I mean, seriously, who cares? World Peace has been available for years and is easy to download off YouTube (I'm not encouraging anyone to do this because it is illegal) and I fear that the flames of Bonfire have already been extinguished.
I have written on here in the past that I am still interested enough to drop in occasionally to see what the Moz fella is up to or what he's been saying but I am completely over the music. Maybe it's my age but I feel that my adoration of Morrissey over the last few decades was misplaced. I now find a lot of the material to be insipid and boring and sometimes downright naff. Case in point:
Staircase At The University.
What the hell is the point of such a dreadfully titled song? The lyrics are absolutely, bowel-emptyingly trite;
"If you don't get three A's, her sweet daddy said, you're shame is sure to stain the family name."
Seriously, what is the song about? Exactly who is such a song aimed at? What is clever or incisive or informed about such utter, utter drivel? I know his contributions to the realm of great music are set in stone for all to see but maybe it's time for us all to knock it on the head and move forward with our lives.
I cannot see for the the life of me why people on this website profess such excited anticipation over such achingly dull news.