I’m just going to say, if there was a hypothetical person that was hypothetically PARCHED for him, and if that hypothetical person was hypothetically down on her hands and knees for him, hypothetically crawling on the ground through the searing and suffocating heat of the hypothetical Sahara desert - across hot, rough sand cutting more and more deeply into the skin on her knees with every inch further that she’s able to slowly drag herself.... and then if that hypothetical person saw a beautiful hypothetical oasis, with a hypothetical waterfall and a clear, glacially cold pool of crystalline water surrounding it,… and then *just* as she thinks she’s saved… it all disappears and some guy walks past laughing, after dripping one, tepid, single, solitary DROP of water down her hypothetical throat. Serving just to prolong the agony. That’s exactly what this is like.
I super love him, but this is probably also why, if i am currently relegated to having to get my fix through photos… i am gonna need some better photos than these!And some MORE of him, than i can see in these pics!
I mean, not me. Just the hypothetical person who is hypothetically, agonizingly PARCHED for him!