Off-topic fight thread

Re: meeting morrissey

My issue is not with what constitutes a ban. My issue is that David's opinion of me being a victim carries a certain amount of leverage since he is one with insider information. He's entitled to his opinion, I have no problem with the statement itself, but rather that it could be construed that he's forming his opinion based on my behavior behind the scene. I have never asked for favors of the solo staff or displayed myself as a victim. I do not report posts or narc on questionable behavior. That is my issue.

Typing this on an iPhone. Not the best word processor on the world, my last post might've been confusing.

When I read David's post, my feeling was not that he was insinuating that you report posts. I understood it to mean that you play victim out in the open. And yet you are the biggest troll on Solo. You bait people and push their buttons to get the reactions you seek. Then act like they are attacking you when they respond defensively.

Also you like to have the freedom to insult the other members here. You have done it many times with several different people. And you constantly use personal information as a weapon. For example, mentioning my son, whom I have never talked about in these forums. And probably no one even knew I had a child until you informed them of such. So you want free reign to be mean and obnoxious, but gawd forbid if anyone insults your precious hero, Morrissey. If that happens, you are the first to cry for moderation and censorship and claim you are insulted and disgusted. (Nov. 3 - Just realized I had mentioned my son of the forum. However, this does not negate my central argument.)

The other night, you accused me of sucking up to David Tseng because I defended his right to make the rules on HIS website. Then today, you asked him if he understands who is on his side? As if he should realize you support him and respect his authority. Hilarious. Clearly you weren't doing such that night when you were batting for the sycophants. But now that you are under the microscope, you are all of a sudden playing for team Solo. It is becoming apparent to many just what you're made of. And we don't like it. Not one bit.
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Re: meeting morrissey

When I read David's post, my feeling was not that he was insinuating that you report posts. I understood it to mean that you play victim out in the open. And yet you are the biggest troll on Solo. You bait people and push their buttons to get the reactions you seek. Then act like they are attacking you when they respond defensively.

Also you like to have the freedom to insult the other members here. You have done it many times with several different people. And you constantly use personal information as a weapon. For example, mentioning my son, whom I have never talked about in these forums. And probably no one even knew I had a child until you informed them of such. So you want free reign to be mean and obnoxious, but gawd forbid if anyone insults your precious hero, Morrissey. If that happens, you are the first to cry for moderation and censorship and claim you are insulted and disgusted.

The other night, you accused me of sucking up to David Tseng because I defended his right to make the rules on HIS website. Then today, you asked him if he understands who is on his side? As if he should realize you support him and respect his authority. Hilarious. Clearly you weren't doing such that night when you were batting for the sycophants. But now that you are under the microscope, you are all of a sudden playing for team Solo. It is becoming apparent to many just what your made of. And we don't like it. Not one bit.


I said "your son" rhetorically, dumbass. I'm not responsible for what you read between the lines. :rolleyes: Also you bait me too so shut the f*** up. You should've been timed out too.
Re: meeting morrissey

When I read David's post, my feeling was not that he was insinuating that you report posts. I understood it to mean that you play victim out in the open. And yet you are the biggest troll on Solo. You bait people and push their buttons to get the reactions you seek. Then act like they are attacking you when they respond defensively.

Also you like to have the freedom to insult the other members here. You have done it many times with several different people. And you constantly use personal information as a weapon. For example, mentioning my son, whom I have never talked about in these forums. And probably no one even knew I had a child until you informed them of such. So you want free reign to be mean and obnoxious, but gawd forbid if anyone insults your precious hero, Morrissey. If that happens, you are the first to cry for moderation and censorship and claim you are insulted and disgusted.

The other night, you accused me of sucking up to David Tseng because I defended his right to make the rules on HIS website. Then today, you asked him if he understands who is on his side? As if he should realize you support him and respect his authority. Hilarious. Clearly you weren't doing such that night when you were batting for the sycophants. But now that you are under the microscope, you are all of a sudden playing for team Solo. It is becoming apparent to many just what your made of. And we don't like it. Not one bit.
It's not about sides though, it's really not. I'm not implying that's the whole argument, but you understand my point? We should be discussing points of view rather than forming groups. I assume you agree and we can move on
Re: meeting morrissey

It's not about sides though, it's really not. I'm not implying that's the whole argument, but you understand my point? We should be discussing points of view rather than forming groups. I assume you agree and we can move on

Wisest post of the week. :thumb: Groupthink is dangerous.
Re: meeting morrissey

It's not about sides though, it's really not. I'm not implying that's the whole argument, but you understand my point? We should be discussing points of view rather than forming groups. I assume you agree and we can move on

There are no groups. But there are two different mindsets. And people tend to fall into one of two camps.
Re: meeting morrissey

You're a class act.

