The Guardian and the Morrissey Vendetta by Fiona Dodwell - tremr

A new article about the Guardian & Mozza.

The Guardian and the Morrissey Vendetta. - tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


"Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit," states The Guardian's own editorial policy. Rightly so, for the media's power to sway public opinion comes with great responsibility to not only their readers, but to the individuals they write about in their publication.

Freedom of the press allows journalists to exercise their right to express their opinions freely and without restriction. No art should be immune from being held under the microscope and examined or critiqued - the same goes for the people who create this art. However, when you consider that The Guardian have amassed a whopping 478 Morrissey related content on their website, much of which appears to spew vitriol towards the singer, one can't help but question whether there's an underlying reason behind their obsession.

UPDATE June 3:

Link posted on Morrissey Central:

The Guardian Of Hate.

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Oh give me a break! Stop with this “We must all love immigration, or else” nonsense. Nobody is saying that; it’s not that black and white. What many people are saying is stop basing your opinion on immigration around a xenophobic, nationalistic, racist ideology (like For Britain), and think about the bigger picture. Immigration is never going to go away completely, and nobody seems to be saying that there shouldn’t be restrictions and regulations; there has to be. Nobody is arguing against controlled immigration. The cronies Moz is now supporting want to stop immigration from Islamic countries completely. Waters has been recorded on camera saying so.

Please explain how For Britain are racist if you are ok with controlling immigration? It is illegal for a political party in the UK to have racist policies - For Britain exist legally and are not proscribed. Why is Moz not free to support them if he wishes? It is not For Britain who are being investigated for anti-semitism by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission - it is the Labour Party. Will you condemn pop stars who support the racist Labour Party?
As with all Dodwell articles, it’s another weakly written piece - although the first time she’s owned up to her own bias, which is a good first step.

Credit to her, though, for finding the angle re the Guardian’s editorial policy on “intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.” There is clearly a pattern of “persistent pursuit” given the recurrence of negative pieces over the years. Intimidation? No. Harassment? Seems to me that the Daniel Dylan Wray article was precisely that: a deliberate attempt to torpedo an artist’s work in advance of release by proactively contacting collaborators and trying to get them to disown their work on the album.

And on a tangent, interesting to note that the BBC (an institution not without its own bias issues, but nowhere near on the scale of the Guardian) immediately picked up as a news item this example of musicians actually committing hate speech:

...while the Guardian, of course, hasn't mentioned it at all. (Presumably because this particular hate speech is directed at Tories.)
The Guardian has 478 articles on its website listed as mentioning Morrissey - they are no means all about him. By comparison the same paper lists 567 articles mentioning Paul McCartney and 184 mentioning Iggy Pop. Many articles are of course news about forth coming releases including an article on "Autumn's 10 best music books" letting us know that Autobiography was coming. Can you imagine if newspapers didn't mention Morrissey?, didn't mention his new releases or anniversaries of Smiths releases? He'd say they had a vendetta in keeping him out of their articles.
No, you misused the word slander. The two things are similar, but slander is spoken and libel is written.

So what do you see written in the Guardian that amounts to libel?

I never used the word slander, so I could not have possibly misused it either. You appear to be confusing me with a previous poster. My first message on this thread was a direct reply to your comment below.

YOU - "Hog wash. If it can’t be taken to court, it’s merely comment, and neither you, Morrissey or anyone else can stop it. All you can do is whine. Tough."
ME (my first message) - It seems like The Guardian are the biggest whiners here. 400 plus times...
For the record, just because something doesn't go to court, doesn't automatically make it "merely comment".
And notice how the 'morrissey defenders gang'r Are always Sam, James, the manager and now Fiona

That is a huge clue of how desperate Moz is

Sam, he has no career or life beyond hanging on to Moz, James has no career or life beyond hanging on to Moz, the manager is the manager so it's his job and Fiona is a hired hack.

You notice no Russell Brand, No Jonathan Ross, No Linder etc, no Paul morely etc etc

Read into that all you need.

Haha. Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross for credibility. Hilarious. So Moz gets a supportive comment from those two and he can swan off in to the sunset, victorious. Oh please.
As ever Dodders has no point to make at all. Just where would her interviewing 'career' be without Morrissey? Her brown nosing is sickening.

Again, the Morrissey camp fail to realise that it consistently gives coverage to the Guardian with Morrissey's tirades against it. Wise up or shut up!

Surely the same can be said in reverse.
And notice how the 'morrissey defenders gang'r Are always Sam, James, the manager and now Fiona

That is a huge clue of how desperate Moz is

Sam, he has no career or life beyond hanging on to Moz, James has no career or life beyond hanging on to Moz, the manager is the manager so it's his job and Fiona is a hired hack.

You notice no Russell Brand, No Jonathan Ross, No Linder etc, no Paul morely etc etc

Read into that all you need.


right and the Skinny Soviet sock puppets, including the 'charming couple' of soviet surface
and oridinaryboicuck have careers other than loitering in the cul de sac, spying for hooky
and the pooch. noontime is when the pooch needs walking, you can see them all with googy eyes
Morrissey isn't working class; he left his Whalley Range bedsit about thirty-five years ago. He's a multi-millionaire now. He enjoys a very privileged existence, cushioned from the harsh reality of ordinary life. You f***ing cabbage.
There is an interview with Bowie, where he’s challenged by someone saying something similar to your own words.

Bowie’s response might enlighten you about your own limitations.
Morrissey isn't working class; he left his Whalley Range bedsit about thirty-five years ago. He's a multi-millionaire now. He enjoys a very privileged existence, cushioned from the harsh reality of ordinary life. You f***ing cabbage.

It's a little more complicated than that.
Class isn't just about how much money you have. Working, middle, and upper classes have slightly different values, tastes, and look at the world different ways. Sometimes people might move up (or down) in economic class in their life but keep the same class mentality they grew up with. Or sometimes they embrace the values of their new class.
If Morrissey had a kid, his kid would be upper class. But Morrissey himself sees the world in a different way than people who grew up in wealth.
Haha. Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross for credibility. Hilarious. So Moz gets a supportive comment from those two and he can swan off in to the sunset, victorious. Oh please.

The point is. You know what the point is. Only his no marks friends and family coming to his defence.
So Fiona's obsession is creepy but The Guardian are free to slander Moz at every given opportunity? If they're constantly spewing shit out of their pieholes about the man, he's entitled to a rebuttal.

I agree with this anonymous comment, above.

Because it is true.

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