Morrissey Central "IT BREAKS YOUR HEART IN TWO" (January 2, 2020)

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I kind of like how odd this is - fey snark at his record company, a retro camp single & some working-classness. He still knows his roots, even if he's not savvy at pitching it to the media class.

January 2, 2020

It is now reported that the official BMG release date for Morrissey's "It's Over" is January 24th, by which time "Morrissey will be 116 years old" (secret source.)

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‘Imagine’ is all that people can do here, hopeless imagining and assumptions that lead to nowhere, and people imagining that they are right in their opinions and that their opinions will actually change Morrissey when in truth and fact their redundant criticisms NEVER EVER will. It’s all quite sad and hilarious really.

Maybe Moz would fare better with more imaginative songwriters, musicians, and fans. Instead of the blind adoring fans who excuse his every mistake. The yes people are ruining Moz.
Maybe Moz would fare better with more imaginative songwriters, musicians, and fans. Instead of the blind adoring fans who excuse his every mistake. The yes people are ruining Moz.

thats a great idea, have Skinny and Haslam manage Moz, get them off welfare.
(lol what craziness)
Maybe Moz would fare better with more imaginative songwriters, musicians, and fans. Instead of the blind adoring fans who excuse his every mistake. The yes people are ruining Moz.

^^Idiot of the day award winner right here..^^
you can measure the crumbling devotion that doesn't exist? That's some database. I'm jealous.
Yes, you can actually. Change in UK album sales from LIHS to California Son. 25,000 to 8,000. Change in UK ticket sales from Feb 2018 to summer 2018. Feb = his biggest ever arena tour (solo or Smith) - summer = a handful of small venues (and a bigger Manchester one) most of which weren't even half sold. There will be some other factors here but the overall crumbling of the fan-base is undeniable. Other stuff - long running Morrissey/Smiths nights cancelled, record shops and websites refusing all Morrissey content, advertising space owners refusing to carry his ads. He's lost fans at a rate not seen since the Michael Jackson and Gary Glitter scandals.
But if you think I'm a Moz hating troll, you're completely wrong. I really want him to turn things around. I'm optimistic about the new album. He's got a great producer and songwriting team, and the song-titles are at least non-cringey. And the duet with Thelma sounds intriguing. But I just wish he'd give himself a basic education about politics, or shut the f*** up about it as, otherwise, he's just about finished.
Maybe Moz would fare better with more imaginative songwriters, musicians, and fans. Instead of the blind adoring fans who excuse his every mistake. The yes people are ruining Moz.

Because he pays them to be yes people.

"Your royalties bring you luxuries, but oh, the squalor of the mind..."
Because he pays them to be yes people.

"Your royalties bring you luxuries, but oh, the squalor of the mind..."
Of course, For Britain are 'racist' but Labour are just Zionist Haters
Yes, you can actually. Change in UK album sales from LIHS to California Son. 25,000 to 8,000. Change in UK ticket sales from Feb 2018 to summer 2018. Feb = his biggest ever arena tour (solo or Smith) - summer = a handful of small venues (and a bigger Manchester one) most of which weren't even half sold. There will be some other factors here but the overall crumbling of the fan-base is undeniable. Other stuff - long running Morrissey/Smiths nights cancelled, record shops and websites refusing all Morrissey content, advertising space owners refusing to carry his ads. He's lost fans at a rate not seen since the Michael Jackson and Gary Glitter scandals.
But if you think I'm a Moz hating troll, you're completely wrong. I really want him to turn things around. I'm optimistic about the new album. He's got a great producer and songwriting team, and the song-titles are at least non-cringey. And the duet with Thelma sounds intriguing. But I just wish he'd give himself a basic education about politics, or shut the f*** up about it as, otherwise, he's just about finished.

You sidestepped the doesn't exist bit.

The record company (shop!!!) was one woman in Wales. The ad space was one complaint in Merseyside. Michael Jackson hasn't lost support & Gary Glitter's got a track in Joker.

The politics made Moz a target, but politics has moved on & that's not really something I'd be too worried about if he does some repositioning.

Even if he can't or won't, I'd say f-k em.

History is going to be a lot kinder to an eccentric songwriter than it is to everyone who engaged in the screeching Twitter mess that wrecked the Labour Party.
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So says the anonymous coward.

FFS get a grip; does it really make any difference if I post as anonymous, mickey mouse, or tony blair?

You're called 'Acton' at this moment in time, & next minute you could be shithead skinny, or that stupid teenager Surface for all I know. Calling someone coward is one of Surface's fave childish playground lines.

My previous comment stands. You're an award winning idiot. You just don't like the fact that I've pointed it out to you.

Yours sincerely,
Signed Anonymous...aka various others that I can't be arsed to type out for you.
Seriously. To be honest, does the release date even matter? No one is going to buy it except the diehards who almost all likely already have.

