Off-topic fight thread

@Skylarker: Hilarious! The Meltdown Continues! Incoherently. How surprising! lulz!!!!


@Skylarker: Hilarious!

The Meltdown Continues!


How surprising!



Re: #ThreadFAIL!

You're so starved for accolades that you read between the lines that I am acknowledging your superior intellect. If nobody else is going to tell you how smart you are, you'll tell yourself. :lbf:

Hey, whatever makes you happy, CG. Denial is a girl's best friend.
Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! lol!

If you read those forum posts and see something other than what I see, and what most people here see, fine...although I think you're a little too smart to really believe he is not that guy. But like I said, you're entitled to form a different conclusion. No one is on trial here.

I/we can assure you. I/we are NOT that guy, and there's no possible way we can make ourselves so! That's why we made a clear statement to that effect. Perhaps you didn't read it? Or, more likely, simply couldn't understand it? It wasn't addressed to you anyway, it was a note for posterity, for when you're draggged off kicking and screaming by the Men In White Coats.

Racialism IS a problem in Birmingham, England and it does not surprise me there may be someone posting as 'ShaunTheBrummie'. I'm pleased you've alerted me to him, as it now gives me the fun task of going and comprehensively destroying him as and when my schedule allows.

Someone IS on trial here. It's you, dear!
You've put yourself in the dock.
The charge is 'Very, very stupid. Very, very desperate. Hair trigger rage'. Etc.
It's written all over your ridiculous persona.

There are no dots to connect.

It's 'sobering' to hear you claim you've done a poll to canvass opinion from 'most people here'. *ahem!*

Are you seriously suggesting I should take 'most people here' seriously? LOL!
That would be like walking into a C19th asylum for the criminally insane and asking for their opinions on Dickens.

Please continue with your bizarre accusations. I await the next in what will almost certainly be a long line of criminal personas which you attribute to me in your delirium. I'm sure they'll all be taken equally seriously by the denizens of this entirely credible and widely respected site!

So: racist. What's next darling? Pimp? Whore? Paedophile? Scatologist? Axe-murderer? Pornographer? Inmate of Broadmoor? If only I had the time to set up more hoax 'SaunTheBrummie' sites with him as a cross-dressing policeman or a priest in an intimate relationship with a pig.

I just love your command of language. You flail about like a dog with rabies, lashing out with farcical allegations of 'racism' by linking together that which has no linkage. You then claim to have a consensus poll to back up your absurd nonsenses, yet claim that 'no-one is on trial here'. Well, I'm certainly not. Not by a complete fool like you, that's for sure.

Hilarious! Priceless! Thank you so much for playing.
Game. Set and match.
But I will read your other furious, bizarre comments which you rattled off whilst I was either sleeping or having my my ankle examined.

I will continue to peruse your meltdown until commitments to consensual reality draw me away from this absolutely hilarious site! It's been an interesting summer here in England with extreme weather, the Olympics and, of course, a new statement from L-Ron Morrissey telling his cult members how they should think and react to remain in good standing with him.

Please continue with the Wiki. How I dearly hope it is not just purloined by another site that might appear. After all, you and !Diva! can hardly claim copyright, having broken the copyright agreements of various rights holders in Morrissey's recorded output.

I thought I might have some fun here, but it has exceeded my every expectation.

You don't know my/our name. The only names you know are those which I/we have deliberately left as part of my/our online data trail, some of which are invented, some impersonated, but none of which are actually my/our 'name/names'. There are one or two impersonations which we would not be able to comment on for legal reasons as we've previously stated, but there are plenty of personas out there that do match us. It's just you don't have the technical skills to locate them. It's a bit more difficult than typing 'Brummie' into a search engine and hoping for the best! There's a few that our naughty son set up as pranks, there's a few by our enemies and there's a few by me/us. Sorry but a racist football fan would be rather obvious, unless of course he began as a 'normal person' and then gradually disintegrated into a surreal soup of conflicting alters all at war with each other. That's our speciality, but I very much doubt you have the slightest clue what we're talking about.

So, I regret to inform you that 'ShaunTheBrummie' is not one that we have ever used, but we will now set up a number of such profiles using 'SeanTheBrummie' on the same sites he uses, ensuring that these personas are entirely gay, entirely vegan, and entirely socialist. The little racist twit you reference will no doubt be terribly amused by this.

