Johnny Marr interview: ‘I had to defend myself against Morrissey’ -

Johnny Marr interview - The Times

Johnny Marr tells his side.


A month on the guitarist explains his decision to come out fighting. “When you’re attacked out of the blue, particularly in public, you have to defend yourself. The letter was designed to be insulting, wasn’t it? That has to have been the idea. If it’s something that’s not based in fact, you have to react in kind, which is just” — he curls his lip — “with ridicule.” Tellingly, he doesn’t use the M word.


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O FFS LePepe has an enormous inferiority complex :lbf:
the only thing the dumb :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: has is charity from the left wing commie media . because, factually, he can barely even play the dumb🎸

When Morrissey felt that Johnny was being pushed around, used & abused in the music industry, he wrote this - basically saying "I love you & I'll be here for you no matter what."

Yeah, but he also wrote this stinging attack on the same album. I don't really think we can rewrite history and pretend that Morrissey has been nothing but sweetness and light towards Johnny since the Smiths imploded. "Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel..."
When Morrissey felt that Johnny was being pushed around, used & abused in the music industry, he wrote this - basically saying "I love you & I'll be here for you no matter what."

When Morrissey was being crucified by practically everyone & asked JM to stop helping them, Johnny just says "This fake news thing is very 2021...". That's the difference between them - Johnny doesn't give a shit. It's grim.

Even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you

Listening to How can anybody possibly know how I feel, not my favorite on YATQ but it is taking on a new meaning now (for me)
To me it is more than that. JM's behaviour regarding Morrissey has been typical of a rival/enemy. At the bottom of it I sense envy, competition and use of the bad press Morrissey gets as a tool to enhance what he believes to be his personal "outstanding qualities". It's wicked.

I'm skeptical about JM envying Morrissey, but I think the rival/enemy part is correct. It seems pretty clear that he's come to really dislike Morrissey.
Yeah, but he also wrote this stinging attack on the same album. I don't really think we can rewrite history and pretend that Morrissey has been nothing but sweetness and light towards Johnny since the Smiths imploded. "Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel..."

I disagree. The whole point of "I Don't Mind..." is, of course, that he does mind - it's almost a foreshadowing of the letter. "Now you send me your hardened 'regards', where once you'd send me love" is exactly the same sentiment as "You found me inspirational enough to make music with me for 6 years..." Morrissey might not have been 'sweetness and light' but he has been extremely honest (and consistent) about his feelings for Johnny. And he has never, ever been cruel.
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I'm skeptical about JM envying Morrissey, but I think the rival/enemy part is correct. It seems pretty clear that he's come to really dislike Morrissey.
If that's true, Johnny would be much better off if he came right out and said it. Once it's out of his system, he might stop with bizarre snide digs / compliments / snide digs cycle he's in and then at least Moz would know where he stands. But JM can't do it. Back and forth, back and forth.
Looks like Marr sold his story to the highest bidder $$$Sad.

‘attacked out of the blue’ :rolleyes:

& Marr plays dumb.

The Smiths are dead, boys.

It's so easy:
Moz has become an islamophic right-wing arsehole.
And Johnny even now makes the better music. The last 3 Moz albums were ridicolous. 60s cover my parents would be ashamed to listen to. Moz is 62 and looks like 70. Johnny is 58 and looks like 42. Moz has become a fat bastard where Johnny is topfit to the point. And he is still sane in the mind where Moz is still fighting the "world" because they don't like his music and they refuse to put his records on number one. So sad...
Marr's perpetrating the corporate media's agenda so easily is giving him away as a puppet. He is not different than the few artists that occupy the charts these days in that regard. Should we weep? NO, just go to the artists that still mean something and still are all human being. John Boy and his deaf fans will not understand, and it's not our job to show them. Just choose an artist who cares about people.
Yes, but where is Morrissey’s record? When is he going to sign to a label? Moz is at a disadvantage right now, Marr certainly does not need to be associated with Moz at this point. This is a vindictive article by a journalist who is using an interview with Marr to as an excuse to spew vitriol about Moz.
If Marr doesn't need to be associated with Morrissey at this point then why does he keep mentioning him in interviews? I believe that was Morrissey's point in his open letter to Marr saying "Why do you keep mentioning me?" i.e: keep me out of it.
Johnny should know Morrissey enough to recognise that the letter wasn't an "attack", it was an old friend (clearly wounded and upset) asking for better treatment. Christ, it even says, "I have not ever attacked you or your solo life... I have applauded your genius...", etc. I doubt it's the first letter of that type that he's received, either.

