Vancouver, BC - Orpheum Theatre (Oct. 14, 2019) post-show

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Suedehead / Alma Matters / Hairdresser On Fire / Wedding Bell Blues / Is It Really So Strange? / I Wish You Lonely / Irish Blood, English Heart / Morning Starship / Back On The Chain Gang / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself / Seasick, Yet Still Docked / The Bullfighter Dies / Lady Willpower / Home Is A Question Mark / Never Again Will I Be A Twin / Dial-a-Cliché / Jack The Ripper / Some Say I Got Devil / Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On The Stage // Everyday Is Like Sunday

Setlist provided by Link posted by Gaetano.

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by sophie williams on yt
with a commentary on the photo showing the two 15-year-old boys at the end of the song.
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Aw! Highlights?
not really! like I said I liked "jackys…" and also "home is a question mark" and "seasick yet still docked". I was glad that he played jack the ripper, but there was so much smoke you couldn't even see him, at least I couldn't. I would've liked if he had talked more. his waistcoat and the cute little blazer he came out in at the end of the show were definitely highlights. I didn't realize how much I still love mozzer, and for some reason, wherefore I know not, this makes me sad.... :(

the concert itself was kinda boring.... I just liked being able to ogle my man. I guess that was the highlight.
not really! like I said I liked "jackys…" and also "home is a question mark" and "seasick yet still docked". I was glad that he played jack the ripper, but there was so much smoke you couldn't even see him, at least I couldn't. I would've liked if he had talked more. his waistcoat and the cute little blazer he came out in at the end of the show were definitely highlights. I didn't realize how much I still love mozzer, and for some reason, wherefore I know not, this makes me sad.... :(

the concert itself was kinda boring.... I just liked being able to ogle my man. I guess that was the highlight.
Were you close to the stage? Eyebrow-ridge-touching distance?
Were you close to the stage? Eyebrow-ridge-touching distance?
oh no, I didn't even come close to touching his eyebrow ridge :( but i was mucher closer than i had been at the other two Morrissey concerts I had been to, so that was kind of a treat I guess.
Sadly, Sophie Wino [surname removed] ruined the show for a number of decent people around her (yet again) with her drunken histrionics.
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AND ANOTHER HUGE DEPOSIT OF:moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: INTO THE ACCOUNT!!

0 FOR THE PSEUDS.:smiley:
When the Manchester bombings happened Rifke was posting LOL and shady stuff about kids dying in it.

Just saying. Unless you're happy you can confront it, knowing rifke is there is not a positive.
I'll second that. You should be ashamed of your self. (but I doubt you have the capacity.)
I'm glad Morrissey seems to be surviving the calls for his career to end.

Although, when I think about it, I'm against Brexit, dislike For Britain intensely & think his statements about immigration & Islam are irresponsible & I'm still motivated to defend him, so he was probably always safe.

Now all I want is his reputation improved enough in the UK to get him back to London for a concert.

by sophie williams on yt
with a commentary on the photo showing the two 15-year-old boys at the end of the song.

Love Moz but I think 'Twin' is my least favourite song...unless it's a 'grower', not decided yet.
I'm impressed how Moz has removed every mole on his back and chest and stomach that every man his age end up having. I wonder if he has them removed at some clinic probably in Switzerland.
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