Morrissey Central "LIFE IS NOW … IF YOU WANT IT" (August 9, 2023)











Uncredited mock-up records & 1st montage - Ironbridge.
Uncredited 2nd montage and WMTWD center sticker - Victor Esparza.
Unless there has been something specifically written into the contract then he should be able to re-record. He clearly has enough ownership to perform them live or he wouldn’t be doing it.

This may or may not upset the musicians and guest vocalists who contributed to the first version of the album though, they obviously wouldn’t get any performance royalties.
You don’t need ‘ownership’ to perform songs live.
You must be a new generation fan for sure if you have to ask that question!
Watch and listen very closely to this version of Suedehead!

Can you not hear the contrasting guitar parts? (Boz in left speaker and Alain in the right!)
Can you not hear the musical dynamics?
Can you not hear those melodic melodies and colorful guitar tones?
Can you not hear those added backup vocals?
Notice the lack of power chords played on the guitar?

Now go watch a live 2023 version of Suedehead or any song with this new "Band" lineup!
Compare and contrast!

Long time fans are upset because MOZ lyrics/songs used to be as complex and deep as the music backing it! This is due to the craftsmanship and musicianship from his former band/song writing collaborators! (Alain W. & Boz B. ...hell even Johnny M.)

It has nothing to do with the new members being women, it comes down to musicianship!

I bet complex music and melodies allow MOZ to be inspired to write deeper and more complex lyrics!

MOZ is vocally more powerful than ever and we want him to have a band that can strengthen and support that power!!

even bozz and alain said the band were crap at the start,anybody who was at the recent shows said the band were great,who would you rather look at bozz and al or carmen and camilla,i know where my gaze is wandering.
Unless there has been something specifically written into the contract then he should be able to re-record. He clearly has enough ownership to perform them live or he wouldn’t be doing it.

This may or may not upset the musicians and guest vocalists who contributed to the first version of the album though, they obviously wouldn’t get any performance royalties.
Paul McCartney can rerecord Sgt. Pepper with Wings.
But not enough to credit the sources or give any context to the posts. If you read through this thread his fans feel more frustrated than appreciated by posts like this.
The lack of crediting is nothing new and neither Victor nor Ironbridge seem to mind. You see, real fans feel that having their artwork or photos on Central is enough of an honour.

even bozz and alain said the band were crap at the start,anybody who was at the recent shows said the band were great,who would you rather look at bozz and al or carmen and camilla,i know where my gaze is wandering.

I've seen MOZ about 20 times over the last 20 years.
Last year the Band peaked when Alain came back.
Now the rhythm section (Bass & Drums) is holding everything together.

True fans go to shows to see MOZ and listen to his music!
We could care less what his band looks like, its more important for the band to be heard than seen.

I guess this new generation of "fans" or "music lovers" only know how to watch music and not listen to it. The world is truly degenerating, becoming shallow, and accepting mediocrity.
No wonder MOZ cant get a record company to give him a deal.
These companies must look at him like an old fossil from a dying generation of true artists.

With this new generation of "Tik-Tok music fans" It is no wonder modern "pop artists" need so many backup dancers, flashing lights, and other ridiculous stage productions and gimmicks to hold their attention. It doesn't shock me at all when lock-jawed pop stars get objects thrown at them on stage.

There are very few artist like MOZ that can just stand on a stage, sing songs and hold the audiences attention. Maybe these new generation fans aren't as intellectual and deep anymore and that is why some of us long time fans feel the new music and songs pale in comparison to the classics.

If women were added to the band for visual esthetics or to help MOZ appear more progressive in the eyes of the media... then that is even worse.
I've seen MOZ about 20 times over the last 20 years.
Last year the Band peaked when Alain came back.
Now the rhythm section (Bass & Drums) is holding everything together.

True fans go to shows to see MOZ and listen to his music!
We could care less what his band looks like, its more important for the band to be heard than seen.

I guess this new generation of "fans" or "music lovers" only know how to watch music and not listen to it. The world is truly degenerating, becoming shallow, and accepting mediocrity.
No wonder MOZ cant get a record company to give him a deal.
These companies must look at him like an old fossil from a dying generation of true artists.

With this new generation of "Tik-Tok music fans" It is no wonder modern "pop artists" need so many backup dancers, flashing lights, and other ridiculous stage productions and gimmicks to hold their attention. It doesn't shock me at all when lock-jawed pop stars get objects thrown at them on stage.

There are very few artist like MOZ that can just stand on a stage, sing songs and hold the audiences attention. Maybe these new generation fans aren't as intellectual and deep anymore and that is why some of us long time fans feel the new music and songs pale in comparison to the classics.

