Morrissey Central "And In The End" (March 16, 2020)

UPDATE Mar. 17:

As originally suggested by lanterns and noticed by Mozmar, the title of the post on Morrissey Central has been updated with an additional comma (and ellipsis, capitalization?): "AND, IN THE END ...".

Morrissey Central: "And In The End"


"Leeds … just fantastic … I couldn't have wished for more.

Cologne … incredible … I couldn't have hoped for more.

London … phenomenal … I couldn't have prayed for more.

Thanks to everyone who came along … thanks for all that you give. It's beyond inspiring for me to see so many people who REFUSE to be dogs on chains."

Morrissey, 15 March 2020.

I AM NOT A DOG ON A CHAIN will be unchained at HMV, Rough Trade, Amazon, and other intelligent outlets.
The album is available as a gatefold CD, a cassette, a black vinyl LP, and a limited see-through vinyl LP.

Thank you for your support !

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Nor will you ever, perhaps not till his lips are shut good and proper? Yet, here, you get energy from him, you return for more of what he is doing, what he has done, he is inside you, and you portray your addiction to him outwardly as hatred for a man you secretly wish you could become...

Wish to become? Get the 4ck :handpointup:

I and many others invested a lot of time and money into this CrankFraud act/performance . It has now sold its soul to the devil. Cashed in and defected for a lifestyle of luxury. It’s forgotten it’s faithful roots but the roots haven’t forgot and won’t go away.
I’m going nowhere fast until the nails are firmly hammered into the wanker’s coffin.

Must dash (yikes)
My online stalker has turned up to go toe to toe and beat me up.
Somebody help me please, I’m begging you.
He’s such a bully ! ! !

What a stupid 4ckin prick :laughing:
Bashing his tiny 4cking brain cells to bits trying to get my attention.:clap:

Must dash (yikes)
My online stalker has turned up to go toe to toe and beat me up.
Somebody help me please, I’m begging you.
He’s such a bully ! ! !

What a stupid 4ckin prick :laughing:
Bashing his tiny 4cking brain cells to bits trying to get my attention.:clap:

It’s clear to see you panic bought all the alcohol at Aldi, and swallowed the lot... did you not manage to get enough down your neck whilst pretending to be at ahem... Leeds last weekend! Really come on eh.... even you with your arrogance couldn’t pull that one off and even try to make it believable , not whilst on community service!!!!
Wish to become? Get the 4ck :handpointup:

I and many others invested a lot of time and money into this CrankFraud act/performance . It has now sold its soul to the devil. Cashed in and defected for a lifestyle of luxury. It’s forgotten it’s faithful roots but the roots haven’t forgot and won’t go away.
I’m going nowhere fast until the nails are firmly hammered into the wanker’s coffin.


More the fool you then mate.
Nor will you ever, perhaps not till his lips are shut good and proper? Yet, here, you get energy from him, you return for more of what he is doing, what he has done, he is inside you, and you portray your addiction to him outwardly as hatred for a man you secretly wish you could become...
...and here you waste what’s - apparently - valuable choda-licking time - commenting on the comments of people who disagree with you. People you know f***-all about. It’s telling, to say the least.