With enormous gratitude to you for entertaining us tonight. We are waiting up to go and pick up our son from the train station, so can't drink and there's nowt on T.V. To think: if I hadn't logged on here tonight, i'd have not had the best laugh I've had since I last read your scribbings.


BrummieBoy, never previousy known as SeanTheBrummie.
I/we wonder if ShaunTheBrummie has got a nice, big fat Brummy cock?

ps: check your blood pressure!
pps: remember to say you didn't read any of this. you can just type tl.dr if you'd find that helpful.
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

I/we wonder if ShaunTheBrummie has got a nice, big fat Brummy cock?

Well according to your Facebook it's 12 inches long, but you never use it. :lbf:
Re: #ThreadFAIL!

Ye s, I'm sure that BrummieBoy is totally unrelated to the individual registered on Huffington Post as Shaun the Brummie, who has the exact same writing style as Brummie Boy, made copious entries on a Huff Post thread extolling absolute no-holds-barred racism and weighed in on a separate Huff story regarding Morrissey.

And I'm sure it's not worth noting Brummie Boy's near-total shutdown here after I posted those links; that must have just been totally co-incidental and not indicative of an "oh f***" moment of pants-pissing.

And I'm sure that someone whose actual name was never even mentioned here isn't trying WAY too hard to hide anything by threatening me with legal action, citing libel and defamation...and I'm sure that I just completely imagined the fact that after I posted the links, he signed one of his impotent "I'm gonna get you" posts "Shaunthebrummie" before thinking better of it and editing it out, yeah...

And I'm sure it's a co-incidence that when I posted my red-herring "AWOL" under my username last night to smoke him out (he took the bait wonderfully, by the way) that he immediately seized the opportunity that I might be taking a break from posting again like I did earlier this year, and therefore felt safe in coming out and declaring his innocence, right away mentioning my AWOL thing...assuming of course that with me out of the way he stood a chance at snowing a few members into believing his nonsense.

Yeah. How moronic of me.

Wow! I mean just totally wow! I'm trying to watch Newsnight on BBC to understand the British Government reshuffle today, txting with my son about his train arrival time, but it's hard to concentrate on reality when it's just be assaulted by your amazingly nutso comment. Where do I start? I guess the beginning would be the best place.

I am totally unrelated to that 'ShaunTheBrummie'! Please explain how and where you find such a close match of writing style that you imagine it correlates to mine/ours? We briefly scanned the nonsense, assuming it was just your average suburban racist keyboard warrior sockpuppet: there's a lot of them around! We see no cross-over in writing style, none whatsoever.

I think you've got the whole 'Morrissey' and 'Racism' thing a bit confused in your mind. Just because someone is racist and comments on Morrissey, does not mean that they must therefore comment on Morrissey 'fan' sites. Again, isn't that a teeny, weeny bit obvious?

There was no 'near total shut-down' :lbf::crazy: I had a medical appointment, other online appointments and obligations and I baked a cake with my daughter. It's rather amusing to think you're monitoring my every log-on, but have you thought that it's not always me? It might be an intern just doing some research on behalf of our project? It might be my 'secretary'. I also found a really good new porn site which 'distracted' me. I'll make sure I give you a copy of my online diary from now on so you don't fret about where I am. Obviously, you're right: I spend my every waking hour thinking about what this 'community' of scholars, poets and critical thinkers feel about me. *ahem!* :rolleyes:

I think the 'someone' you 'haven't even mentioned' is someone I impersonated and face legal warnings for doing so. If it is and you refer to them, as I've said before, all i can do is state 'no comment'. In fact, I think I'll do that from now on, now matter which 'persona' you reference from whatever bizarre racist football forums or political seances. Whatever. The mystery and mystique appeals to me. I slipped up! I should have played on with 'SaunTheBrummie' with endless 'no comment' comments. Drat! Well, I've learnt that lesson now and won't slip up again.

One can only bring legal action against someone for defamation if one can prove that their comments have had a damaging effect upon your reputation. There isn't a court on Planet Mofo Earth that would spend more than 5 minutes looking at your 'persona' before dismissing it and insisting that you have a psychological evaluation to ensure public safety. If you actually read my 'note to myself/posterity' disguised as a complaint to the Mods, you would see that it is a general meditation upon freedom of speech and the questionable use of English Tort law by the singer Morrissey. Of course, as you have such a limited intellectual range, it is not possible for you to follow that complex musing so you immediately assume it is all about you. You do that because you are a narcissist and an utter twit. How on earth could such a specimen ever damage me/us/them? "Computer says No!"

