Peter Katsis re: Laura Snapes - Morrissey Official FB (4 June, 2019)



You couldn't make it up, could you?

The Guardian "reviewer" of California Son (Laura Snapes, who didn't actually review the album, just literally slated M as a person the entire feature) retweets a comment endorsing the fact that artists are *supposed* to be "provocative.”

I guess only if the comments fit their approval. Lol.

People now see through The Guardian's agenda. They are making it easy now. - PK"


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im shocked they dont have the twat sadiq:turban:
write the Moz reviews:flamethrow:

what a bag of pizza pops:laughing:
this rag the guardian.
maybe by provocative they mean:nomouth:
for the artist to wear a wig and get
neck tats like someone we know
all too well, the super twat :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:
It's a fair enough calling out of hypocrisy in action.

Band calls for the murder of Conservative politicians = 'Hey, it's all good, artistic expression - freedom of speech 4Evar!'

Morrissey wears a small badge supporting a slightly dodgy but still perfectly legal political party = ' How dare he? Spread the word on Twitter - Morrissey is cancelled! No one must listen to him, go to his shows, or even display his posters in public again!'
This is what I was trying to say earlier. No matter what side you fall on politically/culturally/religiously, this inconsistency or double-standard is gross.
I've read the Guardian for over 35 years. You clearly have not done your homework.

I won't go over old ground here, it's all been said in posts above.

Morrissey will never, ever take the blame for anything. He has never apologized for anything, and he has never taken responsibility for anything. It is always someone else's fault, and no one will tell him the truth, because he pays all his coterie. He is isolated and lost. No one will steer him, because he pays everyone around him not to steer him. He's funneled his own reality. It would be tragic if it weren't for the dangerous acolytes who'll apologise for anything.
You're right, I didn't do my homework. I'm from the U.S. and am not familiar with the Guardian and so I should not have spoken about them. But what I meant was that tweet (and by extension the retweet) expose a double standard (pro: call for violence against right wingers/anti: advocating non-left-wing ideas), which I believe is a valid reason for Katsis to get pissed about and reply to as he did.
What is happening? Morrissey has his own version of Kelly Ann Conway. PK. This is so embarrassing.
No. I’m a member of a forum that discusses Morrissey. I’m not “dedicated” to anyone I don’t have a personal relationship with, including Morrissey. Maybe that’s the difference between you and me? I’m not a blind fan of anyone. But thanks for your unsolicited response.

I know others have attempted to communicate this to you, but here's another attempt: full credit to you for not being a "blind fan" of Morrissey - that's not healthy. But to spend so much time on a website based around the art and career of one human being who you now openly despise is equally unhealthy, if not more so. I get it, it's your choice, and your time to waste as you see fit. But my humble, gentle advice would be to try slowly, gradually weaning yourself off this site, and away from Morrissey. Take care out there.
You're right, I didn't do my homework. I'm from the U.S. and am not familiar with the Guardian and so I should not have spoken about them. But what I meant was that tweet (and by extension the retweet) expose a double standard (pro: call for violence against right wingers/anti: advocating non-left-wing ideas), which I believe is a valid reason for Katsis to get pissed about and reply to as he did.

You're totally right, it is very much a double standard, which is why Morrissey's camp are so hacked off about this. (Although dear god, Katsis could have put it so much more eloquently.)

It's also a nice bit of inconsistency from Laura Snapes. (I've posted this before but it's worth repeating - from a blog piece she wrote for the NME in 2010:)

"It’s so strange – authors are given the privilege of detaching from their work. When you read American Psycho, you don’t believe that Bret Easton Ellis could be capable of such stomach-turning acts of rape and murder. So likewise, surely if musicians sympathise with certain aspects of right-wing politics, we should surely afford them that same separation of personality and art."

Perhaps she's changed her mind about that in the last 9 years - we're all entitled to shift our positions on these things. More likely, it's a reflection of how the world has continued to polarise over the course of this decade, so we're now in a spot where anyone mentioning "certain aspects of right-wing politics" needs to be shut down immediately, if you're part of the Guardian media set.
Ironically in the same Twitter thread, this Luke Turner guy makes a statement I can agree with: "cancel culture is absolutely pernicious and the enemy of creativity, whether it comes from the left or the right. @FatWhiteFamily uniquely seem to be caught in a pincer movement between the two, which suggests to me they must be doing something right."

Not surprisingly, Laura Snapes doesn't retweet or like this bit, probably because she realises it will make her look like a complete hypocrite.
Quite apart from Katsis being batshit crazy for his downward charge, the most offensive thing about this is the superfluous comma in 'WRITER'S"
There is a Peter who made an ass of himself on this thread and it is certainly not Peter Katsis.
Damn. If Morrissey was tweeting this stuff, he could give Trump a run for his money.

Childish prick now he is. Maybe it’s time to float a crying Morrissey balloon above London? Seriously, who can honestly support this idiot child? If you can, that says a lot about the kind of person you are. Morrissey has gone from saint to the trash heap of history so fast.

How many albums did he sell this week again? Oh yes, less than 15,000 worldwide!!! Dick.

"Childish prick now he is"

Why do you talk like Yoda?

Also using 3 exclamation marks whilst calling someone a "dick" and an "idiot child" is probably not the best way to put across your case that Morrissey is "childish".

Has anybody ever considered Morrissey to be a "saint"? That is just weird. And what, exactly, is "the trash heap of history"? Could you develop this point further so that it makes sense?

The fact that you are clearly not the sharpest pencil in the box has been pointed out many times before - perhaps you could attend a few night school classes (or attend the ones you are clearly missing in order to post on here), reflect upon what it is you actually want to say, and then get back to us?
Quite apart from Katsis being batshit crazy for his downward charge, the most offensive thing about this is the superfluous comma in 'WRITER'S"

Oh Peter...You are already a figure of absolute ridicule on here, why fuel things by appearing to be an illiterate moron on top of everything else?
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I know others have attempted to communicate this to you, but here's another attempt: full credit to you for not being a "blind fan" of Morrissey - that's not healthy. But to spend so much time on a website based around the art and career of one human being who you now openly despise is equally unhealthy, if not more so. I get it, it's your choice, and your time to waste as you see fit. But my humble, gentle advice would be to try slowly, gradually weaning yourself off this site, and away from Morrissey. Take care out there.

Maybe I can make the point clearer - it’s like politics. It’s open to debate. And while I think Morrissey has gone off the deep edge, so to speak, I still enjoy debating his merit as a singer, his political views, etc. That’s why I’m here. If people think this is “trolling”, “wasting time”, etc., that’s fine. But it is something I enjoy and will continue to do.

If Morrissey were to release a great album again or make or display a political statement that wasn’t inline with racists or the far right, I’d certainly acknowledge this and maybe offer words of support. Until that time, I will rage against his subpar musical output and, as I see it, filthy political views.

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