What's *the most* Morrissey lyric, in your view?

So I broke into the Palace
With a sponge and a rusty spanner
She said, "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
I said, "That's nothing, you should hear me play piano"
And so he drew
A swallow on my neck
And more, I will not say
He drew
A swallow, deep and blue
And soon, everyone knew

It's the secret language of loving and longing and the fear of getting caught. So fascinating in 95.
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What she asked of me at the end of the day
Caligula would have blushed
Oh, you've been in the house too long, she said
And I naturally fled
I never wanted to kill
I am not naturally evil
These things I do
Just to make myself more attractive to you
Have I failed?
I know that they take and that they take in turn
And they give you nothing real for yourself in return
But when they've used you and they've broken you
And wasted all your money and cast your shell aside
And when they've bought you and they've sold you
and they've billed you for the pleasure
and they've made your parents cry
I will be here
Believe me
I will be here
Angel, don't take your life.

I know I took strange pills
But I never meant to hurt you
Truly, I love you
I know that they take and that they take in turn
And they give you nothing real for yourself in return
But when they've used you and they've broken you
And wasted all your money and cast your shell aside
And when they've bought you and they've sold you
and they've billed you for the pleasure
and they've made your parents cry
I will be here
Believe me
I will be here
Angel, don't take your life.

Meant to take that too at first. I think it's one of his most raw and honest songs
A random question for a dull Sunday: what, in your opinion, is the most Morrissey lyric he's ever written? (Smiths / solo, whatever)

I don't mean a whole song, I mean a line, a couplet, a verse, a chorus, a snippet.

My vote goes to:

I don't get along with myself / And I'm not too keen on anyone else

Hey. You’ve been looking at my signature.

I would agree with that sentiment, and also add:

I am two people
One you know, but don’t like
The other one you don’t know
But you don’t want to

I have two faces
One of which you know
The other one, for your sake I,
Never would show
Loot wine, be mine, and
Then let's stay out for the night
Ride via Parkside, semi-perilous lives
Jeer the lights in the windows
Of all safe and stable homes
But wondering then
Well what could peace of mind be like?
Love this thread. Love every single one of these snippets and excerpts and fragments. Every word as familiar to me as my own skin. He is a tidal wave.
Others conquered love - but I ran
I sat in my room and I drew up a plan
Oh, but plans can fall through (as so often they do)
And time is against me now...
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