Morrissey Central "A RUSH AND A PUSH AND THE MUSIC IS OURS" (April 19, 2024)


Morrissey has paid the exit fee to Capitol Records in order to return both WORLD PEACE IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and BONFIRE OF TEENAGERS albums back to him.
"It's been a long, hard, bloody war. Few would make it out alive, and … I'm no exception," he has commented.
Morrissey remains unsigned.

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Call the police,
cos things are getting ugly
get on your feet,
I want you running with me
do what you like,
say what you mean
do what you please

ahhhhh we'll set the streets on fire
and when it comes on top
we'll give it lots of aggro
we're giving it lots of aggro

blood on the streets,
you see the trouble happening
get on your feet,
you see the crowds are gathering
do what you like,
say what you mean
do what you please

Just about says it all. :(
No. You don't understand me correctly.
Boil it all down - people behave in this way when they are frightened. Mass immigration has changed Britain - and the vast majority of people are worried about the impact it has had on social cohesion and the safety of women and girls in particular. But the narrative is - you are not allowed to talk about that, diversity is strength, don't look back in anger. BOT very well captures that disjuncture. That's what I mean by its prescience.
The left recklessly and brazenly swing right when they're afraid of losing political support, so no wonder people are confused:

the bugbear of the “right-wing threat” has been used by the liberal centre in an effort to force members of the left to abandon their own agenda, even if this is reformist, and to throw their support behind liberals and the moderate right in the name of “saving democracy”. The left has followed to the letter the instructions coming from the liberals, and what have we finished up with? The influence of the left has been reduced to a historic minimum, and its forces have been turned into a mobile reserve for the “progressive” bourgeoisie, which on economic questions is even more reactionary than a lot of hardened conservatives.

At the same time, the influence of the far right has kept growing in precisely the degree to which the left has retreated from its previous class politics. An outsized proportion of workers and the poor now vote for the far right, because they can see that the left has sold them out...

But when it comes to these complex terrifying divisions, I'm with those urging Morrissey, don't speak. Sing.

he is considered an irrelevant has-been with questionable views nowadays. He has no influence whatsoever
No, you're wrong. He gets more respect from bright young people and their pals I know than many other celebrities do, for both his past and recent work. Though let the work speak :oops:
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