The OP posted this story at 8:07pm Friday 26th.
The Mexican promoter
Ocesa tweeted their statement at 8:13pm.
Move Concerts confirmed Peru (tweeted at 8:06pm) and Argentina (8:13pm) quoting that the
entire South American tour had been cancelled whilst mentioning their own venues (their header: "Morrissey Cancels His Tour In Latin America").
The 'Pogopedia' post quoted here was at 8:16pm - which was using the same DK source whilst adding in the promoter details re:
all concerts and had obviously seen the official venue posts - exactly like "we" did.
Bogotá made their gig ticket site a '404' page just after 8:00pm and a similar 'brown' announcement followed and circulated at about 8:37pm.
Santiago, Chile - speculation re: gig was off prior to 9pm - then same information and stating
all South American were cancelled after 9pm.
Brazil was slower to post 'brown' cancellation images, but I'm pretty certain "South America" covers Brazil.
The OP was updated at 9.50pm with 'Mexico' info. in that original thread an anon observes (at 10:33pm) that (according to "this very website") all SA gigs were cancelled - yes, as it was all already known at that point
The promoters/venues issuing comments about the entire tour being cancelled and using DK's quote as part of that in their announcements is pretty hard and fast confirmation in an
official way that the gigs are not happening. In all my years of covering this type of thing, not one venue has ever observed Morrissey turning up to do a gig after they've announced it's cancelled.
"We" had all types of tip-offs, rumours and people mentioning cancellations. The only time the word 'all' was used, however, was through seeing the promotors and venues confirm said.
There was no gun jumping. The only thing not done was linking to 7 different venues responses across various socials - something, historically, that happens in thread and by users here 'as it happens'.
Can't be bothered to type further.