[new txt msg: my son's train will be 10 minutes late. don't understand Cabinet re-shuffle. switch channels to images of police restraining disturbed person for his own safety, the unfortunate person being restrained is wearing a t-shirt with the logo 'my name is Skylarker!' clearly visible.]

You changed your screen caption to 'AWOL' dear! No-one else! What I actually wrote was 'the user 'Skylarker' list themselves as 'AWOL' currently. Our suggestion is that the would be prudent to make this a permanent decision' We stand by that advice, although we accept you are unlikely to heed it'. Your preposterous suggestion that there are 'new readers' flooding The Pigsty seems risible and implausible.

I'm intrigued that you took a break from posting earlier this year. I assume it was on the advice/instructions of your psychiatric doctors and social workers?

There's a problem here. I'm a supremely gifted writer: you're not. It's rather pointless continuing to respond to your witless drivel as to do so grants you an entirely undeserved place on the edges of my super-trouper spotlighted presence here. I will shortly conclude my 'rebuttal' of your infantile fantasies as I've just noticed that one of my favourite people here has returned and left some extremely interesting comments which I wish to study and reply to thoughtfully and carefully. It's kind of annoying to think I've wasted too much time troll-slaying, time which could have been more usefully allocated to intelligent discourse. Summer comes to an end. The new academic year begins and my students will flock to my seminars to hear my latest innovations in thought and reason. I will not be directing them to this site other than to point to it as a representative example of the modern plague of talentless amateurs who think that typing a lot and using curse words is indicative of artistic development. It is not. Have you ever thought of going on a creative writing course? Critical thinking? Abstract reasoning? Logic? Did you finish high school before you began your career in logistics and demand management? Don't tell me! Or I might be able to find you in the Mid-West.

I could care less what any/all 'members of the community' think of me! Why would i care? This is a site about Alanis Mozzizzey, who is not well known for giving a damn about what others think, even to the extreme of believing designating a third of the human population as a 'sub-species' because of their seeming indifference to animal suffering is an acceptable way to signal legitimate anger and frustration.

I have 5 minutes before I must leave 'Mom's basement' to pick up my son. Let's enter the following search into Google: 'What is Skylarker?'. Guess what? I found you! I found you, man!

And you is a boat! I have exposed you as a boat!!! Now the whole forum will know: you are a boat!

Then I realised you were probably more subtle and devious than to disguise yourself as a boat, so I did some scrabble-detective work and you could be almost anyone or anything! How will I find you to, metaphorically, serve a writ on your stupid ass? Guess what? I won't bother. I've only got one life, ain't gonna waste too much more of it on your waste-of-space 'responses'. Time for the train, then home, cup of tea, a quick perusal of your remaining inscrutable responses then off to bed for a night of sleep with maybe a quick shag first:horny:. That's if I can get out of 'Mom's basement', of course!:eek:

I'll get back to you in a while. Don't try to read this all at once, dear. I don't want you to get a migraine.



PS: just love the way you Yanks overuse 'WAY' as in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much! Thank God you discovered that subtle addition to the English language. I mean, where would we be without it?

We love you Skylarker, and we are all praying for you.
Here, and of course, in the PrayerCircle For Skylarker thread.
Why don't you set up a '99 Names For BrummieBoy' thread and discuss my Kabbalistic origins and my relationship to Opus Dei. It's all valid lines of inquiry! :crazy:
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Well according to your Facebook it's 12 inches long, but you never use it. :lbf:

So, I/we are on Facebook now! Is that as 'ShaunTheBrummie' or 'BrummieBoy' or as which real/imaginary/part-real-part-imaginary/impersonated/invented personal do you think I am/ we are on Facebook? Remember, it's all 'no comment for legal reasons' from now on, no matter if you discover and out me as the first genuine alien on this planet.

Let me save you some time: I am not on Facebook. I saw how it rifled friends and associates email contacts in a gross data-mining invasion of privacy and said, er: no thanks! That was around 2007, before all you really cool people realised My Waste Of Space was the perfect 'acid-trip in Santa's Grotto' for you to decorate with all your absurd gifs/jpegs/ridiculous demo songs/poems, God! I get the heeby-jeebies just thinking about learning how to use it for my young daughter's benefit.

