To people having suffered systemic racism, it’s probably not vague at all.
My post wasn’t directed towards Morrissey at all. I was merely reflecting on the issue at large. But no, I don’t think that everyone who is against mass immigration is automatically racist. But I think there are racist forces (parties etc) selling the idea to people that all of society’s problems come from immigration and from people that look and speak differently than you and me. It’s an easy answer to a difficult question. And I think it’s easy to accept it as an answer for some. People just want to understand what’s going on and be able to point the finger at “the problem”.
Society’s falling apart and mass immigration is obviously part of the problem, but it can’t be the whole problem.
And the bit about the shouting was directed at both camps. Left and right. Like I said, I want less extremism. I’m as sick as you are of cancel culture, virtue-signaling and overly sensitive primadonnas trying to forcibly control the narrative.
Unlike you, I can acknowledge that both sides are out of control. You’re kind of proving my point when you almost deny racism and refuse to admit that the problem is two-sided (and “your” side is the “good” side).
To hell with the right for pitting people against each other and not learning from past mistakes. And to hell with the left for being so very precious, stuck-up and judgmental.