I've had a very different experience. I have personal experience of M.E., and I also know many people who have suffered/continue to suffer from it, my partner was Chief executive of Action for M.E. and I worked for years for a charity that held residential weeks to try to help sufferers. The vast majority have considerable pain I can assure you. The treatment of sufferers has been an absolute scandal and continues to be so for many patients. It is vital to their sanity that the sufferers' experience of symptoms is at least accepted even if so little is still done to properly understand alleviate the illness by mainstream medicine, but unfortunately patients are still widely gaslit by the medical profession and society in general. It is still widely thought that it is mainly 'fatigue' - hence the ridiculous understatement of calling it 'chronic fatigue syndrome' which has only served to belittle its severity, for who in the modern world does not sometimes have fatigue? The pain is severe and many are given high strength painkillers to try to numb the pain but the longterm use of these drugs can cause many more physical problems and complications. Fibromyalgia as I understand it has many similar symptoms and is also extremely painful. The medical establishment does like to divide and rule of course.