If women were added to the band for visual esthetics or to help MOZ appear more progressive in the eyes of the media... then that is even worse.
TheSmiths_1985 only has so many slowly opening a laptop and closing it again gifs
maybe he will press a limited amount of vinyl and sell that version of the album, without music (love the seventies hair and artwork) not bonfire, at the upcoming shows. if it ever does get released, and it will, the unique version of the album would make a very cool memento/piece of history\valuable collectors item. i would for sure by that at the upcoming d.c. show at like say a hundred bucks a pop.

on another note id really like to see him cover the sinead song black boys on mopeds as i love it and im sure hed like to help people remember her music and not just her controversy. its also a good one for the times as it talks about race government power (even a thatcher connection) hypocrisy and the way people are reluctant to question and attack those who do because of the way it might make them look. he felt this way when he talked about people feeling reluctant to search as thoroughly people who might be or appear to be muslim or another oppressed minority at concerts which he feels helps bombers and of course the sexual assault ring no one busted because the police were afraid theyd look bad to the public. im not sure that morrissey thinks there is a conspiracy about notre dam but i do know that he doesnt like the way poeple want to assume that of course there wasnt or that to wonder if there was is to be told your wrong why youre really questioning and finally to be publicly punished no matter how small your world (on stage or on the corner). "these are dangerous days, to say what you feel i to dig your own grave. they hated me they will hate you. its the home of police that kill black boys on mopeds" (another morrissey connection as they both have song criticizing the police). the anit gov stuff and the criticism of the barbarity of china , its all just right up the ally of the morrissey of right now and it would be neat to see how people react to those connections. it reminds people that the heros of the polittical cultural left arent like those of the past. i was suprised to see people react to morrisseys police songs like they did when they simultaneously praise iggy pop, the clash,black flag and dead kennedys who all have hated the police and wondered who would protect them from the...anyway back to hyper pop playlists and energy drinks so have a nice day everybody
Gordy you are right, I know how exciting the news will be from looking at the number of comments

I think Bonfire will leak before it ever gets released
I cannot believe Bonfire has not already leaked! If I was Moz, I'd leak it myself! It seems he has nothing to lose by doing so. At least the music would get out to the fans who want (need) to hear it.
And whyyyyyyyyyy…why does he hang around?
Just ignore him entirely and he'll go away. Giving him any feedback at all only feeds the beast. He comes here and hangs around to get a REACTION. He gets off when he can push people's buttons and watch them get triggered. If no one responded to a thing he posted on here for weeks on end, I bet ya he'd go away. Put him on mute or pretend he doesn't exist. Don't let the negative comments bother you. Just think about how sad his life must be.

I've been mistreated in a bad way by all those people who have the money. I deserve that money. I can't believe the people with the money don't recognise my relevenace and give me some money to record several albums with money that is not mine. Because I deserve it.
Bit of a stretch, this one. It’s just some pictures. I’m not seeing the relevenace, Uncle.

Obsessed with Morrissey, obsessed with money, and obsessed with Morrissey’s money.
U ok hun?

‘it’s all about the money’

am I right?

That's probably why Alain left the band.
They couldn't afford him anymore or gave him a love ball offer to make him feel disrespected.

That explains the new the band member.
Half the price for half the talent!

I cannot believe Bonfire has not already leaked! If I was Moz, I'd leak it myself! It seems he has nothing to lose by doing so. At least the music would get out to the fans who want (need) to hear it.
Don't know if it's true to say he has nothing to lose. Many fans would quite gladly pay to download the album digitally or purchase the album in CD or vinyl format. No doubt many might download it illegally but that's true of any new album. To leak it himself wouldn't make any sense. He's an artist. He's allowed to make money from his music.
that’s true. But if he leaked it, then that would be one less thing on his mind, and he then can be free of thoughts of what Capitol are going to do or not do with it, move on, and just focus on WMTWD. And since, I assume he already got paid for BoT, leaking it would be a way to thumb his nose one last time at Capitol. Lol.
We can assume he got some sort of fee for Bonfire. But any contract would also include a percentage of earnings from albums sold. That can be anything from 10% to 20% for the artist. I think Bonfire would sell well. I think Moz does too. Maybe he asked for a smaller up-front fee and a larger cut of the sales? Who knows.
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We can assume he got some sort of fee for Bonfire. But any contract would also include a percentage of earnings from albums sold. That can be anything from 10% to 20% for the artist. I think Bonfire would sell well. I think Moz does too. Maybe he asked for a smaller up-front fee and a larger cut of the sales? Who knows.
What 100% pure speculation looks like. :LOL:
That person is a total noob who clearly doesn't understand the relevance Morrissey used to hold, a hundred years ago.
Hahahaha cry baby cry. Incredibly how I am now a central part of your mind's landscape. But nice try, hope someday you get the wit of M.
You must be a new generation fan for sure if you have to ask that question!
Watch and listen very closely to this version of Suedehead!

Can you not hear the contrasting guitar parts? (Boz in left speaker and Alain in the right!)
Can you not hear the musical dynamics?
Can you not hear those melodic melodies and colorful guitar tones?
Can you not hear those added backup vocals?
Notice the lack of power chords played on the guitar?

Now go watch a live 2023 version of Suedehead or any song with this new "Band" lineup!
Compare and contrast!

Long time fans are upset because MOZ lyrics/songs used to be as complex and deep as the music backing it! This is due to the craftsmanship and musicianship from his former band/song writing collaborators! (Alain W. & Boz B. ...hell even Johnny M.)

It has nothing to do with the new members being women, it comes down to musicianship!

I bet complex music and melodies allow MOZ to be inspired to write deeper and more complex lyrics!

MOZ is vocally more powerful than ever and we want him to have a band that can strengthen and support that power!!

You're preaching mate. Hope the newbies get it.

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