Actually, you're confused as Mozz-Hull22407 or whatever that idiot's called: he / she said I should 'suck my own foetid cock' which really upset me and made me think about my life in a way I'd never imagined before...WAIT!

If I've got a 12 inch cock would I waste time typing here or would I just spend all my hours giving myself the best blowjobs ever? It's a difficult conundrum to think about.....*thinking....*



ps: your silly little 'PMs'? Do you seriously think I don't see them? Do you seriously think I haven't infiltrated this site so that i know what's going on behind the scenes? Not wishing to make you paranoid or anything.

pps: just caught 10 minutes of Citizen Khan on BBC1. Not very good at this 'racist' thing as I thought it was quite funny. Not that funny, just 'quite funny'. Must try harder to hate people of colour. I'll go and log on at Stormfront again, see if I can hook up with some tasty skinhead for some Skype sex by pretending to be a girly-girl.

My son was a little bit stoned! Almost full moon. Sounds of an owl and a fox. Creepy!!!!!
Re: #ThreadFAIL!

Wow! I mean just totally wow! I'm trying to watch Newsnight on BBC to understand the British Government reshuffle today, txting with my son about his train arrival time, but it's hard to concentrate on reality when it's just be assaulted by your amazingly nutso comment. Where do I start? I guess the beginning would be the best place.

I am totally unrelated to that 'ShaunTheBrummie'! Please explain how and where you find such a close match of writing style that you imagine it correlates to mine/ours? We briefly scanned the nonsense, assuming it was just your average suburban racist keyboard warrior sockpuppet: there's a lot of them around! We see no cross-over in writing style, none whatsoever.

I think you've got the whole 'Morrissey' and 'Racism' thing a bit confused in your mind. Just because someone is racist and comments on Morrissey, does not mean that they must therefore comment on Morrissey 'fan' sites. Again, isn't that a teeny, weeny bit obvious?

There was no 'near total shut-down' :lbf::crazy: I had a medical appointment, other online appointments and obligations and I baked a cake with my daughter. It's rather amusing to think you're monitoring my every log-on, but have you thought that it's not always me? It might be an intern just doing some research on behalf of our project? It might be my 'secretary'. I also found a really good new porn site which 'distracted' me. I'll make sure I give you a copy of my online diary from now on so you don't fret about where I am. Obviously, you're right: I spend my every waking hour thinking about what this 'community' of scholars, poets and critical thinkers feel about me. *ahem!* :rolleyes:

I think the 'someone' you 'haven't even mentioned' is someone I impersonated and face legal warnings for doing so. If it is and you refer to them, as I've said before, all i can do is state 'no comment'. In fact, I think I'll do that from now on, now matter which 'persona' you reference from whatever bizarre racist football forums or political seances. Whatever. The mystery and mystique appeals to me. I slipped up! I should have played on with 'SaunTheBrummie' with endless 'no comment' comments. Drat! Well, I've learnt that lesson now and won't slip up again.

One can only bring legal action against someone for defamation if one can prove that their comments have had a damaging effect upon your reputation. There isn't a court on Planet Mofo Earth that would spend more than 5 minutes looking at your 'persona' before dismissing it and insisting that you have a psychological evaluation to ensure public safety. If you actually read my 'note to myself/posterity' disguised as a complaint to the Mods, you would see that it is a general meditation upon freedom of speech and the questionable use of English Tort law by the singer Morrissey. Of course, as you have such a limited intellectual range, it is not possible for you to follow that complex musing so you immediately assume it is all about you. You do that because you are a narcissist and an utter twit. How on earth could such a specimen ever damage me/us/them? "Computer says No!"

[new txt msg: my son's train will be 10 minutes late. don't understand Cabinet re-shuffle. switch channels to images of police restraining disturbed person for his own safety, the unfortunate person being restrained is wearing a t-shirt with the logo 'my name is Skylarker!' clearly visible.]

You changed your screen caption to 'AWOL' dear! No-one else! What I actually wrote was 'the user 'Skylarker' list themselves as 'AWOL' currently. Our suggestion is that the would be prudent to make this a permanent decision' We stand by that advice, although we accept you are unlikely to heed it'. Your preposterous suggestion that there are 'new readers' flooding The Pigsty seems risible and implausible.

