Morrissey Central THE RIGID RULES AND RESTRICTIONS OF ‘DIVERSITY' (November 25, 2020)

November 25, 2020

" When the new BMG Executive says he now wants a label of 'diversity', what he
actually means is he wants all of his artists to be exactly the same. Make no mistake, the
word 'diversity' is already trailing in the dust as an overused catchword that in fact means tighter restrictions and a fierce
exclusion of individuality. I have been dumped by BMG because I am TOO diverse for them. They cannot cope with an
artist such as Morrissey … who is, in fact, the very essence of diversity … whose lyrical concerns are multiple, different,
and who has been writing about all of our human differences since 1982. So, please don't be fooled into thinking the
word 'diversity' means varied and open; it has been warped to mean exactly the opposite. With these absolutely
incomprehensibly senseless new guidelines, I'll be surprised if BMG still exists in 18 months time. Or, if they do,
they'll be a label that no true artist would want to sign to. Perhaps this is what BMG prefers - a roster of artists
who are so diverse that you'll never be able to distinguish one from the other?"
Morrissey, November 2020.

"There are artists who feel abandoned by the record business yet are still producing new music which connects with an audience." Hartwig Masuch, BMG.

Morrissey World scrapped due to its 'narrow' appeal :

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What an undignified end to a great career - and how desperate he now sounds. I wish we could go back 10 years, when he'd been voted second in the Greatest Living Icon poll and when he was regarded with such respect. Moz has spent the last decade lumbering from one disaster to the next.
It was slightly longer ago (I believe the poll was in 2006), but however you look at it, it is a truly astonishing fall from grace. Beloved figure, 2nd only to David Attenborough in the public's affection, to pariah and outcast in 14 years. The only other examples I can think of where this has happened have been due to a public figure getting caught for something criminal (usually involving kids). Morrissey's decline hasn't happened overnight due to a single scandal, but has been a steady erosion since 2006. From cultural hero to cultural villain. Love him or hate him, it's a fascinating story.
It was slightly longer ago (I believe the poll was in 2006), but however you look at it, it is a truly astonishing fall from grace. Beloved figure, 2nd only to David Attenborough in the public's affection, to pariah and outcast in 14 years. The only other examples I can think of where this has happened have been due to a public figure getting caught for something criminal (usually involving kids). Morrissey's decline hasn't happened overnight due to a single scandal, but has been a steady erosion since 2006. From cultural hero to cultural villain. Love him or hate him, it's a fascinating story.

Yes, this is what they do to you when you speak out against the religion of woke. He's a heretic. Now he does know how Joan of Arc felt...
Oh dear. Just when you thought he couldn't make amy more of a fool of himself. Try this for a definition of diversity, Steve. ''NOT' being a far-right promoting, borderline racist twat.' Retract your wholeheaeted, unequivocal support for the far right, that's still sitting on your personal website, and maybe the world can start to take some of your denials seriously.
Yes, this is what they do to you when you speak out against the religion of woke. He's a heretic. Now he does know how Joan of Arc felt...

It's happened to him every 5 minutes since 1983.

I'm just surprised it took Twitter until 2017 to really lay into him.

He was a sitting duck.
It's happened to him every 5 minutes since 1983.

I'm just surprised it took Twitter until 2017 to really lay into him.

He was a sitting duck.
You mean “clucking duck”.

