Who is 'Damon'? Why do people speculate that he is anything other than an employee of Morrissey's organisation? It seems unlikely that Morrissey would be so foolish as to present himself alongside scantily clad women in a song suggesting they are engaged in a mutual desire to heterosexually "kiss all over the place" whilst conducting a clandestine affair for 8 years with a male employee. That would be breathtaking hypocrisy, inviting exposure, outing and career suicide. I cannot believe Morrissey would be so brazen or foolishly open himself to blackmail. Nor can I accept that he is living a covert, double life as there is no evidence to support this. I think he has found it expedient to his career to present as sexually ambiguous to date, but in a world where gay marriage is now largely uncontroversial, there is no column inches or publicity to be gained from 'mysterious sexual ambiguity', so he's now abandoned all that stuff. His next video will feature him at Nascar with cheerleaders. And why not?!
Morrissey has released a video which has only one plausible interpretation, that he is sexually attracted to women and that his sexual interest is reciprocated by glamourous models in lingerie, or he fantasises that such reciprocity is possible/plausible, presumably because he is a middle-aged multi-millionaire. This is a fascinating disclosure given the iconography of queerness which has festooned his earlier works. I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to disclose if he was currently sexually interested in scantily clad young men as well. The only logical conclusion from this presentation of gender and sexuality is that Morrissey wishes the public to infer he is heterosexual and that women report back to him that they find his behaviour credibly heterosexual. David Bowie made a similar lifestyle adjustment/marketing plan, although that was from a previous claim to be 'gay' rather than 'enigmatically ambiguous'. Morrissey is now marketing himself as a heterosexual-humasexual, not a homosexual-humasexual. He has explicitly denied homosexuality but has not denied heterosexuality, thus it's entirely logical to infer he wishes to be known and sold to the public as a heterosexual singer who wishes to exert his Privilege status to objectify women and daub lyrical slogans on their bodies with lipstick.
If Morrissey drops dead from cancer in the next few weeks, then his final statement to the world will be the video for 'Kiss Me A Lot'. Whether he intends it or not, his legacy would be that he wanted the world to infer that he was heterosexual in early 2014, no matter what he had presented as in the past. I see no reason to find fault with this new marketing strategy. It worked for Bowie who is now rehabilitated as a bona fide heterosexual, so if that's what Morrissey wants, then why would anyone object? Perhaps he will meet a beautiful wife like Iman.
Let's focus on homophobic preachers and politicians who fulminate against The Gay whilst indulging in the very acts they publicly claim to abhor. Morrissey has been very supportive of gender and sexual diversity, even if his support was perhaps an accidental by-product of his asexuality, which has now morphed into vibrant heterosexuality. I can only hope he finds happiness at long last in the buxom bosom of one or more of these scantily clad women. We all wish Morrissey a happy ending, just as he wishes nothing but happiness for us all.
ps: I am sitting in the garden. It is early April in England and it is almost HOT! How wonderful it is to be alive and free from tyrannical wars and despots with the time and inclination to consider such First World Problems as the subtext of a music video!