Peter Katsis statement: "What Is The Goal Of The Guardian?" - Morrissey Official FB (31 May, 2019)


I'm sure many of you may have seen this as it came out yesterday morning.

As one more in an endless string of related stories from The Guardian, in some ways it was nothing new.

But in thinking about the whole matter a bit further…...

I asked myself…….

What is the goal of the Guardian?

To see if they can ridicule M into retirement?

Stop him from having a livelihood?

Stop him from having fans?

Have they been as hard on any other artists?

I really don’t know the answers to these questions.

I’m also an American so what can I truly know about British politics?

But does Tim Jonze believe he has to destroy M’s influence and credibility in order to save England?

Or is he still upset that he had to write a retraction for what he said about Morrissey when he headed up the now defunct N.M.E.?

Mr Jonze made sure to mention that pressure from Morrissey’s lawyers forced him to lie and say “we do not believe Morrissey is a racist”.

So, since he admitted that he lied in print, to save his ass, does that not make Mr Jonze current motivations questionable?

Can we ever trust what he says?

At this point does anyone even care about what they say at The Guardian?

Mr Jonze questioned whether the Guardian should promote others to “boycott California Son” .

Isn’t that exactly what he has been trying to do these last few months?

Does any other paper attempt to track down guest vocalists 3 months before an album even comes out
and brow beat them until they say they regret being on M’s album?

Mr Jonze claims The Guardian’s only agenda is to bring the truth to light and present objective journalism.

Did M wear a For Britain “badge” or a small For Britain “pin” ?

Perhaps Mr Jonze said…”Well a “badge” certainly sounds a lot bigger….let’s use that!!!"

Morrissey also wears Malcolm X pins and James Bernard pins.

That is of course not worth mentioning because it doesn’t help prove The Guardian’s agenda.

Nor does the fact that M covered songs on the CS album made famous by Dionne Warwick and The Fifth Dimension.

So why not mention that? Well… must be a fluke.

Instead the Guardian had to dig up an ancient quote from 1986 where Morrissey said he "detests….black modern music”.

That proves it - right? Give me a break!

Does The Guardian really care about objective journalism? Or care about journalism at all?

Are they just desperate to get eyeballs on stories to save their dwindling advertising income?

Or is this possibly just an endless vendetta, a personal feud being carried out by Mr Jonze?

And by the way…..

Did Morrissey stop being a provocateur? When was that exactly?

Plus, does anyone care what Mr Jonze’s personal friend Billy Bragg, says (or creates) these days?

Does anyone care if Bragg is “devastated” about anything?

Did his last album or any of the singles chart in the UK sales chart?

California Son entered the UK Sales Chart at # 4 today.

The British fans have shown their opinion.

It can also be seen as a comment on what most people think about The Guardian's. - PK"


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Never posted here before, but having defended Morrissey for years, i've now given up.
I was happy to defend Bengali In Platforms as being somehow supportive and slightly ironic.
The flag thing seemed like a beat up.
And the stupid black on the inside tee shirt thing was nonsense.

But he's wearing the emblem of a far right political group with pretty much the sole purpose of removing Islam from Britain.
I am not ever going to wear the emblem, and won't ever defend anyone that will.

And i'll always laugh at anyone that says you're not racist if you like Aretha Franklin songs.
they definitely fancy mozza, just a little shy is all and the only way they can show it is by being cruel, it should pass as they grow older
Same as before.

There's no arguing facts. There's no arguing the disappointment at the chart position. So what do they have left? This...

Here's an idea - how about making a record that will sell in its hundreds of thousands because it's GOOD, how about getting your charge to keep his stupid mouth shut and avoid saying stuff that turns fans away and stops them buying? How about APOLOGISING once in a while and taking ownership of what's been said? Eh? Eh?

Always someone else's fault, isn't it?
One more thing. In case you were ever in any doubt that it's all about the £££££ - here's your proof. He's backed an act that loses money with releases. Morrissey is hopping f***ing mad that no one is falling for his yes-men shtick anymore. He can't believe in his own cloistered world that people have the temerity to disagree with him. He can't believe that factual journalism could hurt so much. He can't believe that everyone won't just agree with him because he's paid them to do so. This is the big wide world. People vote with their money. Deal with it. Tough shit. Own your mistakes. Be humble.
Never posted here before, but having defended Morrissey for years, i've now given up.
I was happy to defend Bengali In Platforms as being somehow supportive and slightly ironic.
The flag thing seemed like a beat up.
And the stupid black on the inside tee shirt thing was nonsense.

But he's wearing the emblem of a far right political group with pretty much the sole purpose of removing Islam from Britain.
I am not ever going to wear the emblem, and won't ever defend anyone that will.

And i'll always laugh at anyone that says you're not racist if you like Aretha Franklin songs.

Where in their policies do For Britain say they want to 'remove Islam from Britain'?

I will always laugh at someone who bases their view on what other people say about something rather than finding out the truth for themselves.
SillY cokehead.

Keeping alive the stereotype that Americans are thick. Probably why M moved there in the first place, he’d realised that England had sussed him out.
The Guardian must be delighted, Morrissey, Katsis and Maker all drawing attention to their Morrissey story.

Morrissey himself has killed his UK career and has no one else to blame.
SillY cokehead.

Keeping alive the stereotype that Americans are thick. Probably why M moved there in the first place, he’d realised that England had sussed him out.

Yep, also looks like another thick American has nipped out and shot another load of Americans in Virginia, yet some pricks on this site think the UK has issues lol.
One more thing. In case you were ever in any doubt that it's all about the £££££ - here's your proof. He's backed an act that loses money with releases. Morrissey is hopping f***ing mad that no one is falling for his yes-men shtick anymore. He can't believe in his own cloistered world that people have the temerity to disagree with him. He can't believe that factual journalism could hurt so much. He can't believe that everyone won't just agree with him because he's paid them to do so. This is the big wide world. People vote with their money. Deal with it. Tough shit. Own your mistakes. Be humble.
This is a string of sentences with no apparent connection between them and none of if proves anything. I'm shocked that you have had some sort of education and training in the sciences and can come up with something this bizarre.
Did M wear a For Britain “badge” or a small For Britain “pin” ?

Perhaps Mr Jonze said…”Well a “badge” certainly sounds a lot bigger….let’s use that!!!"”

That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read.
I’ve got more respect for Skrewdriver than Moz in the politics department, at least they had the backbone to be straightforward about their beliefs.

For the record, I don’t believe Morrissey has any issue with black people. Racism is not one-size-fits-all. My argument is that Morrissey throwing his arm around a person of color is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, which is mainly centered around immigration and the so-called “Islamization” of England.

Are people not allowed to say that immigration isn't always the most wonderful thing and that Islam is not the most wonderful of religions? Are people not supposed to talk about the sex gangs and rapes and terrorism or even the black knife crime? These are real issues, affecting real people in a detrimental way. Everything is not all hunky dory in this country. The benefits of being able to get a curry at 2 in the morning don't make up for people being murdered.
Love checking the recent activity and seeing thewlis being a sour plum again. What gives that you can’t hack someone else’s opinion. Sad, sad boy. :lbf::lbf:


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