I'm intrigued that you took a break from posting earlier this year. I assume it was on the advice/instructions of your psychiatric doctors and social workers?

There's a problem here. I'm a supremely gifted writer: you're not. It's rather pointless continuing to respond to your witless drivel as to do so grants you an entirely undeserved place on the edges of my super-trouper spotlighted presence here. I will shortly conclude my 'rebuttal' of your infantile fantasies as I've just noticed that one of my favourite people here has returned and left some extremely interesting comments which I wish to study and reply to thoughtfully and carefully. It's kind of annoying to think I've wasted too much time troll-slaying, time which could have been more usefully allocated to intelligent discourse. Summer comes to an end. The new academic year begins and my students will flock to my seminars to hear my latest innovations in thought and reason. I will not be directing them to this site other than to point to it as a representative example of the modern plague of talentless amateurs who think that typing a lot and using curse words is indicative of artistic development. It is not. Have you ever thought of going on a creative writing course? Critical thinking? Abstract reasoning? Logic? Did you finish high school before you began your career in logistics and demand management? Don't tell me! Or I might be able to find you in the Mid-West.

I could care less what any/all 'members of the community' think of me! Why would i care? This is a site about Alanis Mozzizzey, who is not well known for giving a damn about what others think, even to the extreme of believing designating a third of the human population as a 'sub-species' because of their seeming indifference to animal suffering is an acceptable way to signal legitimate anger and frustration.

I have 5 minutes before I must leave 'Mom's basement' to pick up my son. Let's enter the following search into Google: 'What is Skylarker?'. Guess what? I found you! I found you, man!

And you is a boat! I have exposed you as a boat!!! Now the whole forum will know: you are a boat!

Then I realised you were probably more subtle and devious than to disguise yourself as a boat, so I did some scrabble-detective work and you could be almost anyone or anything! How will I find you to, metaphorically, serve a writ on your stupid ass? Guess what? I won't bother. I've only got one life, ain't gonna waste too much more of it on your waste-of-space 'responses'. Time for the train, then home, cup of tea, a quick perusal of your remaining inscrutable responses then off to bed for a night of sleep with maybe a quick shag first:horny:. That's if I can get out of 'Mom's basement', of course!:eek:

I'll get back to you in a while. Don't try to read this all at once, dear. I don't want you to get a migraine.



PS: just love the way you Yanks overuse 'WAY' as in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much! Thank God you discovered that subtle addition to the English language. I mean, where would we be without it?

We love you Skylarker, and we are all praying for you.
Here, and of course, in the PrayerCircle For Skylarker thread.
Why don't you set up a '99 Names For BrummieBoy' thread and discuss my Kabbalistic origins and my relationship to Opus Dei. It's all valid lines of inquiry! :crazy:

Dude, I don't care about any of that shit with your kid or your doctor's appointment. Racists can have kids and doctor's appointments, too. :lbf:

I just think it's funny that you don't even know me and what you do know of me you have total contempt for, yet you pen this spastic diatribe trying to convince me of how wrong I's funny, bro. Telltale Heart and all that. "WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LOOK BEHIND THIS DOOR BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE BEHIND THIS DOOR SO DON'T LOOK BEHIND THIS DOOR!"


You can write all the Bible-length posts you want. You're trying so hard to cover up something it took me 5 seconds to find...
Last edited by a moderator: BrummieBoy lives in Glasgow? Is anyone following this?

Oh and Brummie, here's a message to you from a friend:

"Tell him Celtics sucks too. Rangers forever!"

huh? :confused: So, now we're in Glasgow?

I love Glasgow! I was last there for a Kraftwerk concert in 2004. I spend so much time in Edinburgh, there never seems time to spend in Glasgow. I love men in kilts, though! :horny:

I'm trying to think of people of colour from Glasgow who I could hate on.....*thinking*.....yay! Hardeep Singh Kohli! I'll study his Wikipedia entry, find reasons to trash him then set up a 'ShaunTheGlaswegianBrummie' profile on his fan site and say mad shit about him till I'm blocked. Then you can find it and say: "see! I told you he was a racist Brummie football fan living in Glasgow!"