...but you can’t dialogue with stupid, can you?
Morrissey is a working-class man from a working-class background. Why does it matter what colour his skin is? The point is Morrissey speaks for working-class people of all races and religions. He comes from a broken home and his beloved mother and cat died this year. How is that privileged? Morrissey is a working-class Mancunian with Irish Catholic roots. Morrissey has never married or had children. Morrissey might be bisexual and is maybe sexually ambiguous. Morrissey suffers with depression, anxiety and other health issues. Morrissey might be on the autistic spectrum. Morrissey is a vegan and into animal rights. All of those things mean he is pretty diverse. It doesn't matter how rich or poor he is. He is still working-class and he has stayed true to his roots. Morrissey has a punk rock spirit about him. I'm tired of the media getting at middle-aged men in general. They have a lot to offer this world! Why should music just be a young man's game?
Nobody is better than immigrant Morrissey, the son of immigrants to speak out about how immigrants result in a country losing it's identity. You have to be sensible about things. You wouldn't let everybody come into your house, sit on your bed, let them what they like and do what they like. Would you? It wouldn't work.
It is no wonder millions of people have deserted Sharia Britain. That is a fact. Hardly inflammatory.
Morrissey grew up with Pakistani neighbours. When all is said and done. He knew then just like now.
Nobody is better than immigrant Morrissey, the son of immigrants to speak out about how immigrants result in a country losing it's identity. You have to be sensible about things. You wouldn't let everybody come into your house, sit on your bed, let them what they like and do what they like. Would you? It wouldn't work.
It is no wonder millions of people have deserted Sharia Britain. That is a fact. Hardly inflammatory.
Morrissey grew up with Pakistani neighbours. When all is said and done. He knew then just like now.
Who needs a prescription for Ambien when you've got posts like this?
The video says “his fans want another album”
Come on eh, I’m the most ardent moz fan on here, but for Christ’s sake we’ve just had 3 albums in three years.....
i think we are all entitled to a break at some point..... ain’t we ???
Morrissey should just release other dead artists albums and sell them for $300.
i got a heater. now im going to be nice and warm!
So desperate. This is begging for sympathy after creating a mess. I still believe in what I said years ago: he's trying too hard. So hard it cannot seem heartfelt. Up to the 'World Peace...'-release era controversy, it was all white people on the cover art to his releases. Bit by bit he had to introduce models from 'diversity' (starting with the 2 kids with the 'Be kind' shirts, a record with covers of songs by black artists or about black people) for releases that never get released. Today, all the scrapped releases we were supposedly due would have only features black or hispanic people? Morrissey really is taking the piss. Did he just discover he could use black or hispanic models on his cover art? In Morrissey's case (or The Smiths), cover art models have always been statements. They were cultural representations he wanted to put upfront. Strange there was never one black or hispanic representation he wanted us to understand for 31 years... up until he mouth ran foul in 2014-2015. All this agitprop shows a flailing Morrissey. He tries to use us (fans) as witnesses of his goodwill. Typical of the (political) era we're in. I see similarities between his ways of doing and politicians' (Trump). They get caught with their hands in the jam jar and they say: ''It's not me hand, it's my enemy's''. He depreciates himself to me. A make-them-lose-all-interest tactical. The proximity between public people and their fans brought by the internet is always to the detriment of public people because their message is delivered raw whereas before it was all statements. He should have known better. Since the 'World Peace...' release era controversy, I know better.
And with that, Moz has pulled the trigger on his own career. He will not make it to the final concerts of his career in Las Vegas. No record label, no mum, no future. This is what paying for your racist sins looks like.

I pray that he experiences the worst COVID has to offer. He will suffer worse and longer than any child. His death will then create a domino effect of suicides here on this site. His foolish, delusional followers and stalkers will be gone and our REAL world will begin to heal.
And with that, Moz has pulled the trigger on his own career. He will not make it to the final concerts of his career in Las Vegas. No record label, no mum, no future. This is what paying for your racist sins looks like.

I pray that he experiences the worst COVID has to offer. He will suffer worse and longer than any child. His death will then create a domino effect of suicides here on this site. His foolish, delusional followers and stalkers will be gone and our REAL world will begin to heal.
You little charmer!
And with that, Moz has pulled the trigger on his own career. He will not make it to the final concerts of his career in Las Vegas. No record label, no mum, no future. This is what paying for your racist sins looks like.

I pray that he experiences the worst COVID has to offer. He will suffer worse and longer than any child. His death will then create a domino effect of suicides here on this site. His foolish, delusional followers and stalkers will be gone and our REAL world will begin to heal.
The autism level is hard on this one
And with that, Moz has pulled the trigger on his own career. He will not make it to the final concerts of his career in Las Vegas. No record label, no mum, no future. This is what paying for your racist sins looks like.

I pray that he experiences the worst COVID has to offer. He will suffer worse and longer than any child. His death will then create a domino effect of suicides here on this site. His foolish, delusional followers and stalkers will be gone and our REAL world will begin to heal.
Nasty Bast..d!!!
I don't agree with Morrissey's politics and I think he's a 'useful idiot' as far as For Britain is concerned but I have to ask myself - would the pin/bad interview/stupid onstage comments have damaged him the way they did, if he was releasing superb music at the same time? People will overlook all kinds of awful shit for the sake of a good pop song. Yet Morrissey's transgressions quickly and totally overwhelmed his music - I can't help feeling that part of it was a kind of 'revenge' from people who never liked him anyway and wanted to finish off someone they saw as washed-up, tired, past his best.
There is some truth here. "Morrissey's transgressions quickly and totally overwhelmed his music," is undeniable. And I'm sure there are people who've been lying in wait for him to pile on at every chance.
I think it's more about your first point. Morrissey is more well known to most people for something he said than he is for his music. He seems to like it this way. I think he wants to be famous for making "outrageous" statements more than he does for his music. I think his last record is great and as far as I'm concerned I am ready to move on, ignore his politics and listen to his music. To someone who isn't really a fan though I think that's asking a lot. There are so many ways to distract ourselves that to ask someone to really give the music a chance, when he might have already turned them off and they aren't fans anyway, is probably too much to ask.
For me, "Dog" is a great record and the previous three were not, so that does make a difference but I also just kind of got tired of the whole discussion about his statements and his politics.
But with your combination of people that want to get their revenge and his seeming desire to destroy his career by focusing on all the wrong things it makes it difficult to pull out of the nose dive even if he did release music of the quality he once did. He needs some help with that. But pop stars his age are pretty rare anyway and even if he does stop what is basically trolling and focus on speaking about his music instead he really has an uphill battle to maintain his audience, let alone see it grow.

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