Mojo (November 2024): Rhoda Dakar on her "Everyday Is Like Sunday" cover

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Mojo November '24 - Rhoda Dakar Interview snippet with Moz ref:
Another cover was Morrissey's Everyday Is Like Sunday. " I'm not an apologists for him or his ideas, obviously" noting that she liked the Pretenders version, the music was written by 1980 tourmate Stephen Street, and that the words suited the apocalyptic tenor of lockdown. "But sometimes the art speaks for itself. I really like that song and so I'm gonna sing it"
I wish someone would be brave enough to cover Nat Front Disco. Tweak just a few lines to change it up for today's times. So many newer present day rabbit holes for Davey to be led down. Then still say the obligatory "obviously I disagree with Mozi views" bit of course.
I still have no idea what they're talking about. He's expressed some of his personal political views, is this now a crime?
No, but people that can't / won't see how the political system works here tend to 'lump' people with any opposite views in with the most offensive/extreme groups. They then view all the actions of anyone with opposing views through a prism that only allows them to see behaviour in a way that validates their own thinking (it also disables their ability to see the irony of them having as rigid a thinking process as they accuse others of).
Which is exactly how things get framed by some as closer to being 'crimes' than 'views'.
It's probably safe to assume that Rhoda Dakar feels generally positive about multiculturalism and anti-racism, given her career. Probably also a reasonably good bet that she doesn't get Morrissey notifications on her phone.

So she records a song she likes, co-written by someone she is or was friends with. Then someone says "Why are you performing a song by a racist?"

She says "Am I?"

They say "Yes, you are."

She says "Shit. The studio time was expensive. And it's a nice song. I don't see why I shouldn't release it, just because the original singer's a dope."

"Why not make that clear in any interviews you do then?"

"Wouldn't I get criticised by racists?"

"You're worried about that now?"
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or …

Then someone says "Why are you performing a song by a racist?"

She says "Am I?"

They say "Yes, you are."

She says “Are you sure about that?

They say “Yes, I believe the clickbait headlines and repeated message on social media that Morrissey is evil, and no one should say anything remotely positive about him or else risk persecution”

She says “Thanks, but I think I’m gonna look into this myself and try to see where Morrissey’s coming from and maybe see why he says what he says and feels the way he does about certain issues.”
Could well have happened that way. Then, after two weeks of Googling: "I'm not an apologist for him or his ideas, obviously".
It’s not obvious. She, like Moz, is leaving things open to interpretation.
She could as well agree with him. But simply can’t admit to it, these days. It’s called, keeping a livelihood.
It's not a massively risky assumption that she just doesn't agree with him, though. A lot of people don't. Why the need to pretend?
Pretend she doesn’t agree with him? As I said,
it’s called keeping a livelihood, and of course protecting one’s public image.
I mean why the need to for you to pretend. A lot of people disagree with Morrissey's take on race relations and his support for various far-right political figures. Half the Morrissey obsessives on this site, for starters. Here we have someone who's career is rooted in the idea of multiculturalism and opposition to the far-right. Why do you even need to stop to think about whether she is being sincere? You don't have to like it, but it seems a bit silly to moan that she's lying about her own opinions.

It's ike being surprised at the idea of Morrissey turning down an offer of a Big Mac.
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It seems that people don't know much about Rhoda Dhakar.

Rhoda Dhakar is a black woman, who was a major part of the two tone movement, a movement centred around ska and reggae music, which very much had unity between black and white people at its heart, alongside a strong message of anti-racism.

Rhoda was in The Bodysnatchers, then in The Specials/The Special AKA, performing on their second album "More Specials" and singles such as "Racist Friend".

So yes, it is fairly obvious she's going to disagree with someone like Morrissey, who once called reggae "vile" (yes, I am pre-empting the "it was tongue in cheek" comments), made disparaging remarks about black musicians, made numerous anti-immigration comments, championed Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage, and who called the whole Chinese people "subspecies" in the context of their treatment of animals.

Your faux outrage at her quite obviously disagreeing with Morrissey and your bootlicking of him can f*** off.
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I mean why the need to for you to pretend. A lot of people disagree with Morrissey's take on race relations and his support for various far-right political figures. Half the Morrissey obsessives on this site, for starters. Here we have someone who's career is rooted in the idea of multiculturalism and opposition to the far-right. Why do you even need to stop to think about whether she is being sincere? You don't have to like it, but it seems a bit silly to moan that she's lying about her own opinions.

They're either f***ing ignorant c***s who don't know much about music outside of Morrissey, liars or just sad f***ing Morrissey bootlickers, or a combination of all three.
I'm not trying to silence her or anyone. I'm just saying I'm sick of these people (who are quite happy to make money off Moz by turning his four course meals into microwave dinners with limp cover versions) feeling the need to distance themselves from him and his views. I don't give a toss what she, you, Moz, or anyone thinks about anything. I'm not looking to cohabit with any of them. I just want a new Moz record. It's not complicated.
It's also true that Moz is making money off her microwave dinners (thanks to royalties) and that he (or at least "central" enthusiastically promoted the album and the colored vinyl single.