As opposed to your solo object d'amour who requested Morrisseys sick mom be given bread? You're selective with your judgements depending on the group to which you prescribe. That is the essence of a non-thinker.
Re: meeting morrissey

There are no groups. But there are two different mindsets. And people tend to fall into one of two camps.

And if the mindsets acquaint they become groups....etc....etc.... which is what happens, but should be consciously avoided. You agree?
Re: meeting morrissey

And if the mindsets acquaint they become groups....etc....etc.... which is what happens, but should be consciously avoided. You agree?

I'm not in any group. I consider myself to be an independent thinker. However, I have consistently supported David Tseng's right to determine the rules of HIS website, since I first joined. He doesn't have to answer to anyone. Solo is his site. I can't for the life of me understand why the patrons here who peruse the site fail to get this. He owes them nothing. And should not have to explain himself at every turn. It's not socialism, or even a democracy. It is private property owned by David Tseng.
Re: meeting morrissey

I'm not in any group. I consider myself to be an independent thinker. However, I have consistently supported David Tseng's right to determine the rules of HIS website, since I first joined. He doesn't have to answer to anyone. Solo is his site. I can't for the life of me understand why the patrons here who peruse the site fail to get this. He owes them nothing. And should not have to explain himself at every turn. It's not socialism, or even a democracy. It is private property owned by David Tseng.

But you said I'm under the microscope and suddenly I'm playing for team solo (kinda always was, genius :squiffy:) and it's clear what I'm made of and WE aren't going to stand for it. What about Team Solo and We vs You isn't YOU belonging to a group?
Re: meeting morrissey

Two points:-

1. I don't doubt your honesty, and I don't see why anyone would

You mean other than those moments where she has admitted to saving user's posts and pretending to be friends with them (going so far as to meet with them in person and take photographs with them) just so she could gather information about them?



Yeah...other than that, she's completely innocent, trustworthy, and certainly hasn't been the person perpetrating nearly every instance of mudslinging on this forum for the last 3 months.

2. I also noticed that !VivaHate! did not have the On Timeout user title throughout the banned period. This may have been a technical glitch. David will have to answer that, but posting seemed to be as you say, agreed

David doesn't have to answer dick to anyone. Just because you didn't see "On Timeout" under my name doesn't mean that I was able to post the whole time. There is a reason I didn't have an avatar, you know...
Re: meeting morrissey

You mean other than those moments where she has admitted to saving user's posts and pretending to be friends with them (going so far as to meet with them in person and take photographs with them) just so she could gather information about them?
Yeah...other than that, she's completely innocent, trustworthy, and certainly hasn't been the person perpetrating nearly every instance of mudslinging on this forum for the last 3 months.
David doesn't have to answer dick to anyone. Just because you didn't see "On Timeout" under my name doesn't mean that I was able to post the whole time. There is a reason I didn't have an avatar, you know...

Your avatar showed up as normal on my computer, as did your user title over the last few days. I'm not really interested in the reason, I was just answering CG's comment. I think you inferred David was obliged to answer where I implied he was the only one who could.
I didn't make any comments on the elements of her character you mentioned above, only on whether there was any reason to not believe she was being honest
Re: meeting morrissey



This needs to be framed and displayed next to the log in box. Warning! Warning!

Because I played with Viva the same way he played with me and others? He is a self-professed professional troll. How DARE he be called to task on the game he plays. Now he is playing the victim because it's the only card he's got left. Other than his David card.

Also have I produced a single scrap of Skylarkers writing? Ask yourself why. :straightface:
Re: meeting morrissey

only two? :rolleyes:
sorry, I am a bit rusty at this whole online fighting thing :o
besides, I like you rb :blushing:
you're keeping this place alive :)

"Uh oh. What to do! I love the compliment, but Viva doesn't like Robby and I have to agree with everything he says or he'll cut me out of the group I feel I belong to. What a conundrum!"
Re: meeting morrissey

Because I played with Viva the same way he played with me and others? He is a self-professed professional troll. How DARE he be called to task on the game he plays. Now he is playing the victim because it's the only card he's got left. Other than his David card.

Also have I produced a single scrap of Skylarkers writing? Ask yourself why. :straightface:

I can't even begin to understand the psychopathology behind your motives. It is not my area of expertise.
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