Johnny Marr interview: ‘I had to defend myself against Morrissey’ -

Johnny Marr interview - The Times

Johnny Marr tells his side.


A month on the guitarist explains his decision to come out fighting. “When you’re attacked out of the blue, particularly in public, you have to defend yourself. The letter was designed to be insulting, wasn’t it? That has to have been the idea. If it’s something that’s not based in fact, you have to react in kind, which is just” — he curls his lip — “with ridicule.” Tellingly, he doesn’t use the M word.


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Sitting in his manager’s HQ in north London, Marr is clearly conscious that discussing Morrissey risks adding fuel to the fire. This is his first interview since their very public spat last month, and when the subject comes up Marr’s normally sunny demeanour changes; his expression is less amiable interlocutor and more jut-jawed pugilist.

6o yr old and making opening set for oldies act Blondie:)
some 'pugilist'(n)
in this corner, at
45 kgs 1 1/2 meters the Eternally teenager , famous in Hale:lbf:
forged in :bird: seeds, the one and only :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: !!!!

a soft wind would tumble the dumb twat over sideways FFS

The idea that it was deigned to be insulting is so wrong. That isn't how it reads at all. Johnny needs to calm down and read it again.

And the sneering contrast of 'wholesome' Johnny with 'humasexual' Moz is bonkers. Why did he call himself that - because he has had a go with both sexes! So not really 'long time celibate' - which is presented with a nudge and a wink as if it speaks of someone really beyond the pale.
A pretty pathetic article from the..ahem journalist.
An interview with Marr and the ahem, journalist spends a large chunk of it denegrating Morrissey.

Now, that's what would be described as an attack.
The article also has a box/sidebar contrasting the two saying whereas JM is married to his childhood sweetheart Morrissey lives in LA and is a long term celibate who aligns himself with Tommy Robinson. These things show just no basic research.

Marr is out of order. I don't see how anyone could read Ms letter as anything but a cry of pain from someone feeling very very low. The correct response would be compassion( maybe with some irritation, or exasperation) and to keep his own counsel. Instead his ego reacted.

Who's ego wrote an "open letter"? If Moz was so "wounded" by some micro-aggressions by Marr, he should have manned up and given Marr a call, not put it out for the world to see. Johnny is completely in the right to then air his feelings in the media. Tit for tat.

But have to say, it's the journalist who's attacking Morrissey here, not Johnny.

Johnny Marr yesterday in Manchester. Such a man of the people he has to sit behind a protective screen when mixing with the commoners at his scarcely attended album signing. I’ve seen bigger queues at my local Starbucks than Johnnys cassette sighing. This is the guy that thinks Morrissey needs to mention his name to get attention! Get real Johnny, you’ve been using the M word to sell your dire tapes since 1987. Morrissey has been happily distancing himself from you since 1987. To suggest that anyone outside of Stretford remembers Marr is ludicrous. Morrissey has a passionate world-wide audience whereas Johnny just panders to left-wing, vegan hippies who spend their days complaining on Twitter. Good luck with Faded Dreams Pts 82-88.

the Pep is not a well twat:anguished:
'my new suco album is getting a lot of attention'
no :poop: sherlock, you are in every blog, podcast, z grade
publication sometimes 2-3 times over. next you will force
feed the dumb album on the random passerby:lbf:

this is unbelievable for a 60 yr old twat. maybe too much paste on the old :oldman:>>>????
should see one of those nutter doctors🥷


"he gave me publicity" so says LePepe in his latest blog interview.doh:
LePepe you cant possibly be so thick. you do know that 75 percent of those 2 million podcast/blog interviews you make end up being about Moz?:highfive:

Pep, nobody cares about the suco album doubtful anyone who reviews it listened to it.:mask:
they just want to actually :eyes:
in your bizarre get up🧥

LOL. Oh, poor Johnny was attacked...OK right.


A once great guitarist who used to have Morrissey at his side but now he's got...Billie Eilish.

If anybody thinks it would have worked the other way around, they're high.
Pretty sure there was a photo the other day of Miley Cyrus literally next to Morrissey....

