Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


... available for download, when pre-ordered via
Maybe elsewhere too...

YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

Media items:
Yeah that’s true. I always thought he did it to emphasis certain words/phrases but maybe now it’s more to do with a lack of creativity or simply not having anymore to say.

We can create our own lyrics...

Just sing it to the melody...

Love is on its way out
Love has never been found
Love is everywhere
But not Around

Love is on its way out
Love was killed and then drowned
Love is here and there
But can't be found
i can’t imagine that there wouldn’t be another song/single at or near the time of release
From memory we got 3 released before LIHS was released. There’s still over 6 weeks to go. I think we’ll get one more.
7” white label, do you wanna see? It’s plain white, no text so could be anything as far as you know, I’ll still show you, will put my 12” penis next to it, so you know it’s mine
now I know your lying.
7” white label, do you wanna see? It’s plain white, no text so could be anything as far as you know, I’ll still show you, will put my 12” penis next to it, so you know it’s mine

My penis is bigger than yours!
After listening a few times this is not getting any better......... Still Chipmunks vs. MOZ !
My thoughts exactly.

I want to like the newer stuff, but it's difficult. It just doesn't grab me like the older material.

Why can't he write songs like "Break Up the Family", "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?" or "Trouble Loves Me" anymore?

I recently listened to "Who Will Protect Us From the Police?" and I just thought "this is terrible". Turgid music and uninspired, repetitive lyrics. There's been far too many songs like that from Morrissey over the past decade.

Very well put. For someone consumed by concerns of mortality and the human condition this is the time in his life where he could put his amazing lyrical skills to use, but perhaps it is even to difficult for him to consider.

I will never forget listening to Papa Jack for the first time and finding it quite remarkable how he was able to put himself in the shoes of this old man and so eloquently expose the flaws in his character, and a life filled with mistakes that were too late to be undone.

Lyrics such as these, and Camden and Trouble Loves Me are all incredibly majestic in scope and so strongly written that all that is left is to apply one's imagination. The chilly sun, under slate grey Victorian sky, and just when it seems like everything's evened out and the balance seems serene...trouble loves me.

There is nothing at all imaginative about these latest releases. People say they could listen to him sing the phone book. Well, the lyrics aren't any worse, or less meaningful than what he is putting forth now.
I like who will protect but your right about repeating lines,its on bobby and it appears on the new one,it didn't happen on world peace so it really started on low in high school,anybody know why.

I believe it’s a conscious move on Morrissey’s to move away from the image he and the media created.

Moving away from a past that he may not relate to anymore or as much by changing his writing style and leaning towards a more modern sound, not choosing Boz songs and using Joe C as producer,etc.
Very well put. For someone consumed by concerns of mortality and the human condition this is the time in his life where he could put his amazing lyrical skills to use, but perhaps it is even to difficult for him to consider.

I will never forget listening to Papa Jack for the first time and finding it quite remarkable how he was able to put himself in the shoes of this old man and so eloquently expose the flaws in his character, and a life filled with mistakes that were too late to be undone.

Lyrics such as these, and Camden and Trouble Loves Me are all incredibly majestic in scope and so strongly written that all that is left is to apply one's imagination. The chilly sun, under slate grey Victorian sky, and just when it seems like everything's evened out and the balance seems serene...trouble loves me.

There is nothing at all imaginative about these latest releases. People say they could listen to him sing the phone book. Well, the lyrics aren't any worse, or less meaningful than what he is putting forth now.

Yep, Papa Jack is a great song, & the lyrics so deep.

Camden is one of my favourites; underrated I think but I love the descriptive lyrics:

Up a discoloured dark brown staircase

Drinking tea with the taste of the Thames

My favourite being ...Under slate grey Victorian sky

all simple, yet wonderful words which help you imagine that you're actually there.

Same with TLM.

These are songs that saved your life indeed, the sentiment summed up in Rubber Ring.
Very well put. For someone consumed by concerns of mortality and the human condition this is the time in his life where he could put his amazing lyrical skills to use, but perhaps it is even to difficult for him to consider.

I will never forget listening to Papa Jack for the first time and finding it quite remarkable how he was able to put himself in the shoes of this old man and so eloquently expose the flaws in his character, and a life filled with mistakes that were too late to be undone.

Lyrics such as these, and Camden and Trouble Loves Me are all incredibly majestic in scope and so strongly written that all that is left is to apply one's imagination. The chilly sun, under slate grey Victorian sky, and just when it seems like everything's evened out and the balance seems serene...trouble loves me.

There is nothing at all imaginative about these latest releases. People say they could listen to him sing the phone book. Well, the lyrics aren't any worse, or less meaningful than what he is putting forth now.


Barnaby dont project yourself into Papa Jack its not about you.:crazy:
Dont think Moz is going to write all songs about you are you nuts?:crazy:
you dont actually think there is 'missus'o_O
let me introduce you to ordinarydrunks 'missus'>>>>>>>>:hand:
thats the so called 'missus'.:expressionless:

after all the spunk posts skinny probably advised him to make up a 'missus'.:sunglasses:
everybody knows there are no 'missus' in mommy basement FFS:grin:
The drunk boy sees multiple ones and many little ones because he 'missus' his :hand:?!
I don't got it because the drunk boy is one sick puppy! :barf: Does the sick boy name them all?
Viva no utilices mi nombre para escribir en algunos hilos cortala!!!! en realidad estas enamorado de Morrissey y el punto es que Moz a vos no TE TOCARIA NI CON UN PALO JAJAA !!!!Por eso destilas tanto odio hacia Moz!!¡¡Y tambien porque te pagan que triste !!!!!
The drunk boy sees multiple ones and many little ones because he 'missus' his :hand:?!
I don't got it because the drunk boy is one sick puppy! :barf: Does the sick boy name them all?

They all claim to have 'missus' and 'hot chick dude girlfriends that buy me microphones so I can post vocaroos at my job in KMart', just before they come out as gay. We have several examples of this phenomenon recently at this very forum.:openmouth:
They all claim to have 'missus' and 'hot chick dude girlfriends that buy me microphones so I can post vocaroos at my job in KMart', just before they come out as gay. We have several examples of this phenomenon recently at this very forum.:openmouth:
Is that where Untruth and Barnaby tried to ambush you near their newly found mansion dumpster?
You were too close to their home quarters I heard.
For the people wondering what the "children choir" is: Gustavo mentioned in his Instagram post concerning the release of the song that his daughter Kaia is on the track. So I suppose she's the one singing - with a truckload of effects on top of it.

Is that where Untruth and Barnaby tried to ambush you near their newly found mansion dumpster?
You were too close to their home quarters I heard.

its not clear if Untruth fell into the Kmart cardboard compactor.:straightface:
its like the ending of that movie Once Upon a Time in America
its not clear if it happened or its just a floating Yoko Ono air bubble in the mind.:nomouth:

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