Morrissey Central THE RIGID RULES AND RESTRICTIONS OF ‘DIVERSITY' (November 25, 2020)

November 25, 2020

" When the new BMG Executive says he now wants a label of 'diversity', what he
actually means is he wants all of his artists to be exactly the same. Make no mistake, the
word 'diversity' is already trailing in the dust as an overused catchword that in fact means tighter restrictions and a fierce
exclusion of individuality. I have been dumped by BMG because I am TOO diverse for them. They cannot cope with an
artist such as Morrissey … who is, in fact, the very essence of diversity … whose lyrical concerns are multiple, different,
and who has been writing about all of our human differences since 1982. So, please don't be fooled into thinking the
word 'diversity' means varied and open; it has been warped to mean exactly the opposite. With these absolutely
incomprehensibly senseless new guidelines, I'll be surprised if BMG still exists in 18 months time. Or, if they do,
they'll be a label that no true artist would want to sign to. Perhaps this is what BMG prefers - a roster of artists
who are so diverse that you'll never be able to distinguish one from the other?"
Morrissey, November 2020.

"There are artists who feel abandoned by the record business yet are still producing new music which connects with an audience." Hartwig Masuch, BMG.

Morrissey World scrapped due to its 'narrow' appeal :

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Related articles (first link contains the quote cited by Central):
"another path"
All he is doing is making up a fake agenda, to get press and avoid any responsibility for his current, no label , state

Its shameful . Its desperate and sadly its what is now expected

Its clear this whole fuss is about BMG deciding not re release some lps.
I can see why he is upset . He was promised they would be released and now they aren't . The idea had been dropped . Morrissey, in that sense, has been dropped.

Still at least it takes his mind off his mom. He can redirect his anger- that is M's biggest skill redirection of anger.

The frustration at a situation, largely, of his own making is saddening.

That said, he must be where he wants to be,as where he is now is the obvious conclusion of his recent actions. He would have to be pretty messed up not to see it
Hysterical nonsense 🤣
Drama alert.... morrissey, BMG. It’s all over... three albums in three years ..... can anybody tell me now , how many Bands, artists who have released three albums.......
in three years ...
Taylor swift, aria,grande ginger nuts,
Even sparks have only two top ten albums compared with mozzers three top ten uk albums ..... Carlislebaz knows the crack ....
Butcher how ya doing olde pal ... are you still alive or what......
when can I start taking the piss again ??????
Twas 3 albums in 4 years, LIHS was 2017.
Or was the original plan a re-issue of these albums on vinyl only?
The Central post which revealed the potential covers for the Southpaw Grammar and You Are The Quarry reissues mentioned both "LP and CD formats."
The woke stuff is bullshit . Watching the brilliant Douglas Murry take the wokesters apart has been a highlight of 19/20.

But if you think Morrissey got "dropped" rather than not given a new contract, then you are wrong . If you think BMG decided not to give M a contract for any reason other than money then you are mad
I don't like Douglas Murray. I'm a Morrissey fan.

Morrissey is way bigger than BMG. Morrissey will come back bigger and better after this!

Has Morrissey ever talked about Douglas Murray?
Whiney little bitch, ain't he?

Why doesn't he spend his own money to get records out, in exactly the kind of non-diverse way he likes? He could do things just exactly the way he wants to do. So why doesn't he?

Oh, that's right, he won't spend his own money.

I told you all last year that when it hits him in the wallet he's going to start whining.

I was, and still am, right. Nothing matters for Morrissey except money. Nothing.

You've all been played.

P.S Who would have thought that being a right-wing asshole doesnt sell? La Dodwell says his fans will still buy the product. Then go ahead, spend money, and see what happens. He won't do that. It's his own money.
Quelle surprise. Nazi .
Drain the swamp
Have you heard yourself? Get a grip man/woman!
By the way, stop pretending you don't STILL hang on his every word and lap up any tiny mention of him, just like Skintag and the rest of the no-life merchants on here pissing and moaning every hour on the hour.
Is yours Fiona?
Well frank... just had a quick google of ya, and yes it was quick , but you’ve got summet their that you with the hat?
Tomorrow I’ll be gone, sounded great , well done...
I thought it sounded like New York dolls, I think I was wrong ?
Was it your own material?
Are yous still making any interesting noises at the moment frank, or has the tears ended up on your mother’s bed sheets,
I hope not and if so then present your selfs soon at the brickyard in Carlisle..... I shall be at the bar to drown you in real ale xxx
The brickyard it is .....
Baz, me amigo, there is a UK tour in the making for late 2022 and why not painting the house red in Carlisle too. By the way, we were never offered a record deal and I still don't know why? We are diverse as HELL. LOL! Should have been bigger than Eddie & the Hot Rods!

On subject: Where exactly does central say, that the shown sleeves were meant to be usesd for the ill-advised reissues and not originated from an fan-made pc?
Imagine, this rich privileged white man raging about how he is "too diverse". Sit back and think about what a raving lunatic this steven patrick morrisesy has become. what a shame. I'll cry myself to sleep this thanksgiving thinking all the misfortune and slander Mr. racist Morrissey has had to endure! dumped by BMG, while all around him rages a pandemic ---- oh,woe is the too diverse white dude. woe.
I've had a hunch for awhile that "Fiona" doesn't actually exist. This pretty much clinches it for me. Just waiting for "her" next article to make reference to bulbous salutations.
She appears to be real:
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Was this ringleader reissue the one with the extra music from ennio. Not that it matters I guess with nothing coming out of bmg. I will miss that
The woke stuff is bullshit . Watching the brilliant Douglas Murry take the wokesters apart has been a highlight of 19/20.

But if you think Morrissey got "dropped" rather than not given a new contract, then you are wrong . If you think BMG decided not to give M a contract for any reason other than money then you are mad

I don't disagree with your second point. If the BMG albums had sold more then no doubt they might be more keen to sign a deal for 3 more albums. But I also have little doubt that Moz's stance against the new religion of wokeism hasn't helped. Companies have to be seen to be 'pure' now - and not having unrepentant sinner Morrissey on contract helps BMG not be tainted with his heresy. With Biden becoming president in 2021 - wokeism will only get worse.
On subject: Where exactly does central say, that the shown sleeves were meant to be usesd for the ill-advised reissues and not originated from an fan-made pc?
It doesn't state that specifically but it is sort of implied by the line "Morrissey World scrapped due to its 'narrow' appeal :" that precedes the pictures of the Quarry and Southpaw labels and the two "covers".
Feel hugged bulbously for this information, but that's pure speculation.
Well, with the state of reliable information provided on Central, most things are to a certain degree.

If you look at other previously posted "artwork" on that site (e.g. "single covers" from the last couple of years) you will notice certain similarities in font and style though and that suggests the assumption that these are not fan made but (if not the actual covers) drafts made by camp Morrissey.
I'm also relatively sure that I haven't seen this particular version of the Pat Pope shot used for the YoR cover before.

And I haven't seen any of these on social media.

I also object to hugs in general, bulbous or otherwise.

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