Johnny Marr yesterday in Manchester. Such a man of the people he has to sit behind a protective screen when mixing with the commoners at his scarcely attended album signing. I’ve seen bigger queues at my local Starbucks than Johnnys cassette sighing. This is the guy that thinks Morrissey needs to mention his name to get attention! Get real Johnny, you’ve been using the M word to sell your dire tapes since 1987. Morrissey has been happily distancing himself from you since 1987. To suggest that anyone outside of Stretford remembers Marr is ludicrous. Morrissey has a passionate world-wide audience whereas Johnny just panders to left-wing, vegan hippies who spend their days complaining on Twitter. Good luck with Faded Dreams Pts 82-88.

You are a liar. This is the line for Johnny's signing yesterday, with some people waiting for over two hours.

thats practically nobody compared to the Moz signings where thousands show up in droves:)

in LePepe land,
but 50 peeps in a town of millionso_O
Aly and Ory and Jr waited for 2 hrs:lbf:

A typical Johnny Marr interview- “I don’t want to talk about that guy Morrissey, Morrissey, Morrissey, oh yeh man by the way have you heard about my new album Fever Dreams, yeh it’s really good man, anyway Morrissey, Morrissey, Morrissey…
A typical Johnny Marr interview- “I don’t want to talk about that guy Morrissey, Morrissey, Morrissey, oh yeh man by the way have you heard about my new album Fever Dreams, yeh it’s really good man, anyway Morrissey, Morrissey, Morrissey…
Whatever, that’s the press for you. Morrissey puts out bad vibes, they come back to him a hundredfold. He should have known the press would take Johnny’s side on this, but self-sabotage is Morrissey’s way.
Marr is an insensitive prick and a highly overrated guitarist. The fuc$ing guy has not done anything since Strangways unless you consider a half backed New Order record as being great and Smiths Karaoke with mumbling lyrics and lousy music from the Britpop era! They use the old Morrissey line the he is alone, mean, childless, and a vagabond while the article paints Marr as this great wonderful Man with a lovely wife, 2 lovely children (1 who happens to be a shit guitar player in his own right), and a Steller record that is on BMG the same label that booted Morrissey while his best record in years (according to Eddie Vedder) sits on a shelf. As an accomplished Guitar player I used to idolize Marr, but I have never been as disappointed in an artist in my entire life. Shi* I now think Martin Gore is a better guitar player than Marr any day of the week and Gore is a brilliant lyricist and has one of the best voices ever in the history of indie music. Fuc$ Johnny Maher.

Moz is not going to pander to the dole ridden crowd in the media FFS:lbf:
Moz doesnt wake up in the morning and think to himself 'what should i wear and think and act to impress and pander to the unemployed lazy dole munching teenagers in the media" I know: a wig!! Fake eyebrows and botox!!! communism!!!🎳
what shanda!!!

During one of the very few music Awards that has been given to Morrissey he thanked Johnny Marr for discovering him that day. If Johnny Marr outlives Morrissey I hope Marr has the decency to no comment and never mention Morrissey's name. I certainly hope he does not chastise him again for being fascinated with a lesbian that is not a big fan of a religion that puts homosexuals to death and will hang you by your balls in the public square for not adhering to that doctrine. I am not a big fan of it either, but that is a whole other issue. To me Johnny Marr is the opposite of what indie music once stood for and Morrissey with all his faults and problems as a human being at least still makes very interesting music.
Marr is an insensitive prick and a highly overrated guitarist. The fuc$ing guy has not done anything since Strangways unless you consider a half backed New Order record as being great and Smiths Karaoke with mumbling lyrics and lousy music from the Britpop era! They use the old Morrissey line the he is alone, mean, childless, and a vagabond while the article paints Marr as this great wonderful Man with a lovely wife, 2 lovely children (1 who happens to be a shit guitar player in his own right), and a Steller record that is on BMG the same label that booted Morrissey while his best record in years (according to Eddie Vedder) sits on a shelf. As an accomplished Guitar player I used to idolize Marr, but I have never been as disappointed in an artist in my entire life. Shi* I now think Martin Gore is a better guitar player than Marr any day of the week and Gore is a brilliant lyricist and has one of the best voices ever in the history of indie music. Fuc$ Johnny Maher.

Nice, you're going to let a journalist's vendetta against Morrissey affect your opinions on an artist you've idolized. Read Marr's words, not the writer's. Marr doesn't have say over what gets written, ask Moz about that.
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