'Oh! Internet!' etc

*seriously amused and bemused by Skylarker's 'detective' skills*



BrummieBoy snapped by Detective Skylarker as he leaves his Gorbal's home.
Re: BrummieBoy lives in Glasgow? Is anyone following this?

huh? :confused: So, now we're in Glasgow?

I love Glasgow! I was last there for a Kraftwerk concert in 2004. I spend so much time in Edinburgh, there never seems time to spend in Glasgow. I love men in kilts, though! :horny:

I'm trying to think of people of colour from Glasgow who I could hate on.....*thinking*.....yay! Hardeep Singh Kohli! I'll study his Wikipedia entry, find reasons to trash him then set up a 'ShaunTheGlaswegianBrummie' profile on his fan site and say mad shit about him till I'm blocked. Then you can find it and say: "see! I told you he was a racist Brummie football fan living in Glasgow!"

'Oh! Internet!' etc

*seriously amused and bemused by Skylarker's 'detective' skills*


View attachment 14250

BrummieBoy snapped by Detective Skylarker as he leaves his Gorbal's home.

Dude, there's no "detective" work...I Googled "Brummie Morrissey" and found a million racist posts by a guy calling himself Shaun the Brummie WHO WRITES EXACTLY LIKE YOU DO. Same style, same everything.

C'mon man, It's cool. If I'm wrong, just ignore me. No reason to defend yourself against a stranger making insinuating claims of racism on the internet, right?

Unless, of course...
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Actually, you're confused as Mozz-Hull22407 or whatever that idiot's called: he / she said I should 'suck my own foetid cock' which really upset me and made me think about my life in a way I'd never imagined before...WAIT!

If I've got a 12 inch cock would I waste time typing here or would I just spend all my hours giving myself the best blowjobs ever? It's a difficult conundrum to think about.....*thinking....*

Wouldn't your tongue be on the wrong side though? Think about it. Doop, slurp, hmmmmmm...tongues on the wrong side. :squiffy: Waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too hard.
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Wouldn't your tongue be on the wrong side though? Think about it. Doop, slurp, hmmmmmm...tongues on the wrong side. :squiffy: Waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too hard.

There is no wrong side. Picture 69, if you will.

Planes, trains, automobiles. Birmingham to Glasgow to Ireland: The Plot Thickens!!!!

That is what I do. You didn't "notice" anything other than an early draft. But you go, girl! Get that leverage! Woo-hoo!

I hardly "wasted" time sleuthing him, as it has done what I wanted it to do, which is put him in the hot seat. That you are the only person defending him says something. And besides, it didn't take me long; it was maybe 20 minutes out of my night. And you should see the stuff I found that I didn't post! Like his sports forums nonsense about how Ireland needs to be purified.:confused::crazy:

He doesn't big me per se; I just don't like him. He's irritating. And you've got to remember, a lot of this is fun for me; I enjoy calling people out on their bullshit. Besides, didn't you just dig up, what, like 50 old Viva Hate posts? So...does that mean Viva "won" by your logic?

Think before you type. Consistency is everything.

But like I told you in that letter; I'm happy to acknowledge you as simply someone who posts here, and your continued trolling and baiting and whining is something that, admittedly, I have to try very hard to ignore. It's difficult,'re like an itchy scab begging to be ripped off, even at the expense of more blood.

I told you, if you drop the attention-seeking, I'll look the other way. Apparently you didn't like that prospect too much, though.

At any know he's a racist, I know he's a racist, he knows he's a racist, everyone here knows he's a racist.

You know that even without proof (what do you need, an IP address? :lbf:), they are most certainly the same individual. Of course I realize how crazy that notion is to someone who had no problem immediately accusing me of inventing and posting as Nightingale...right?

Interesting how arbitrary your clamor for evidence is.

I'm not in any 'hot seat', dear! I'm laid back on a lovely new couch. It's a sort of taupe colour but it goes with the marmalade orange carpets and buttermilk walls in this freshly decorated room, so I'm cool with that. Do you like interior design? Do you have a big Lazy-Boy with beer holder so you can watch NASCAR and shit? Does your high-income, high-status residence reflect your high-income, high-status profession? Actually, I'm stuck in 'Mom's basement' on an ancient IKEA futon with all sorts of body fluid stains on it. Yuck! It's so lonely down here, if only I had a job or a car or a boyfriend/girlfriend. I've got 7 cats though. Do you like cats? All Morrissey fans love cats: it is Law!!