Morrissey's letter came from the heart and Johnny's response was completely uncaring. Saying "it's about attention" sounds like a viewpoint he's picked up from Twitter.

It absolutely breaks my heart to say this, but Morrissey needs to forget Johnny exists and let him go. When someone throws your love for them back in your face, when they just laugh at how much they've hurt you, you've got to move on. JM will realise who his real friends are one day & will regret twisting the knife for the sake of some strangers online.
Smiler with Knife?
If that's true, Johnny would be much better off if he came right out and said it. Once it's out of his system, he might stop with bizarre snide digs / compliments / snide digs cycle he's in and then at least Moz would know where he stands. But JM can't do it. Back and forth, back and forth.
I don't disagree. As to why I'm not sure. Does he feel that Morrissey has damaged The Smiths legacy by his For Britain support?
I think what bothers Johnny more is the fact that despite all his solo albums and collabs with other big name artists/bands he'll always just be known as the guitarist for The Smiths and Morrissey will always be seen as the face of The Smiths, not Marr. Even on Spotify for example, Morrissey has 1.9 million monthly listeners while Marr 500k and Marr's most popular song only has 9 million plays, while Morrissey's has 82 million
I don't disagree. As to why I'm not sure. Does he feel that Morrissey has damaged The Smiths legacy by his For Britain support?

I think it's been simmering since the split.

The NME decided Morrissey was too difficult & they were going to promote Marr as the (ex) Smiths star. It didn't work out. They tried to kill off Morrissey to launch Brett Anderson. And even that didn't work. Nothing will. Morrissey is a legend whether his reputation is in a good OR a bad place.

Danny Kelly, NME, 1991:

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the Smiths legacy? wtf the tiny pugilist🥊
quit the group in a hissy fitp-according to his own

the dude from the stupid blog must have been smoking the funny
:smoking: for him to describe Pepe as a pugilist:lbf: If Pepe was in a cowboy
move theyd give him a goat to ride:clap: a pugilist FFS

very bizarre. he has what is best described as a Napoleonic complex🔍
he has all kinds of issues, he isnt right in his mind💮

Is this going to be the go to? Where is Morrissey's label? He's released 13 solo albums, all on labels. When Johnny catches up, we can start asking 'where is Morrissey's label'.
Morrissey is not at a disadvantage at all, he has had a long, iconic career and if he never put out another album or did another tour, he could comfortably rest on his laurels; Johnny has not and will not ever have any of this.
Johnny is being used? Is he stupid? Dense? Are you saying the interviewer is just using Johnny and is not really interested in him except to use him as a way to get at Morrissey? So doesn't that give credence to the notion that Marr talks about Morrissey because he needs to, to even get interviewed?
If the article had not turned out as intended, dripping in vitriol about a range of things, including Morrissey's sexual orientation (sadly, not a new low for Johnny), then Johnny should man up and get on twitter and disavow the article.
I think Johnny should have left it, after that last interview. He saw that M was hurt He kind of eased up. That should have been it.

You though, and the posters like you, are know-nothing shit posters
What do YOU have? Don't live your life through M.
As if sticking up for him, makes you akin to him. Here's the news f***face, it doesn't
What have YOU done? f*** all I bet, which is why you get so worked up about this media fluff.

Morrissey quite obviously still cares about Johnny, otherwise, he wouldn't have said anything
When he doesn't care, he doesn't speak.

Johnny also made the best music of Morrissey's entire career with him.
Morrissey hasn't made one lp as good as his Smith's lps. Singles sure, not LPs - and he has been a solo player for around 35 years. He was in the smiths, what 4 years?
V iva was patchy, Vauhxaul overrated. the rest follow the 3 great songs, four ok ones 3 filler. Method

Johnny also has some self-respect, no begging Morrissey to come back, like Alain (who M, thinks is thick) or wearing a dress like Boz ( M thinks of as no more than a loyal hand) , or being a yes man creep like Jesse, (M thinks he's a drinking buddy , charity case. If he thinks Alain is dim, imagine what he thinks about Jesse)

It's only Johnny, who M loved, respected, and considered even close to equal and if you don't know that, you do not know much. Imagine, spending time back and forth shit posting about a person and defending another as if you know anything about anything.

