Myles Hendrik Instagram: Morrissey, Guy Oseary and Andrew Watt photo (June 17, 2024)


Maybe it's the clean shave and the short silver hair? Not something I usually associate with rock star iconography. It's typically a long mane. I look at Morrissey in that picture and I can't really picture him making the devil horn hand gesture to the sound of power chords with pyrotechnics in the background.

Some see a rich elder gay look here, others are seeing a mid-life crisis look, and others are seeing a rock star look. It seems to be something of a Rorschach test.
I just see mozzer looking great in nice duds!
Absolutely! The tune touched me (and everyone in the 7.000 seater) and I had only heard it once before. The orchestration by Ford, the stylish video in Margate, the unapologetic aging of Nick and Chris...I wish others would do this. They've still got it.

Just for you Phranc, enjoy.
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