I really don't know why more people aren't capable of grasping this. Or why some simply refuse to admit it.
Morrissey wants us to believe that he is the unluckiest man in the world in that he just happens to keep encountering intransigent record labels, greedy band members and that every single journalist he speaks to is incapable of reporting his words accurately.
The truth is that he is the problem. Maybe not always, but probably in about 90% of the cases.
He has a persecution complex the size of the moon. He demands that record companies must flock to him and beg for his signature, as if he still has the same relevancy and goodwill in 2024 as he did in 1988 or 1994.
Time moves on. But he doesn't.
He has an uncanny knack of engineering controversy and drama when it isn't warranted. And when he gets a bit of push back due to his behaviour, he goes into full deflection, woe is me mode.
His last few albums have sold poorly. His touring reputation is in the gutter due to all the no shows. His name is mud within the industry largely because of the - ahem - truculent attitude he displays when dealing with labels and managers.