Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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For the record I was the only cool looking child out of the three of us. Nicky wire’s legs would NOT have been cool enough to hang out with me back then and probably still isn’t. The main flaw I can see is how much my ears stuck out which they don’t to that extent any more and I can provide proof of that upon request :hammer:

Young thug in dungarees with one hand in pocket and sideways glare which is VERY ‘Born to Harangue’:
View attachment 150868

Cheeky grin in black denim:
View attachment 150869
Little Irish boys ARE the best 👍
There may be some borderline Morrissey idolaters on here, but you’re talking to a pathologically nasty fake “lawyer” who spent the first portion of her time on here harassing gentle prey to earn brownie points with someone who eventually rejected her, hating on Johnny Marr while championing Morrissey, and without any shame decided to flip the script and become a long-standing regular contributor on a forum dedicated to someone she now considers a dickhead. Talk about having issues.
They’ve never said or done anything to get muted by me before now, so must be ok.
For the record I was the only cool looking child out of the three of us. Nicky wire’s legs would NOT have been cool enough to hang out with me back then and probably still isn’t. The main flaw I can see is how much my ears stuck out which they don’t to that extent any more and I can provide proof of that upon request :hammer:

Young thug in dungarees with one hand in pocket and sideways glare which is VERY ‘Born to Harangue’:
View attachment 150868

Cheeky grin in black denim:
View attachment 150869
Cool jacket, who says double denim doesn't work 👍
She last @ed you with a redundant question three days ago and there’s the latest one ☝️, I rest my case (if I had one, I’m not the budget lawyer here so I don’t know how well my ‘case’ would have held up in court). I’m going to sleep!

View attachment 150862

I didn't see that post as "making fun of my relationship with my mother." The discussion was abortion/veganism/applied ethics. Her question seemed legitimate to me: whether I would exploit someone's diminished capacity to make them a vegan. I think she would've asked it if I was taking care of my father, brother, aunt, or whoever, or if I was a nurse being paid to take care of some random.
Do you think word of mouth is a thing in the fetish community?! I don't have any training though, but I thought maybe for the first couple of times the client could just tell me what to do. It can't be that hard! Do you think a small city like mine would have much demand for this sort of thing or do I need to go to a big city like London? Do you think one of my subs can find me a place to live in london?!

I am probably the furthest person from knowledgeable on this subject you could ask. I imagine you could pick up your training as you go. If your behavior on this forum is any indicator, you already have a natural talent for cruelty and abuse. Improvise and go with your gut, I guess, and you'll probably do fine. At the end of the first session just grind the stiletto heel of your black leather boot into Carlislebaz's back and demand, "time for a survey, cretin. What did you find the most rewarding, and what do you think could be most improved?"
I am probably the furthest person from knowledgeable on this subject you could ask. I imagine you could pick up your training as you go. If your behavior on this forum is any indicator, you already have a natural talent for cruelty and abuse. Improvise and go with your gut, I guess, and you'll probably do fine. At the end of the first session just grind the stiletto heel of your black leather boot into Carlislebaz's back and demand, "time for a survey, cretin. What did you find the most rewarding, and what do you think could be most improved?"
Stand by, auds, I've still got more questions, okay!
I don't care whether or not Johnny liked his teachers. There was really no need in adding that bit to this reply or this silly picture. So what? Who cares? Did you feel the need to put that there for added measure? I mean, why else would you?

All Morrissey basically said in his book is that he felt that Porter made the music flat and, yes, he was suspicious of what he might be up to in regards of his influence on Johnny, but that is because Morrissey had a clear understanding of what he wanted the Smiths to be and that should have been worked out between him and Marr. He did not rip Porter to shreds nor did he "mercilessly stick his knife in", either. A bit dramatic! He just felt that the album failed everyone because the songs did not sound as good and powerful as the end result after Porter got a hold of the music. He also admitted that people acted odd around him because of the way he handled things. So, maybe he twisted the knife on himself a bit, too.

NONE OF US WERE THERE. We see both sides and we choose who we want to believe. I get where Morrissey is coming from. I understand Autobiography well, and his feelings of what others might have been up to behind his back, including Marr, who didn't help matters by skipping out in the end. In fact, the way the whole damn thing ended proved Moz right.

We see what Marr wants us to see. He puts on airs. At least Moz tells it like it is, or how he sees it, and if that makes people dislike him, well, hey, he's an adult and he's true to himself, and perhaps that's all that matters to him. I don't think he owes anyone an apology, but if he feels the need to, then I'd support it. However, just remember, in the end you are just as blind as I am because, again, you weren't there, and you only see what Marr puts out there and that's what you choose to believe. He probably smiles and has a laugh with loads of people he'd rather see fall from the face of the earth. I don't have any use for people like that.

I don't have anything else to say on this subject. This is my opinion. It is not a popular one, guessed it...I don't care.

I think you might need a nap.
I think you might need a nap.
She's a total lunatic, she had a meltdown because I said some Morrissey tshirt merch was ugly
Oh what fun! These people are so easy to trigger. I love reading their pages long rants, so funny!
Go read her blogs on here :crazy:
Oh dear, I thought she was a young teenager. 😞
I did too, nothing else would explain the moodiness and whining, but mid 50s according to said blogs
Look - your entire point was "Why doesn't John Porter shut up, Moz is fragile" when for most it would have been "Why does Morrissey treat people like this?".

You think he's a sensitive flower yet when he treats others with scorn, you don't want them to speak, you don't want to hear about it. You think actually being a decent human being is "putting on airs." And now you're kicking off because I added a photo into my post. You're welcome to any number of unpopular opinions, but you need to grow up. You sound like a silly teenager.
That’s not what I implied at all, but whatever. You are hateful and you always have been.
That’s not what I implied at all, but whatever. You are hateful and you always have been.
For my 20 years here, I've been hateful? 🤣bloody hell. I'm gentle Jesus meek and mild compared to some here - and even as I was reading back and editing my reply, I softened the language. Have you ever visited Off-Topic?
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