Think whatever you want about her and the contradiction, but the idea that folks who cover songs should only be praiseworthy towards them, and not bother saying something like yeah, I like song, "i don't agree with the things he says as if that's somehow hypocritical or dumb "is a bit of record scratch to me, particularly when Morrissey is always the one banging on about free speech
I mean why the need to for you to pretend. A lot of people disagree with Morrissey's take on race relations and his support for various far-right political figures. Half the Morrissey obsessives on this site, for starters. Here we have someone who's career is rooted in the idea of multiculturalism and opposition to the far-right. Why do you even need to stop to think about whether she is being sincere? You don't have to like it, but it seems a bit silly to moan that she's lying about her own opinions.

It's ike being surprised at the idea of Morrissey turning down an offer of a Big Mac.

Also, lots of people on here bang on about separating the art from the artist, yet get annoyed when people like Rhoda Dhakar do it, or some guy from Belle and Sebastian. They need to make their f***ing minds up.
I mean why the need to for you to pretend. A lot of people disagree with Morrissey's take on race relations and his support for various far-right political figures. Half the Morrissey obsessives on this site, for starters. Here we have someone who's career is rooted in the idea of multiculturalism and opposition to the far-right. Why do you even need to stop to think about whether she is being sincere? You don't have to like it, but it seems a bit silly to moan that she's lying about her own opinions.

Pretending? no. Though I do believe we were both inventing different scenarios in order to better see the possibilities that Roda took or might take. Nor was I implying that she’s lying about here opinions. I too assumed (and maybe wrongly?) that she most likely disagrees with his views. But I don’t think she’s being very clear, and saying one’s not an apologist for someone else doesn’t entirely mean that she doesn’t agree with all of his views. I’m just saying, what if?

Lots of folks on here can’t accept anyone thinking outside the box. And run to the usual conclusion that one is just defending M. Sad really.
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Also, lots of people on here bang on about separating the art from the artist, yet get annoyed when people like Rhoda Dhakar do it, or some guy from Belle and Sebastian. They need to make their f***ing minds up.
It’s the way they immediately launch a vicious attack on anyone who dares to criticise MOZI that I find weird.
Nah. You can commit a crime and not get arrested.
Or you may never commit any crime but get arrested :eek:

Thanks for background info on Roda's own legendary musical status. She's done a fine job and provided strong vocals.

I guess her saying she's not an apologist for Morrissey's ideas could just mean she's not going to pretend to understand what he thinks. This is actually a fairly healthy position that if followed by more people, could make the world a much better place.

And then by saying she likes the song and the art of it speaks for itself, she's plainly praising it and source. Phew!
Whenever journalists ask leading questions to their interviewees. those journalists very rarely mention that they - not the subject - are setting the agenda and/or direction of the interview; often, they instead record the interviewee's response while acting as the questions hadn't actually been asked by the writer.
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Thanks for background info on Roda's own legendary musical status. She's done a fine job and provided strong vocals.
I’ve done no such thing.
I guess her saying she's not an apologist for Morrissey's ideas could just mean she's not going to pretend to understand what he thinks.

That’s another possibility. Though it would be better if she just said that.

This is actually a fairly healthy position that if followed by more people, could make the world a much better place.
And then by saying she likes the song and the art of it speaks for itself, she's plainly praising it and source. Phew!

That’s another way to look at it. Anyway, the art is the artist. And to pretend that they could
be separated is a great example of mental gymnastics and being delusional.
It seems that people don't know much about Rhoda Dhakar.

Rhoda Dhakar is a black woman, who was a major part of the two tone movement, a movement centred around ska and reggae music, which very much had unity between black and white people at its heart, alongside a strong message of anti-racism.

Rhoda was in The Bodysnatchers, then in The Specials/The Special AKA, performing on their second album "More Specials" and singles such as "Racist Friend".

So yes, it is fairly obvious she's going to disagree with someone like Morrissey, who once called reggae "vile" (yes, I am pre-empting the "it was tongue in cheek" comments), made disparaging remarks about black musicians, made numerous anti-immigration comments, championed Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage, and who called the whole Chinese people "subspecies" in the context of their treatment of animals.
Yes of course being from the Two-Tone days her eyes must be wide open on all this. I guess inevitably the default reply in ref to Moz has to be the same. The risks of becoming embroiled are too huge, damaging sales etc.

Would be great to see how things could become if he manages to turn things around one day, say if he did pull some miracle out of the bag - a joint statement with the Pope criminalising bull fighting forever or a No1 anti-war charity Xmas single with Johnny, Mike & Jah Wobble or something. Would they still all distance themselves?
What ideas does he have exactly?

Can whoever says these statements from now on, by all means, please list everything Morrissey said that is soo offensive.

I’d like to hear people actually think about what they are saying for a sec instead of following an unknown wave of disinformation.
What ideas does he have exactly?

Can whoever says these statements from now on, by all means, please list everything Morrissey said that is soo offensive.

I’d like to hear people actually think about what they are saying for a sec instead of following an unknown wave of disinformation.
That's weak baiting.

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