Morrissey Central "Love" (April 30, 2020) - link to "Morrissey's Prophetic Journal of the Plague Year" by Armond White - National Review

The critic is gay & black & was also kicked out of polite society for not behaving himself or sticking to orthodoxy.

If the right-wing is taking in minorities that have been ostracized by the liberal-left, that's shame on the liberal-left & it's partly why everyone hates us apart from Twitter & we're unelectable.

Also it's ridiculous to pretend this is a far right racist review based on who wrote it.

Well how about that? Shock me sideways with a cattle prod; you actually 'fact-checked' and found something linked to the far-right...again. You tedious, odious f***ed up individual...actual laughing in your general direction.

He should have done more research & found the writer.

(Not that he cares since he hates him for everything anyway)
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He has the same type of audience he's always had.

Biggest change I've noticed is that more of his gay peer group are interested in him.
It's ok as a review.
My prophet should learn that there's no need to add that Google part whilst posting a link, otherwise he is perfect.
Here is Skinny 'expert' source. :ROFLMAO:
Reminds me of Skinny resume:
Self appointed amateur expert on the color blue textile
and the non fungus fungi.:thumb:
20 years as an arm chair troll ;)

2. Media Bias Fact Check describes itself as “the most comprehensive media bias resource in the Internet.” The site is owned by Dave Van Zandt from North Carolina, who offers no biographical information about himself aside from the following: “Dave has been freelancing for 25+ years for a variety of print and web mediums (sic), with a focus on media bias and the role of media in politics. Dave is a registered Non-Affiliated voter who values evidence based reporting” and, “Dave Van Zandt obtained a Communications Degree before pursuing a higher degree in the sciences. Dave currently works full time in the health care industry. Dave has spent more than 20 years as an arm chair researcher on media bias and its role in political influence.”

WND was unable to locate a single article with Van Zandt’s byline. Ironically, the “fact checker” fails to establish his own credibility by disclosing his qualifications and training in evaluating news sources.
That site is about as reliable as SPLC and other self-appointed "watchdog" groups (all themselves extremely biased for the Left. As Alvy Singer in Annie Hall put it, "I'm a bigot, but for the Left," so that makes it ok in their eyes).

So what you're saying is - in right-wing argot - is that publications you don't have an affinity politicallty with couldn't possibly write an objective review - is that right? Or is it just that you think only praiseworthy reviews are objective?
I can barely make sense of what you are trying to say. Are you claiming The Guardian is objective? It's not about a publication being politically slanted one way or another in general, but about making that political bias the standard for one's critical judgement of art.

Rags like The Guardian and NME don't even bother to try to pretend to be actual musical criticisms anymore. It's all just personal political attacks along the lines of standard tropes like "Morrissey is racist because he doesn't take our PC-approved line on Islam or mass immigration, etc."

Which makes it rather ironic and funny that Armond White is black. (And by the way, in addition to contributing film and music criticism to National Review, he also writes for Out magazine, which is about as diametrically opposed to NR politically and culturally as one can get. All of which means he takes art seriously as art, and doesn't see it merely as something to be used as an adjunct to whatever the prevailing political winds deem the "correct" or fashionbable position).
So what you're saying is - in right-wing argot - is that publications you don't have an affinity politicallty with couldn't possibly write an objective review - is that right? Or is it just that you think only praiseworthy reviews are objective?
All you do is scan for "Right wing" bias regardless of the sincerity of its content. If Covid-19 killed on contact and we discovered a cure for it you'd be researching the scientist's political leanings while the rest of us are downing the cure.
I've been to 10.
Hey up Nerak, I've been to 10 as well, I wonder iF we've ever been to any gigs at the same time, you might have even chatted me up at one! You might remember me half a lager and lime.......and I could have been yours...... lol....
All you do is scan for "Right wing" bias regardless of the sincerity of its content. If Covid-19 killed on contact and we discovered a cure for it you'd be researching the scientist's political leanings while the rest of us are downing the cure.
An Oxford lecturer beat him to it. Someone junior adjunct named Emily Cousens said she hopes Oxford researchers don’t discover a vaccine because it would promote British jingoism and supremacism. Utter madness.
Hey up Nerak, I've been to 10 as well, I wonder iF we've ever been to any gigs at the same time, you might have even chatted me up at one! You might remember me half a lager and lime.......and I could have been yours...... lol....

If it was in Glasgow or London - it's always possible.
All you do is scan for "Right wing" bias regardless of the sincerity of its content. If Covid-19 killed on contact and we discovered a cure for it you'd be researching the scientist's political leanings while the rest of us are downing the cure.

If Morrissey wasn't now perceived as right wing, would the National Review have written about his album? Doubtful.
If it was in Glasgow or London - it's always possible.
Yes...... Glasgow, boxers tour, my first one, and honestly I can remember snogging a girl in the barrowlands.....we were at the front, she had a lovely Scottish voice.... I shoved her away when moz came on.....
I've now , after doggie on a chain, got hippopotamus on, as you know, Sparks........ with no relation to your good self , or Hovis.... you pair of olde tarts, ye both......much love both...Edith pief said it better than me......
As I trudge on with sparks, they are without the greatest lyrisits of our time..... they never seem to have a bad album, saying that kimono my house is , well shit
An Oxford lecturer beat him to it. Someone junior adjunct named Emily Cousens said she hopes Oxford researchers don’t discover a vaccine because it would promote British jingoism and supremacism. Utter madness.

The ivory towers have never been so high.

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