Yeah, people forgot about it once The Perfect Boy bside “Without You” came out, but I think they are entirely different songs.
There was also another song from those sessions called Lusting Here In Your Mind.
More reading:
Demos, remixes and outtakes 1992-2004
T-3 (Early The Three Sis)
Wedding Dance (Unreleased)
Decadance (Unreleased)
V (Early to wish impossible things)
Under Inside (Early This Twilight Garden)
Full Moon (1992)
Open (Demo????)
Boris' Song (Early Apart)
Glitter (Unrlsd)
Cherry Sours (Unrlsd)
Patel Shout (Unrlsd)
Walking In My Shoes (DM Cover)
Emily's House (Unrlsd)
Radio Waves (Unrlsd)
Perfect Chaos (Unrlsd)
Song Five (Unrlsd) 2004 d-side
Kat-8 (Sleep When I'm Dead demo, 1986)
Lusting Here In Your Mind (Demo 2008) (?)
A Christmas Without You (Early It Can Never Be The Same?)
16 (2008, Demo???)
Spot Marks The X (2008 Demo???)