"Inform us"?? Are we in class now? I said the jangly sound, it's a bit self-explanatory. And if you want to get real about it, Morrissey stole a lot of his lyrics, so nothing new there. Jangle + stolen lyrics = Smiths
It does not matter what I say, you will just respond with Morrissey and the Smiths are the bestest ever, that is all you do. If you want to think they are the most unique thing that ever happened, you are certainly free to do so, but if that was really true, Morrissey and Marr would have huge careers right now, because you know, they are so unique.
Morrissey is listing all the things he can't or does not have and if he was as brilliant as you think, people would be banging down his door to sign him, but well, no one is interested, and that speaks for itself.
As much as I really dislike Johnny, I can at least see he is trying to make the best of what he has by playing with other bands and he at least enjoying himself, not issuing moaning missives from a half assed website run by his dimwit nephew. Johnny does not have a FiDo either, I might be wrong about Morrissey being the more intelligent of the two.