Carry on, li’l soldier.
EL gobierno ingles subestima el tema serio serio del coronavirus,estoy en Argentina y aca solo hay casos importados de europa y china y se estan tomando medidas serias para evitar que ocurra lo de ITalia y España,aca nos llegan noticias de colegas medicos de Inglaterra que dicen que alli no lo estan tomando en serio y eso es grave porque este virus deja secuelas ,si no mata deja fibrosis pulmonar,que es tejido cicatrizal que reemplaza al tejido funcional pulmonar llamado parenquima pulmonar,eso significa que los pulmones quedan con menos funcionamiento de por vida,lo cual equivale a una calidad de vida disminuida en los que se curan, ademas se estan viendo casos de reinfeccion,osea gente que tuvo la infeccion no quedarian inmunes ,se vuelven a enfermar por eso es muy serio mucho mas de lo que el vulgo cree ,,deben cuidarse y reflexionar al respecto,y en cuanto a la conducta de Morrissey de toser me parece que fue algo criticable quiero a Moz pero noo eso estuvo de mas MOZ si lees esto creo que tu accion correcta hubiera sido mostrar en un video todas las consecuencias que traen los malos habitos que tienen ciertas culturas que consumen carne de animales silvestres y referirte a que de alli salio el virus y que esto es lo verdaderamente condenable ,y que no son solo los sucios chinos ... TE admiro muchoo pero aca estuviste flojo,reflexion reflexion, espero que traduzcan lo que he escrito ,y vos Moz tenes latinos ahi que saben español que te lo lean y que lo pienses .y que estes bien,te quiero mucho por eso creo que hay que marcar los errores de la gente que uno aprecia ,estoy un poquito enojada porque ese que tosio no es mi Moz ,deberias asesorarte mejor yo creo que si fuera vos no hubiera hecho Londres,pero ya fue,adelante con la vida y a cuidarse ,todos todos debemos aprender de este feo virus...nadie esta totalmente a salvo ,todo es relativo en esta vida pero todos iremos tarde o temprano al mismo lugar BARRO TAL VEZ?!!!SI .BESOS A MOZUCHIS!!!
Alguien sabe donde esta Morrissey, en England o en Los Angeles? Nadie se pregunta donde esta Moz???Porfavor alguien podra dejar de ignorarme,???????
Wish to become? Get the 4ck :handpointup:

I and many others invested a lot of time and money into this CrankFraud act/performance . It has now sold its soul to the devil. Cashed in and defected for a lifestyle of luxury. It’s forgotten it’s faithful roots but the roots haven’t forgot and won’t go away.
I’m going nowhere fast until the nails are firmly hammered into the wanker’s coffin.


Says the self-appointed Rosa Parks of Morrissey Solo. No one cares about your old man frothing at the mouth mutterings. Go home and play your George Michael boxed set.
What the 4ck are you on about? You do realise your post makes no 4ckin sense whatsoever.
Artists being envious of Steve’s freedom? Who are these artists? I want to know so I can tell them what a bunch of 4ckin wet pussies they are. POST THE LIST.
Moving on. You’re happy with freedom of speech and for Steven to have it BUT ! !
[The elephant in the room bit :brows: ] As far as social media and The Guardian are concerned they can get 4ckd.

Do us all a favour pal and come back when you know what the 4ck you’re talking about.


Yes, Benny. We look to your posts every day for '4ckin sense'. You set the template.
I'm all for freedom of speech - but what I object to is trying to shut someone down - that's what they want to do to Moz. They want to 'no platform' him as an artist. That's not freedom of speech. I'm just f***ing glad that it hasn't worked. Feels good, doesn't it? That people can think for themselves?
Wish to become? Get the 4ck :handpointup:

I and many others invested a lot of time and money into this CrankFraud act/performance . It has now sold its soul to the devil. Cashed in and defected for a lifestyle of luxury. It’s forgotten it’s faithful roots but the roots haven’t forgot and won’t go away.
I’m going nowhere fast until the nails are firmly hammered into the wanker’s coffin.


I don't think you realise how life works, do you?

When you "invest a lot of time and money" in something/someone that ends up letting you down, you need to take a deep breath, admit that you were duped, and walk away. It's hard, but your soul will thank you when you're on your deathbed.

:scissors::greatbritain::scissors:? (in case you only understand pictures)
" It's beyond inspiring for me to see so many people who REFUSE to be dogs on chains."

With all due respect but his mental condition is getting worse. And this is a fact.
Sad to say...
How once I was in love with him ...:grimacing:
Get a grip.
When he compared the Utoya island massacre to KFC and Mc Donalds, I was on his side. When he broke the concert in Warsaw, I went to the next concert in Krakow. But now, risking the health of thousands of fans just for money ... It's hard to deal with it. It's hard to understand that your biggest "idol" is just a cynic and hypocrite. Dark days are coming...
Lighten up misery guts!?
Wish to become? Get the 4ck :handpointup:

I and many others invested a lot of time and money into this CrankFraud act/performance . It has now sold its soul to the devil. Cashed in and defected for a lifestyle of luxury. It’s forgotten it’s faithful roots but the roots haven’t forgot and won’t go away.
I’m going nowhere fast until the nails are firmly hammered into the wanker’s coffin.

Loony alert!!!

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