Morrissey Central "Love" (April 30, 2020) - link to "Morrissey's Prophetic Journal of the Plague Year" by Armond White - National Review

If Morrissey wasn't now perceived as right wing, would the National Review have written about his album? Doubtful.
So we're going by how we're perceived by others now are we? Perceived as right wing by who? The nut jobs on this forum?
If Morrissey wasn't now perceived as right wing, would the National Review have written about his album? Doubtful.

He's perceived as 'cancelled' or shunned by the 'authoritarian left'.

They know he's not right-wing because he hasn't reached out to any of their outlets & he still complains about the things he's always complained about.

Agreeing with their blogs occasionally doesn't count for much, esp. when they're designed to appeal to dissident lefties, so the right can shift the centre closer to them.
He has the same type of audience he's always had.

Biggest change I've noticed is that more of his gay peer group are interested in him.
Why do you consistently talk out of your ass like you're some Morrissey authority? You showed up like a week ago.
Why do you consistently talk out of your ass like you're some Morrissey authority? You showed up like a week ago.

And you’re still here. :crazy:
So we're going by how we're perceived by others now are we? Perceived as right wing by who? The nut jobs on this forum?

Obviously, perceived as right wing by the writer and the National Review. Do try to keep up.
Who and when, the only one seems to be NME and then noise about the Word and Select magazine for replicating the story but they were requests for an apology. You seem to know more than most so enlighten us as you did with the video of Radiohead covering Headmaster Ritual :lbf:
Who and when, the only one seems to be NME and then noise about the Word and Select magazine for replicating the story but they were requests for an apology. You seem to know more than most so enlighten us as you did with the video of Radiohead covering Headmaster Ritual :lbf:

Do you really not understand the law?

A letter from a lawyer is legal action, if it's about libel, he's suing. If the publication doesn't back down & there's a strong enough case it goes to court.
Do you really not understand the law?

A letter from a lawyer is legal action, if it's about libel, he's suing. If the publication doesn't back down & there's a strong enough case it goes to court.

So how come only you know about these letters?
The critic is gay & black & was also kicked out of polite society for not behaving himself or sticking to orthodoxy.

If the right-wing is taking in minorities that have been ostracized by the liberal-left, that's shame on the liberal-left & it's partly why everyone hates us apart from Twitter & we're unelectable.

Also it's ridiculous to pretend this is a far right racist review based on who wrote it.

So he's a troll according to the article. Why do you think it's important that he is black and gay but left out that he is a fundamentalist Christian?
Do you really not understand the law?

A letter from a lawyer is legal action, if it's about libel, he's suing. If the publication doesn't back down & there's a strong enough case it goes to court.

No it isn't. There are different stages, and it only becomes suing when it appears in a court. You have literally no idea what you are talking about. None. The reason I know this is because I'm married to a lawyer and I've just asked her. How about you bale out now?
No it isn't. There are different stages, and it only becomes suing when it appears in a court. You have literally no idea what you are talking about. None. The reason I know this is because I'm married to a lawyer and I've just asked her. How about you bale out now?

No it doesn't only become 'suing' when it's in a court.

Media law is clearly not her strong point.

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