When I was banned three days ago, or timed out, whatever, the window said something to the effect of "Everyone take a break for a few days." or something along those lines. I noticed that my blurb and Skylarkers blurb under our screen name said "Timed out". Viva's did not and he posted later that day, I just took it to mean that "everyone" = me and Skylarker. Later the same day I got a PM from David saying I got a 2 point infraction because of the post where I told Skylarker "Keep talking, Dr. teeth." I assumed that was just the straw that broke the camels back in David's eye, there was a lot of bickering going on in a lot of places, I didn't expect him to compile all my possible offenses. Or defenses as the case might be, God forbid one actually BE a victim around here.
I try to fight fair. I don't log in as anyone other than CG or log in anonymously. I DO pick fights with assholes, I don't blame David for banning me. But I do want everyone to know that I don't bitch and moan behind the scenes or tattle regarding forum behavior. I deal with it on the forum in front of God and everyone.