Official Manager Statement regarding Morrissey’s health (January 26, 2024)


NealCassady posted news of South America cancellation:


Mexico City cancellation notice posted by On Returning.

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Alcoholism doesn't always start in your youth. My dear departed mum was an alcoholic but her issues with alcohol, didn't really surface until she was in her 50's. Through most her life she was able to drink normally but by 63 she recognized the her drinking was now a problem and she lived the last decade of her life alcohol free. It's a common misconception that people are always alcoholic 'right out of the gate.' For many people it's a creeping disease that takes hold slowly and over time.

In many ways it's a more dangerous form of alcoholism in that sneaks up on you almost without noticing. I have a friend who I can see this happening to right now, he is in his mid forties and his drinking has really only become problematic in the past 2-3 years. I'm getting ready to have 'the talk' with him.
That's true - and sorry to hear about your dear departed mum - but that is unusual and statistically most alcoholics start drinking when they are young - and statistically they die young too. If you drink regularly before the age of 15 your chances of becoming alcohol dependent increase considerably. I just don't think Moz is an alcoholic. My guess is this is more to do with mood and anxiety problems - maybe giving him some form of 'stage fright' before a show - perhaps exacerbated by occasional use (or abuse) of alcohol and maybe prescription drugs too. He wouldn't be the first artist to get 'the fear' before a show.

I don't know why anyone in that fake band would be making remarks to Morrissey's fans, they aren't their fans, a lot of people kind of hate the new band of session players.

Camila is the same dumb bitch who went on a rant about Nikki Haley anglicizing her name, when she didn't, but Camila Gutierrez did.
Have you seen Noel in the news this week?, not sure if its his divorce or staying in that hotel drinking and eating too much but he suddenly looks very bloated and not so chipper, shall we say.
Regarding Moz and his drinking, i wasn't really aware he had a problem at all until this last year or so. Alcohol destroys people, i hope they can both sort their shit out.
I have not seen Noel lately.
I wasn't saying that Noel said Morrissey had a drinking problem, just that he could drink a lot. There are other posts here of people saying that others have said the same of Morrissey.
I don't know if he is an alcoholic or not, but that footage of him drunk on the plane, acting out and shouting really doesn't help.
I'm half expecting the next post on Central to be an announcement of 3 nights at Wembley Stadium in July, for a "unique global event" celebrating the 10th anniversary of World Peace Is None of Your Business...
10 years of World Peace live at the 100club (One night only) and the place would be packed.
Thank you, Surface. I was joking about the trousers, as I have before.
It was fairly obvious we were just kidding about the trousers. They are amusing but it's not like we are blaming them for these situations. I would've thought that would be plain to see.
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'Alcoholic' is a really useless, outdated, stigmatising word which conjures up images of people who can't function, who are shambling around and sleeping in gutters, falling down stairs etc.

There is an enormous gulf between that stereotype and someone who drinks more than they should, or can't stop when they've started. Morrissey is a heavy drinker by many accounts (not just Skinny's) but does he have a problem? I don't know. Certainly I have never seen him drunk on stage or in interviews (with one memorable exception when he was introducing Raymonde on a music show).

Ultimately you can't tell another adult how to live and you've got to wonder - if he has been drinking heavily for 20+years, why have we only heard about it in the past few? Was it the Noel thing? Or are we grasping at straws to explain this miserable decade of disasters?
Doesn't anyone remember that he has Barret's Esophagus? A condition that can worsen very seriously, so the thought of any fan should be that it is not about that. In the meantime, let's continue speculating whether it's alcoholism or an allergy to gossip.
I don't know why anyone in that fake band would be making remarks to Morrissey's fans, they aren't their fans, a lot of people kind of hate the new band of session players.

Camila is the same dumb bitch who went on a rant about Nikki Haley anglicizing her name, when she didn't, but Camila Gutierrez did.
This is absolutely nonsense.
“A lot of people kind of hate the new band”

Should read “a few dozen people with mental health problems and access to the internet hate the new band”

90% of the people at Morrissey gigs have little clue of care about who is in the band.

Have a good day 👍
'Alcoholic' is a really useless, outdated, stigmatising word which conjures up images of people who can't function, who are shambling around and sleeping in gutters, falling down stairs etc.

There is an enormous gulf between that stereotype and someone who drinks more than they should, or can't stop when they've started. Morrissey is a heavy drinker by many accounts (not just Skinny's) but does he have a problem? I don't know. Certainly I have never seen him drunk on stage or in interviews (with one memorable exception when he was introducing Raymonde on a music show).

Ultimately you can't tell another adult how to live and you've got to wonder - if he has been drinking heavily for 20+years, why have we only heard about it in the past few? Was it the Noel thing? Or are we grasping at straws to explain this miserable decade of disasters?
Speaking as a recovering heroin addict of 37 years clean, the one thing I would say is that I have known many many functioning alcoholics and addicts who were nowhere near the stereotype, but definitely had a problem. Some of whom are now dead. Also, we can speculate all we want, but at the end of the day it is for M. to decide if he has a problem or not and the nature of it. For me, the act of calling myself an alcoholic or an addict was a very necessary admission that I could not control my using and one that absolutely saved my life. The stigma you speak of was part of that. Whatever is going on, I'm grateful for everything M has accomplished and I wish him only the best and a resurgence of happiness, health and the immense creative spirit that we all know is within him.
There are some bizarre theories doing the rounds on here that are clearly not the case. Let me address them:

1) Morrissey being an alcoholic. This is highly unlikely. He didn't drink when he was in the Smiths and failed to go out to the pub with other band members. He took a dim view of the others getting Craig Gannon drunk on the latter's birthday. Admittedly he wrote, "I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour..." but then he also wrote that "what she asked of me at the end of the day, Caligula would have blushed." Clearly both are imaginative statements and a case of 'I is another'. He doesn't slur his words on stage or appear on chat shows sozzled like Oliver Reed.
2) Morrissey being in a downward mental spiral. Unlikely. He's clearly been through bad patches before such as when the Smiths broke up and when he left the Bowie tour. He survived these miserable interludes and is likely to have built up mental resilience due to overcoming past traumas.
3) Morrissey has ME. Unlikely. He shows clear energy on stage, prancing around, ripping his shirt off etc

The most likely scenario is that he's simply tired. He travels a lot, is sixty-odd and is probably feeling his age a bit.
How on earth this post became an alcoholics anonymous meeting is beyond me. The only clear thing is Morrissey could use some proper management. It is impossible to fly around the world if you hate flying, stay in hotels, eating poorly, sleeping poorly, and not to mention the stress of performing with amplifiers ringing in your head. As David Bowie said it is the worlds most dangerous profession. Regarding those that go to Morrissey concerts, it is silly to book non-refundable hotel and airline tickets to any event regardless of who is playing unless you happen to be in city anyway and for those that ACTUALLY have been to the most recent concerts say Morrissey is in top form, the band sounded great, and a splendid time was had by all. Take a few weeks off Moz and regain your strength, enjoy the beauty of Switzerland, and you don't owe me anything except more Morrissey records. Repay me now!
Alcoholic? So pedestrian. Dipsomaniac seems the better term. It's all speculation anyway. The number of singers/actors/musicians that alcoholism never stopped them from performing is too long to list here.
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