Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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Now that I rule The Pigsty I was thinking about what threads I can create, even though I’ve kind of covered all the bases already with the thread titled ‘Born’s thread for things that don’t fit in Born’s others threads’. Despite that, I considered making a new thread called ‘Born posts pictures from his night time walks until he notices he posted something which can be found through a Google search, making his location identifiable, at which point he starts frantically deleting pictures to cover his tracks’, but then I realised there’s nothing worth taking pictures of around here. I took about 20 one night, and they’re unworthy of their own thread, so I’ll post some of them here and delete them from my phone and won’t bother myself with taking any more. I hope you all like trees!

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You could just read a book...or colour one in (instead of "creating" threads). Just a thought.
You could just read a book...or colour one in (instead of "creating" threads). Just a thought.

You could have jumped out of a ten storey window instead of writing this post. I could smack the taste out of your mouth instead of creating threads. So many options available to both of us (although one of the options NOT available to you is replying to one of my posts ever again— don’t do that).
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You could just read a book...or colour one in (instead of "creating" threads). Just a thought.

lol okay I’m sorry, let me change my attitude, what book do you think I should read? :o
(Aren’t you the one who ‘joked’ about liking underage dancing boys? I can’t find the post but I think it was you. I hope you don’t recommend anything to me that’s too homoerotic/paedophilic.)

You just gave me an idea for a new thread. I should take a picture of every book I own - individually (without reading them!) - and post them one by one in the thread. Hundreds of pictures/posts; that’ll keep me busy. Thanks!
You could have jumped out of a ten storey window instead of writing this post. I could smack the taste out of your mouth instead of creating threads. So many options available to post of us (although one of the options NOT available to you is replying to one of my posts ever again— don’t do that).

lol okay I’m sorry, let me change my attitude, what book do you think I should read? :o
(Aren’t you the one who ‘joked’ about liking underage dancing boys? I can’t find the post but I think it was you. I hope you don’t recommend anything to me that’s too homoerotic/paedophilic.)

You just gave me an idea for a new thread. I should take a picture of every book I own - individually (without reading them!) - and post them one by one in the thread. Hundreds of pictures/posts; that’ll keep me busy. Thanks!

Yawn. Zzzzzzzzz...
You could have jumped out of a ten storey window instead of writing this post. I could smack the taste out of your mouth instead of creating threads. So many options available to both of us (although one of the options NOT available to you is replying to one of my posts ever again— don’t do that).
You've previously posted pictures of yourself on here and, to be frank, the likelihood of your being able to "smack the taste out of [anybody's] mouth" seems slight -- like you.
... don’t recommend anything to me that’s too homoerotic/paedophilic ...
Nothing that's too paedophilic, you say? What level of paedophilia do you like in your literature?
You've previously posted pictures of yourself on here and, to be frank, the likelihood of your being able to "smack the taste out of [anybody's] mouth" seems slight -- like you.

Nothing that's too paedophilic, you say? What level of paedophilia do you like in your literature?

I don’t know why I’m attracting the attention of all the unregistered dipsh!ts today. Weeks ago I posted two pictures of myself as a child; of course I was “slight” in pictures where I was under five years old. You have pictures of me as a child committed to memory do you? Why am I not surprised. You probably saved them. I didn’t say “nothing that’s too paedophilic”, I said “don’t recommend anything to me that’s too homoerotic [SLASH] paedophilic”, they’re two different things. I’ve read Lolita and I think that’s the extent of my knowledge of paedophilia in literature, nothing else is coming to mind. I’m not going to google it. I bet you’ve got a whole stash of illicit material you could recommend though 😐
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So, Morrissey asked for James to open and has signed contracts with ticket prices on them. Amazing for someone who does not know who James is or never liked them and never knows anything about ticket prices.

He never cancels shows either. And the Kiss Me A Lot video doesn’t exist. Just like The Ordinary Boys and the end of Maudlin Street.
He never cancels shows either. And the Kiss Me A Lot video doesn’t exist. Just like The Ordinary Boys and the end of Maudlin Street.
He never lies
“And yet here I am.”
But you know, it's your fault if you buy tickets, not his fault if he cancels a string of shows claiming double pneumonia and goes out drinking
But you know, it's your fault if you buy tickets, not his fault if he cancels a string of shows claiming double pneumonia and goes out drinking
You just can't let that one go can you? There's no factual evidence that it even happened, it's just a story that Noel Gallagher once told.

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