Johnny , probably has more than M, could ever wish for. A successful career in music, respected, considered one of the best guitarists, and song writers ever. On top of that, he has the love of his wife, his kid, he has a team of friends who would come out to support him

The only people sticking up for M, are peoples whose livelihoods depend on it- his nephew, Jesse and Fiona.
Its a complete joke,
If Marr doesn't need to be associated with Morrissey at this point then why does he keep mentioning him in interviews? I believe that was Morrissey's point in his open letter to Marr saying "Why do you keep mentioning me?" i.e: keep me out of it.

That letter was public and everyone saw it, so of course journalists are going to ask Marr about Moz even more. I think this is probably what Moz wanted in the first place, don't you think? Otherwise why make it public? Mission accomplished.
I think Johnny should have left it, after that last interview. He saw that M was hurt He kind of eased up. That should have been it.

You though, and the posters like you, are know-nothing shit posters
What do YOU have? Don't live your life through M.
As if sticking up for him, makes you akin to him. Here's the news f***face, it doesn't
What have YOU done? f*** all I bet, which is why you get so worked up about this media fluff.
Aly and Ory, FFS you run a LePepe FB page
you should both wear paper bags over your headdoh:

Morrissey quite obviously still cares about Johnny, otherwise, he wouldn't have said anything
When he doesn't care, he doesn't speak.
Moz is trying by all possible means to get rid of the remora trying to shake him off his shoe. but the Pepe wont give way.
thats how your idol, LePepe thinks, that if Moz walks down the street he must be thinking about him, he is not right in his mind, this Pepe, so much is now obvious:crazy:

Johnny also made the best music of Morrissey's entire career with him.
Morrissey hasn't made one lp as good as his Smith's lps. Singles sure, not LPs - and he has been a solo player for around 35 years. He was in the smiths, what 4 years?
V iva was patchy, Vauhxaul overrated. the rest follow the 3 great songs, four ok ones 3 filler. Method
WtF? your LePepPew fanboydom has made you post insanity
he held back Moz with the sucy :guitar: and now we see how he was fired by many groups, including the mouse, the cribs, and electronic where Bernard, bless his twatto heart, finally gave him the boot

Johnny also has some self-respect, no begging Morrissey to come back, like Alain (who M, thinks is thick) or wearing a dress like Boz ( M thinks of as no more than a loyal hand) , or being a yes man creep like Jesse, (M thinks he's a drinking buddy , charity case. If he thinks Alain is dim, imagine what he thinks about Jesse)
Self respect? the Pep? with wig and NOW HAS PAINTED ON EYEBROWS? what next the circus?🤡
self respect???:lbf:

It's only Johnny, who M loved, respected, and considered even close to equal and if you don't know that, you do not know much. Imagine, spending time back and forth shit posting about a person and defending another as if you know anything about anything.

Moz cant stand the twat cant you read his open letter? its like Moz throws him out the house and climbs in the window thinking Moz didnt really mean to throw him out he is not 100 percent there thats for sure:crazy:

Moz is asking kindly for the Pep to get a life but he wont budge
he got nothing going but rubbering off Moz(n)

Johnny , probably has more than M, could ever wish for. A successful career in music, respected, considered one of the best guitarists, and song writers ever. On top of that, he has the love of his wife, his kid, he has a team of friends who would come out to support him

The only people sticking up for M, are peoples whose livelihoods depend on it- his nephew, Jesse and Fiona.
Its a complete joke,

career? he cant even sing so peeps can make out what he is doing!!
claims he sings like Patti Smith and Mick Jagger
hes doing 200 seats in the fing UK NOW at 60 yr old
Frank Sinatra he is not poor twat:lbf:
he has no touch with reality hes gone gone gone:hammer:
You fanboys are as silly as your hero!

he cant be in a cowboy movie, since he wont wear a hat:lbf:
he d need to have both hands on the hat so the :guardsman: wont start bouncing
underwater movie is also out


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