Morrissey Central “BONFIRE DOUSED” (February 7, 2023)


Morrissey is ‘too diverse’ for Universal Music Group.
Capitol Records (Los Angeles) will not, after all, release Morrissey’s 2021 album ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’. At the same time, Capitol Records (Los Angeles) are holding on to the album.

Although Morrissey officially signed to Capitol Records Los Angeles, there has been no mention of Morrissey on Capitol’s website or on their Artists roster.

Morrissey has said that although he does not believe that Capitol Records in Los Angeles signed ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ in order to sabotage it, he is quickly coming around to that belief.

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The struggles happened áfter the release of Rebels.

Oh that's right.

Well, given that 7 of 11 songs have been played live, he might as well perform the remaining 4 and release a live version of it. It makes sense since the live versions tend to sound pretty similar to the album counterparts anyway.
Look at U2s new album. Who really needs new versions of their biggest hits? For me, it's a sign of a creative dead end street.
Re-recording established tracks decades later is one thing - re-doing them a couple off years later when the original versions haven't even been released and are stuck in limbo is slightly different. If Capitol own the rights and really can't be bothered to release at all (maybe they've just written the whole project off as a tax loss?) then re-recording may be the only way we get to hear these tracks at all.

That or 'John Riggers' leaks it on accidentally purpose to a bootlegger. ;)
To quote Johnny Panic's song, before it became "Don't Make Fun of Daddy's Voice":

Paranoia, at 300 miles an hour...
Re-recording established tracks decades later is one thing - re-doing them a couple off years later when the original versions haven't even been released and are stuck in limbo is slightly different. If Capitol own the rights and really can't be bothered to release at all (maybe they've just written the whole project off as a tax loss?) then re-recording may be the only way we get to hear these tracks at all.

That or 'John Riggers' leaks it on accidentally purpose to a bootlegger. ;)
Yes. But please tell me one reason why Capitol Los Angeles has been silent since October with not a word about the supposed new artist in their portfolio? Is he too unimportant? Too inconvenient? Too inflexible when it comes to necessary compromises (name and theme of the record)? Did they really write off the invested amount of money and no one is interested anymore to deal with this difficult artist ?
They were asked for a comment by various music papers and refused to say a word.
Re-recording established tracks decades later is one thing - re-doing them a couple off years later when the original versions haven't even been released and are stuck in limbo is slightly different. If Capitol own the rights and really can't be bothered to release at all (maybe they've just written the whole project off as a tax loss?) then re-recording may be the only way we get to hear these tracks at all.

That or 'John Riggers' leaks it on accidentally purpose to a bootlegger. ;)
The Smiths' debut album was re-recorded months after the first version was finished.
I love Morrissey ardently but every statement he releases seems to be an act of self-sabotage
The perceived 'sabotaging' happened after they signed him, no doubt.

From what we know Morrissey was
-unhappy about the way they promoted RWA
-unhappy about how they treated the whole Miley-saga, making it look as if Miley pulled out because of image-related reasons.

Morrissey then refused to agree on re-recording a version of Veronica without the Miley-vocals.

I think that's where we are now, hence a stalemate.
Makes you wonder if all of the above could have been handled better and more amicably without much effort on either side. I'm almost sick of the drama. Meanwhile I'll look forward to the Blonde vinyl by Cave/Ellis out soon and the Gary Numan vinyl reissues which seem to get released with no trouble.
Morrissey is two people (at least). One that demands we pay attention and the other that demands we turn away. One that loves himself with all his heart and one that hates himself with a passion. A self made man and a self saboteur. He is the poison and the antidote. He is his own true love and his own worst enemy.
I don't think he has. Getting the recordings back would probably mean handing back the money. As it is, he's got a pile of cash and Capitol have nothing.
Not dissing Moz but I'd say he still has his communion money. Capitol ain't ever seeing their briefcase of gold ever again.

why the silence from capitol...if you hand over wads of cash you tend to want to earn it back..... I wonder what sort of cash Morrissey requires up front for this....
why the silence from capitol...if you hand over wads of cash you tend to want to earn it back..... I wonder what sort of cash Morrissey requires up front for this....
I suspect they simply couldn’t give a flying f*** about his album, and whatever wrinkle emerged - Miley Cyrus-related or otherwise - has evidently quelled whatever appetite they did have for it. It’s really not a big deal for them in the general scheme of things.

They are Abba’s label and from the Voyage multimedia live thing alone are absolutely raking in money every single day.

They’re Paul McCartney’s label, and he’s about to do what are mooted to be his final ever live shows, which will be almost offensively hot tickets.

If anyone thinks item 1 on any meeting agenda for them is what’s happening with this Morrissey album, you might want to acquaint yourselves with Capitol’s roster, and the comparative sales some of their artists manage in relation to your curmudgeonly old buddy. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if staff there have trawled the threads here and pissed themselves laughing.
All great artists need to have that one album shelved by the record company never to be heard of again and BOT is Morrissey's. BOT's music has died so let's move on towards When The Music Dies.
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Morrissey is “quickly coming around to that belief” that Capitol is “sabotaging” his new album

(added to OP).

"NME has approached Capitol Records for comment." - only interesting bit, which is followed by deafening silence.

Much of a muchness...

Morrissey Claims He’s “Coming Around To The Belief” That Capitol Is Intentionally Sabotaging His New Album

Morrissey Thinks Capitol Sabotaged His Record Because He’s “Too Diverse”

Morrissey thinks Capitol Records may be deliberately sabotaging his new LP
Ridiculous, avoidable turn of events that harms the constituency that still cares about Morrissey - his recording buying fans.

His ‘best album to date’ handed over to bogus music moguls - and yet how could something so careless take place?

I’ve been hyped for this project for the last two years and now it’s never coming out, apparently.

My enthusiasm has only got me into trouble with this one.
Morrissey should leak it himself to get back at Capital. DUH!!!!!
Via, some unknown/untraceable person of course
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I hope Moz had a lawyer check whatever contract he signed with Capitol. There should have been a clause in there that if the label decide not to release the album, then it goes back to the artist. Sounds like he has indeed been f***ed over.
Once you sell the album it is no longer your property. Countless number of bands have been shelved before their first album even hit the shelves and they did not get the masters back. Poor Elcka's first record never hit the shelves here in America but you can find promo copies!

Shelve your Western plans....
Shelve your Western plans....
Shelve your Western plans....
Shelve your Western plans....
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Please tell me one reason why Capitol Los Angeles has been silent since October with not a word about the supposed new artist in their portfolio?
My hunch is that Capitol only licensed the recording as Miley Cyrus was on it, and was hoping to use that for big publicity - now her label are refusing her to appear they are left with essentially worthless tapes.
I know if I were fighting for an album I put my heart and soul into, SER and FiDo would be the exact spokespeople I would pick to plead my case.

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