Rebels Without Applause released as a single track - initially on some region's YT, now to buy & stream (November 24, 2022)

UPDATE (Nov. 25):

This Charming Bowie posted the story from official_morrissey_central / Instagram:

Morrissey's Rebels Without Applause is available today worldwide (including Britain) on Spotify,
courtesy of Capitol Records. The track is produced by Andrew Watt. This is Morrissey's first 'single' release since 'It's Over', taken from the 'California Son' album in November 2019. 'It's Over' peaked at number 1 in the UK vinyl chart.

Also now on Morrissey Central. Link posted by Famous when dead.


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It's really....quite bad.

Like genuinely, I heard in for the first time live in Manchester last month and thought it was wonderful, especially for a new track I'd not heard, and I was hyped for the album

Something is really off
Fantastic new single!!!!! I am happy! I didn't listen to the live version more than twice and never until the end. The result is that it sounds so fresh, crispy and new to me. Well done, Morrissey, this song is so sunny, I looooove it!
I'm pretty sure it's less an issue of added effects, and more a VERY slight increase of speed of his recorded vox. After repeated headphone listening it hit me. Where normally his vibrato is very evenly paced and measured you can hear the tiniest of 'chipmunk' quality to the vibrato. Once I noticed it it's almost impossible to unhear. Again, I think it's a very slight speed adjustment, but his voice is so very distinctive in its' cadences that when it's altered even in the smallest of ways it sounds totally alien to me.
True. I just can't help but think if all the tracks are produced by the same person then they probably have a "style". I will try and be patient! It's a virtue you must learn to stay sane here. 😆
The production sounds great to me on this one, albeit a little strange on the voice so I'll give you that. But the snippet of Veronica sounds gorgeous and has no weird vocal treatment so maybe save some worries for later? ;)
Will anyone care to explain to me this comment that it has been sped up?
I don't understand the hate for the production. It is clearly intentional.

Its sounds like The Queen Is Dead and a handful of the singles/b-sides from Louder Than Bombs.

Like when I say it sounds like that I'm not talking about the songwriting, I'm talking about the production and mastering 100%. Even the slight chorus/vibrato effect on his voice. The producer clearly chose effects, plug-ins, amps, mics, etc, that were from that era, or is trying to replicate that era.
Someone else said he sounds younger, and he does, and it is intentional. His voice's tonality is totally in The Smiths sweet spot, I'm sure the mic used was one from that era. The only new thing is perfect pitch effects.
This is the downside of playing the majority of the tracks live before releasing the album. We've all got used to the warm, live feel of this song - and now the studio version finally creeps out it sounds as stiff and lifeless as cardboard. I suspect we'll end up feeling the same about a lot of the rest of the songs.

Had this studio version come out first, with nothing to compare it to, we'd probably all be much more satisfied. As it is - this version just seems off.
There is to much compression on his vocal. It takes away the highest and the lowest parts of the frequency.
The autotune effect on the vocals at the 2:40 mark is painful, and these are the worst sounding guitars I've ever heard on a Morrissey record. Super thin and totally dead when it comes to room acoustics or reverb - they cut off immediately after every strum, which lets the bass come to the fore (and the bass guitar is probably the one element that does sound good here), but otherwise they sound ghastly compared to how they naturally ring out on the live version. Everything seems compressed to f*** as well.

I've listened to this a few times this morning, but I think I'm just going to forget this exists until the album comes out, and try to listen to it in context with fresh ears, as this production style is currently rubbing me up the wrong way. Far too plastic sounding for me.
If anyone wants a different single cover… 😉 (made by me). Song sounds great, especially the instrumentation. Looking forward to seeing why it was released in the first place, though, considering all the drama in the last few weeks….
This genuinely was a very wonderful surprise for a Friday morning. Can absolutely guarantee Capitol just got fed up with SER posting stuff without comms approval, and probably just said “Sod your Moz Camp involvement” hence why this probably took them by surprise (hence no publicity)

However, it does make you wonder that Bonfire may meet the same fate as Southpaw, and get released and binned off with no AirPlay.
To the people complained about the mix, its Alan Moulder for F sake. LOL.
Didn’t know there were such a large number of overly sensitive audiophiles among the Moz fan base. Stop your f***ing whingeing and enjoy the fact that Morrissey has officially released newly-written material. And a great melancholy pop song at that!

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