficial derivative?

And Johnny, the phrase about biting dust has a separate existence to Queen's song, having previously referred to gunslingers and cowboys who had fallen in the Western film genre.

The single may not have hit the top ten spot, but 'tain't oblivion either.
Now dry your tears, my dear...
mimimi...our beloved, offended crooner is back in the new year.
He can't age in dignity. Ask Nick Cave if he has ANY interest in ANY charts?? He's doing his stuff (newly celebrated god's services during his shows) and that's it. Charts are for young people. Mozzer, you don't have to prove anything. You were the Mastermind of the SMITHS!!! Isn't that enough? You had a 30y solo career. You have fans around the world. You have enough money. Who f***ing cares about "charts"?????

Him, apparently. But I agree. I would think that nowadays it's more of a sign of the quality of your music if it remains outside the charts. They are full of shit anyway.

Moz is pretty much one of the few more "mainstream" artists I play, using "mainstream" as the relative term that it is, so I don't pay any attention whatsoever to the charts and generally find that most people when they ask what I listen to have never heard of most artists/bands. To be honest, I don't mind it this way at all. Not an issue to me.

The charts have and always were a fad cooked up by the industry to increase sales. It has nothing to do with anything else really. And the tracks/albums/artists are certainly not chosen by fans/listeners the vast majority of the time.

It isn't going to help matters that the production was simply disastrous. Love the track; it was fantastic live, but he's losing more than just his patience if he thinks that this is acceptable retail quality in this day and age.
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