I'm really doing my best to follow all this, but it's late. I'm tired and I want/need to go to bed before I lose the will to live frm trying to follow Skylarker's latest 'thought disorder'. But if I go to bed, that will make the delusional Skylarker think I've 'run away' from his 'allegations of racism' which are so incoherent that they need a flow chart and a Powerpoint handout to even begin to follow. I must adapt my body-clock to East Coast/West Coast so I can hang with the cool folk in Brooklyn and Inglewood. Imagine how wonderful it must be to be an actual American like wot we see on t.v?.........*thinking. didn't take long*......

What is this 'Ireland' thing? That's new! So. I flaunt my 12 cock on Facebook, even though that site expressly forbids such stuff as far as I know, I live in Glasgow but I think Ireland needs to be 'purified'? Of what? Who? Why? Is this some kind of religious sectarian charge you've added to the list? Or is it some thing about all those Brazilians in Gort? What sports forum? Was it hurling? Sexy Irish men......mmmmmmnnnnnn! Shame Moz looks like a grumpy farmer from Mayo these days, but never mind. Let's keep 'on topic' discussing your tin-foil hat theories as to my identity and 'racist' political views. Have you ever thought of doing some interviews with celebrities? I'm sure you'd get a great exclusive from L-ron Mozzizzey.

Even if everybody here thought I was a racist, all that would prove is that everybody here is as stupid, unbalanced and irrational as you. It does sometimes seem like that!!!!! Good luck with matching I.P addresses, but be careful you don't trigger Homeland Security with your silliness. I'm sure the 'tools' at your end are very cutting edge, very 2008, and I really should be hiding behind a line of proxies so no-one can see me in Birmingham/Glasgow/Ireland/Afghanistan: take your pick. I wonder why I'm not even remotely concerned about your sleuth skills.....hey! what will I do when those folk next door move and take their unlocked wireless connection with them? Does that mean I'll have to actually start paying to do this shit from 'Mom's basement'? Does that mean I'll need grown-up I.D and shit? And a credit card? And a job? Oh, no! Adult life, adult responsibilites! How would I ever cope? Excuse me whilst I just flick to Zero Hedge, back in a moment.....where was I? Oh, yes. Me and my loser life in Brum/Glasgow/Ireland/ 'on a plane' listening to Nirvana or whatever the hell you're on about.

OK! So 'Nightingale' was someone else's hallucination rather than your own creation and the 'tools' were not working that night. I'm sure you've won everyone round to that 'sensible' explanation with your blizzard of word-salad PMs ever since you were so cruelly and unjustly exposed as just another ballet-stuffing, sock-puppet creating, forum baiting fool.

regards (getting bored now, time for bed, methinks)




Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

There is no wrong side. Picture 69, if you will.


He was talking about the "best blowjobs ever." I'm pretty sure no dude would ever say their best blow job ever was while yinnin' or yangin'. A truly proper blowjob has to have the top of the tongue underneath. End of story.
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Wouldn't your tongue be on the wrong side though? Think about it. Doop, slurp, hmmmmmm...tongues on the wrong side. :squiffy: Waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too hard.

I have a very flexible and extending tongue which can reach almost anywhere I command it too......:horny:

[don't talk to me! i'm a 'racist' outcast, Skylarker sez so. must be true! remember 'guilt by implication, by association....' or whatever it was.........]

regards Fr BrummyBoy- racist priest on the run in Ireland from Glasgow and/or Birmingham, seeking to 'purify' Ireland for it's sports fans...."was that it, Skylarker? is that the gist of it?" :crazy:

fr brummyboy.jpg
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

He was talking about the "best blowjobs ever." I'm pretty sure no dude would ever say their best blow job ever was while yinnin' or yangin'. A truly proper blowjob has to have the top of the tongue underneath. End of story.

You are full of it. A guy will take it any way he can get it. End of story.
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

I have a very flexible and extending tongue which can reach almost anywhere I command it too......:horny:

[don't talk to me! i'm a 'racist' outcast, Skylarker sez so. must be true! remember 'guilt by implication, by association....' or whatever it was.........]

regards Fr BrummyBoy- racist priest on the run in Ireland from Glasgow and/or Birmingham, seeking to 'purify' Ireland for it's sports fans...."was that it, Skylarker? is that the gist of it?" :crazy:

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