The Guardian and the Morrissey Vendetta by Fiona Dodwell - tremr

A new article about the Guardian & Mozza.

The Guardian and the Morrissey Vendetta. - tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


"Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit," states The Guardian's own editorial policy. Rightly so, for the media's power to sway public opinion comes with great responsibility to not only their readers, but to the individuals they write about in their publication.

Freedom of the press allows journalists to exercise their right to express their opinions freely and without restriction. No art should be immune from being held under the microscope and examined or critiqued - the same goes for the people who create this art. However, when you consider that The Guardian have amassed a whopping 478 Morrissey related content on their website, much of which appears to spew vitriol towards the singer, one can't help but question whether there's an underlying reason behind their obsession.

UPDATE June 3:

Link posted on Morrissey Central:

The Guardian Of Hate.

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Does she ever f***ing shut up? Moz has sent out Sammy, Katzis, Maker and Dodwell to slag off the Guardian, while complaining about people slagging off Morrissey. Bunch of f***ing thin-skinned hypocrites.
will you ever make an account.
A new article about the Guardian & Mozza.

The Guardian and the Morrissey Vendetta. - tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


"Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit," states The Guardian's own editorial policy. Rightly so, for the media's power to sway public opinion comes with great responsibility to not only their readers, but to the individuals they write about in their publication.

Freedom of the press allows journalists to exercise their right to express their opinions freely and without restriction. No art should be immune from being held under the microscope and examined or critiqued - the same goes for the people who create this art. However, when you consider that The Guardian have amassed a whopping 478 Morrissey related content on their website, much of which appears to spew vitriol towards the singer, one can't help but question whether there's an underlying reason behind their obsession.

Has Peter considered freelancing for The Guardian, I wonder...?
Oh give me a break! Stop with this “We must all love immigration, or else” nonsense. Nobody is saying that; it’s not that black and white. What many people are saying is stop basing your opinion on immigration around a xenophobic, nationalistic, racist ideology (like For Britain), and think about the bigger picture. Immigration is never going to go away completely, and nobody seems to be saying that there shouldn’t be restrictions and regulations; there has to be. Nobody is arguing against controlled immigration. The cronies Moz is now supporting want to stop immigration from Islamic countries completely. Waters has been recorded on camera saying so.
the health service is at breaking point,they can hardly cope with the population we have now.
Incredible, the hate campaign the Guardian have been on the past couple of years.
478 articles on Moz :lbf:
More than any other artist it seems.
They are obsessed.

It's the same with Corbyn.
the health service is at breaking point,they can hardly cope with the population we have now.

It's at breaking point because this government has underfunded it to breaking point so their mates can privatise it.

It's only kept going by the hard work of 10s of thousands of immigrant nurses.
I wonder how Dodwell hasn't managed to bag herself a job at a major publication with high class writing like this? One can only wonder.
Oh give me a break! Stop with this “We must all love immigration, or else” nonsense. Nobody is saying that; it’s not that black and white. What many people are saying is stop basing your opinion on immigration around a xenophobic, nationalistic, racist ideology (like For Britain), and think about the bigger picture. Immigration is never going to go away completely, and nobody seems to be saying that there shouldn’t be restrictions and regulations; there has to be. Nobody is arguing against controlled immigration. The cronies Moz is now supporting want to stop immigration from Islamic countries completely. Waters has been recorded on camera saying so.

That's the thing, none of the major parties have the guts to impose an immigration limits.........even the Tory's only "aspired" to get the numbers under a 100,000 a year.........that far-right nasty Boris has even said he'd make all EU nationals already here citizens.
This is all about power. A blatant attempt to control public discourse and dictate what is allowed to be spoken and thought. Moz won't be dictated to and will speak his own mind on immigration. Therefore they are determined to break him, make an example of him, end his career so that no one else will dare have the temerity to have their own point of view. Scary. Absolutely scary. We must all love immigration - or else...
Many people who saw Morrissey wearing his pin probably thought- no good will come of this. Morrissey is a publicity at any cost stupid unintelligent idiot. He orchestrated this it has gotten his name in print.
Strangely, my gripe with The Guardian is about its line on Venezuela, which are along the lines of those of Morrissey himself. I have issues with both.

It’s not The Guardian that he should be targeting, or scapegoating as it happens. His fans have read his unpalatable opinions via Morrissey Central. It’s just convenient for him to pick an establishment to point the finger at. This “journalist” (she is far from that) is just his apologist of the moment.
It's at breaking point because this government has underfunded it to breaking point so their mates can privatise it.

It's only kept going by the hard work of 10s of thousands of immigrant nurses.

No, it's at a breaking point because you let in a million people who require healthcare but dont pay taxes. You Brits are thick .
Hog wash. If it can’t be taken to court, it’s merely comment, and neither you, Morrissey or anyone else can stop it. All you can do is whine. Tough.
It seems like The Guardian are the biggest whiners here. 400 plus times...
For the record, just because something doesn't go to court, doesn't automatically make it "merely comment".
Morrissey and his posse of yesmen should be thanking The Guardian. If they weren’t writing about him, then he’d be even less relevant. The paper is propping up his moribund career.

The man is a fraud. He was humiliated when the Der Spiegel audio was released. He should’ve just crawled away. Shown up to be a right stupid prick.
Its quite clear Morrissey has been purposely getting Uncle Skinny wound up for a good while now. He's playing a blinder to be fair and Skinny just cant sleep at night. Must be tough having so much love for a band then a solo artist and losing it all.
Problem Skinny just doesnt realise is he has grown up to be such a bitter man, more so than Moz in many ways. Morrissey is so clever in his sutle way and is just playing one big game with skindog yarkshire man, he's got him my the ageing hairy sack and tweaking stray pubes off one by one.
It seems like The Guardian are the biggest whiners here. 400 plus times...
For the record, just because something doesn't go to court, doesn't automatically make it "merely comment".
OK, so what particular sentences do you consider to be libel?
Middle class champagne liberals ganging up on a successful working class autodidact.

Nothing new.

They scream about racism but bullying across the class divide is in their very nature.
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OK, so what particular sentences do you consider to be libel?
All of them, because every word they write about Morrissey comes from a dark hateful place. They are the ruling establishment's worker bees with a hive mentality. Anyone who fails to support the currently-underway masterplan of one globalist consumer culture across the Western hemisphere must be attacked. He knows our game, close him down!
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