Wow! I mean just totally wow! I'm trying to watch Newsnight on BBC to understand the British Government reshuffle today, txting with my son about his train arrival time, but it's hard to concentrate on reality when it's just be assaulted by your amazingly nutso comment. Where do I start? I guess the beginning would be the best place.
I am totally unrelated to that 'ShaunTheBrummie'! Please explain how and where you find such a close match of writing style that you imagine it correlates to mine/ours? We briefly scanned the nonsense, assuming it was just your average suburban racist keyboard warrior sockpuppet: there's a lot of them around! We see no cross-over in writing style, none whatsoever.
I think you've got the whole 'Morrissey' and 'Racism' thing a bit confused in your mind. Just because someone is racist and comments on Morrissey, does not mean that they must therefore comment on Morrissey 'fan' sites. Again, isn't that a teeny, weeny bit obvious?
There was no 'near total shut-down'

I had a medical appointment, other online appointments and obligations and I baked a cake with my daughter. It's rather amusing to think you're monitoring my every log-on, but have you thought that it's not always me? It might be an intern just doing some research on behalf of our project? It might be my 'secretary'. I also found a really good new porn site which 'distracted' me. I'll make sure I give you a copy of my online diary from now on so you don't fret about where I am. Obviously, you're right: I spend my every waking hour thinking about what this 'community' of scholars, poets and critical thinkers feel about me. *ahem!*
I think the 'someone' you 'haven't even mentioned' is someone I impersonated and face legal warnings for doing so. If it is and you refer to them, as I've said before, all i can do is state 'no comment'. In fact, I think I'll do that from now on, now matter which 'persona' you reference from whatever bizarre racist football forums or political seances. Whatever. The mystery and mystique appeals to me. I slipped up! I should have played on with 'SaunTheBrummie' with endless 'no comment' comments. Drat! Well, I've learnt that lesson now and won't slip up again.
One can only bring legal action against someone for defamation if one can prove that their comments have had a damaging effect upon your reputation. There isn't a court on Planet Mofo Earth that would spend more than 5 minutes looking at your 'persona' before dismissing it and insisting that you have a psychological evaluation to ensure public safety. If you actually read my 'note to myself/posterity' disguised as a complaint to the Mods, you would see that it is a general meditation upon freedom of speech and the questionable use of English Tort law by the singer Morrissey. Of course, as you have such a limited intellectual range, it is not possible for you to follow that complex musing so you immediately assume it is all about you. You do that because you are a narcissist and an utter twit. How on earth could such a specimen ever damage me/us/them? "Computer says No!"
[new txt msg: my son's train will be 10 minutes late. don't understand Cabinet re-shuffle. switch channels to images of police restraining disturbed person for his own safety, the unfortunate person being restrained is wearing a t-shirt with the logo 'my name is Skylarker!' clearly visible.]
You changed your screen caption to 'AWOL' dear! No-one else! What I actually wrote was
'the user 'Skylarker' list themselves as 'AWOL' currently. Our suggestion is that the would be prudent to make this a permanent decision' We stand by that advice, although we accept you are unlikely to heed it'. Your preposterous suggestion that there are 'new readers' flooding The Pigsty seems risible and implausible.
I'm intrigued that you took a break from posting earlier this year. I assume it was on the advice/instructions of your psychiatric doctors and social workers?
There's a problem here. I'm a supremely gifted writer: you're not. It's rather pointless continuing to respond to your witless drivel as to do so grants you an entirely undeserved place on the edges of my super-trouper spotlighted presence here. I will shortly conclude my 'rebuttal' of your infantile fantasies as I've just noticed that one of my favourite people here has returned and left some extremely interesting comments which I wish to study and reply to thoughtfully and carefully. It's kind of annoying to think I've wasted too much time troll-slaying, time which could have been more usefully allocated to intelligent discourse. Summer comes to an end. The new academic year begins and my students will flock to my seminars to hear my latest innovations in thought and reason. I will not be directing them to this site other than to point to it as a representative example of the modern plague of talentless amateurs who think that typing a lot and using curse words is indicative of artistic development. It is not. Have you ever thought of going on a creative writing course? Critical thinking? Abstract reasoning? Logic? Did you finish high school before you began your career in logistics and demand management? Don't tell me! Or I might be able to find you in the Mid-West.
I could care less what any/all 'members of the community' think of me! Why would i care? This is a site about Alanis Mozzizzey, who is not well known for giving a damn about what others think, even to the extreme of believing designating a third of the human population as a 'sub-species' because of their seeming indifference to animal suffering is an acceptable way to signal legitimate anger and frustration.
I have 5 minutes before I must leave 'Mom's basement' to pick up my son. Let's enter the following search into Google: 'What is Skylarker?'. Guess what? I found you! I found you, man!
And you is a boat! I have exposed you as a boat!!! Now the whole forum will know: you are a boat!
Then I realised you were probably more subtle and devious than to disguise yourself as a boat, so I did some scrabble-detective work and you could be almost anyone or anything! How will I find you to, metaphorically, serve a writ on your stupid ass? Guess what? I won't bother. I've only got one life, ain't gonna waste too much more of it on your waste-of-space 'responses'. Time for the train, then home, cup of tea, a quick perusal of your remaining inscrutable responses then off to bed for a night of sleep with maybe a quick shag first

. That's if I can get out of 'Mom's basement', of course!
I'll get back to you in a while. Don't try to read this all at once, dear. I don't want you to get a migraine.
PS: just love the way you Yanks overuse 'WAY' as in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much! Thank God you discovered that subtle addition to the English language. I mean, where would we be without it?
We love you Skylarker, and we are all praying for you.
Here, and of course, in the PrayerCircle For Skylarker thread.
Why don't you set up a '99 Names For BrummieBoy' thread and discuss my Kabbalistic origins and my relationship to Opus Dei. It's all valid lines of inquiry!