Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


... available for download, when pre-ordered via
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YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

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My thoughts exactly.

I want to like the newer stuff, but it's difficult. It just doesn't grab me like the older material.

Why can't he write songs like "Break Up the Family", "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?" or "Trouble Loves Me" anymore?

I recently listened to "Who Will Protect Us From the Police?" and I just thought "this is terrible". Turgid music and uninspired, repetitive lyrics. There's been far too many songs like that from Morrissey over the past decade.
I like who will protect but your right about repeating lines,its on bobby and it appears on the new one,it didn't happen on world peace so it really started on low in high school,anybody know why.
My thoughts exactly.

I want to like the newer stuff, but it's difficult. It just doesn't grab me like the older material.

Why can't he write songs like "Break Up the Family", "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?" or "Trouble Loves Me" anymore?

I recently listened to "Who Will Protect Us From the Police?" and I just thought "this is terrible". Turgid music and uninspired, repetitive lyrics. There's been far too many songs like that from Morrissey over the past decade.
Yes, there’s no quality control at all, lyrically or musically he’s missed the mark for more occasions I can count. Looking at Neil Cassady Drops Dead lyrics make you wonder if this was an exercise for passing the medical exam.
I like who will protect but your right about repeating lines,its on bobby and it appears on the new one,it didn't happen on world peace so it really started on low in high school,anybody know why.

maybe it has to do with the more electronic direction the musics taken. He might also just like trying out new things before he dies. I personally like the way the beginnings repetitiveness gives way a bit to the more fleshed out bit. I like the momentum of the first part. It feels cynical bitter and because of the momentum is those feelings feel inevitable. I like the dynamic. Like many have said it doesn’t bother me to much when Adam ant or deep he mode do and it doesn’t bother me here
Me and my missus started having sex to this tune 5 days ago... neither of us have cum yet. More updates to follow

She's probably fallen asleep either waiting for you to sober up, or waiting for someone who can actually get a hard on & give her a good time
You fail on all counts. :squiffy:
It ain't called brewers droop for nothing.
Great song , much better than "Bobby" . Best part starts from 2:13 . " But before it goes .... "
This site used to be somewhat useful for Morrissey fans but now it’s all vitriolic shite spewed by fans (former fans?) who have nothing better to do then attack each other and mock their former idol. Sad and cruel and smacks of self-absorption.
Si totalmente de acuerdo no se como era antes pero ahora es un sitio de odio hacia Moz y de peleas entre personas que escriben en forma casi incomprensible ,aportan muy poco ,casi no hay novedades ,fotos de Morrissey comentarios anecdotas en fin todo ese tipo de informacion que hace a un lugar de un idolo donde van los fans a enterarse de las cosas.Demasiadas peleas y dialogos casi en codigo , tal vez es el sitio de gente que no quiere a Moz y se reune aqui para criticarlo y los fans verdaderos se acercan al sitio a defenderlo ,si debe ser asi !!funciona al reves,,una pena !!!!y claro por eso a MORRISSEY no le gusta este lugar!!!!!! Podria cambiar pero bueno es una ilusion y no depende de algunos que somos fans,Viva Moz!!!
His merchandise...His 'other' fake merchandise. It's probably frozen too.
That's the only way he can wash it down. One ice cube at a time. The boy is sick! :eek:
He needs help. He's at that 'lab' with that 4-step program for a reason since he mistook it for a 'pub.' :squiffy:
But he got the 'B' right at least. :thumb: He's hoping to sell his merchandise there at a discount price for a
lifetime membership and all the beer he can drink. There is no hope for the boy. :crazy:
This is the only thing the drunk boy can do these days, huh? :(
The boy is in serious need of a doctor and the psychobabble doctor doesn't cut it! :D:scissors:
I like who will protect but your right about repeating lines,its on bobby and it appears on the new one,it didn't happen on world peace so it really started on low in high school,anybody know why.
I disagree about the repeating of lines being a recent thing. Maybe he’s doing it more often now but there are examples of it throughout his career.
The repeating lines thing is definitely much more noticeable than it used to be, and is becoming increasingly annoying.
I disagree about the repeating of lines being a recent thing. Maybe he’s doing it more often now but there are examples of it throughout his career.
would be interesting to see how much it used to happen,another poster said it happens a lot these days with other artists as well.
would be interesting to see how much it used to happen,another poster said it happens a lot these days with other artists as well.
Yeah that’s true. I always thought he did it to emphasis certain words/phrases but maybe now it’s more to do with a lack of creativity or simply not having anymore to say.
She's probably fallen asleep either waiting for you to sober up, or waiting for someone who can actually get a hard on & give her a good time
You fail on all counts. :squiffy:
It ain't called brewers droop for nothing.

that’s just a sick and sexually frustrated comment, have a word pal :rolleyes:
Me and my missus started having sex to this tune 5 days ago... neither of us have cum yet. More updates to follow
only came out on Friday so you might have your dates mixed up.more updates to follow.

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