Who cares? Shit single from an album that sold literally 56.000 copies worldwide.
Before making definitive pronouncements on Morrissey - perhaps a small consideration should be given to whether 'someone' other than him is seeing information on this site/elsewhere, reacting to it and then posting about it on Central. The main 'real' Morrissey posts on Central actually by him tend to have his name at the bottom of them.
The animal welfare posts, too, are something Sam posts himself on his own social media and it's not really a surprise to see them appear on Central.
It is only supposition that makes every post there 'definitely a post that shows Morrissey's view' - which is just not the most receptive way to approach ambiguous information.
Quite a few things that have appeared there are simply nothing to do with Morrissey and are more to do with what Sam's seen on FB/IG/YT & Twitter (and here of course).
He probably has carte blanche from Uncle to post what he likes. There's no obligation to provide Morrissey's words/views only - even on a site called 'Morrissey Central'.
I'm not a huge believer in coincidences, so IMHO, I suspect comments about Amazon & the 24th were seen here yesterday + an IG post by Iron Bridge mentioning 24th et al = a post today about it.
Similarly, lots of mention here of the 10th prior to this = the post about the 10th on Central yesterday.
Whilst theorising about BMG and any ensuing chaotic release - some thought should be given as to whether Central knows any more than 'we' do at times - despite how people think information travels there.
The rights and wrongs of how Morrissey/Sam and others choose to use that site and the ambiguity it creates is a different argument, but to use posts there as a 'clear' indication of anything would seem a tiny bit daft.

In that case, one (and only) thing I miss about is from what I recall the posts were only Morrissey's words.
Of course, For Britain are 'racist' but Labour are just Zionist Haters

Apparently you can be a life-long anti-racist while still believing that Jewish people sneakily caused Imperialism & have no ability to understand English irony even if they've been here all their lives.
You sidestepped the doesn't exist bit.

The record company (shop!!!) was one woman in Wales. The ad space was one complaint in Merseyside. Michael Jackson hasn't lost support & Gary Glitter's got a track in Joker.

The politics made Moz a target, but politics has moved on & that's not really something I'd be too worried about if he does some repositioning.

Even if he can't or won't, I'd say f-k em.

History is going to be a lot kinder to an eccentric songwriter than it is to everyone who engaged in the screeching Twitter mess that wrecked the Labour Party.

Even if you're not someone who cares about sales figures though, how can you miss how toxic Morrissey's name/'brand' has become?

Knowing I was a huge fan, some of my friends used to send me bits of news - tour dates, TV appearances, etc. Now they send me things like, "You don't actually agree with the stuff he comes out with, right?". Even if you mention The Smiths these days, a weird silence descends like people are trying to work you out, waiting for you to say, "look, I know the singer is a cock...". He's gone from being the 'King of Indie' with an incredibly positive reputation to someone absolutely tainted. If you're still a fan, you have to qualify everything - "I-Like-Moz-but-not-the-politics" "I-like-the-Smiths-but-not-the-singer". His name is toxic, nobody wants to be associated with it - and all because he couldn't stop shooting his mouth off about politics. He is a PR disaster.
Yes, you can actually. Change in UK album sales from LIHS to California Son. 25,000 to 8,000. Change in UK ticket sales from Feb 2018 to summer 2018. Feb = his biggest ever arena tour (solo or Smith) - summer = a handful of small venues (and a bigger Manchester one) most of which weren't even half sold. There will be some other factors here but the overall crumbling of the fan-base is undeniable. Other stuff - long running Morrissey/Smiths nights cancelled, record shops and websites refusing all Morrissey content, advertising space owners refusing to carry his ads. He's lost fans at a rate not seen since the Michael Jackson and Gary Glitter scandals.
But if you think I'm a Moz hating troll, you're completely wrong. I really want him to turn things around. I'm optimistic about the new album. He's got a great producer and songwriting team, and the song-titles are at least non-cringey. And the duet with Thelma sounds intriguing. But I just wish he'd give himself a basic education about politics, or shut the f*** up about it as, otherwise, he's just about finished.

BMG don’t owe Morrissey ANYTHING. He owes them. He signed the deal, took the money and is legally bound to repay them. At 8000 units, it doesn’t make much fiscal sense to keep swaddling him. He’s simply not releasing content that’s marketable to a relevant audience. The people who still buy Morrissey records are hard-core “fans”, who’d throw good money at a wedge of his shit-stained underwear. These are not music fans. These are fanatics. Many, who buy multiple copies of his physical records.

There were 25,000 total copies of LIHS sold (475,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). There were 8000 copies of the covers album sold (492,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). He’s a niche-artist. He has no prospect of reaching a benchmark that pleases ANY label.

Low-end independent level sales via a major label = DROPPED. Rightfully so. If Morrissey wants to continue releasing half-assed elevator wonk, he’ll need to fund it himself. ...and that’s not likely to happen, is it.

This “Dog on a Chain”, with its weak - predictable title, had better sell a good deal more than the last lot. Otherwise, it truly is over. There are classy ways to bow out but Morrissey is unfamiliar with this concept. He’s a complete narcissist. He’d rather burn down the entire shed than make the effort to listen to those who can help him patch the roof. He takes cold showers, rather than calling a plumber. He thinks the money he borrowed is his. This has been going on for 35 years. No surprises here. ...nor a shred of empathy for someone who can’t see past his own ego.

This is all easily fixable, if he shuts his gob, except to sing. He has a lovely voice. ...but he’s a hypocritical c***. The success of his residency in NY is a reflection of a generation seeking nostalgia. He signs and sells copies of other artists albums at his own gigs. He surrounds himself with fawning slugs, phones-in his performances - complete with cheap (in every sense) t-shirts for his mid-range musical backers. He’s scraping the barrel and swirling the drain all at once, licking both, in the hopes that the 4000 people who still buy 2 copies of his album will keep the pension top-up going.

...and YOU may but I have no room in my collection for GARBAGE.
Skinny despreciable fuera del sitio !¡!asquerosa obsesion !! Te escapaste del neuropsiquiatrico una vez mas!! Estas necesitando un electroshock !!! Estupido orate callate no hables mas de Moz el es realmente importante !!!.Skinny a la guillotina yaaa!!!
I kind of like how odd this is - fey snark at his record company, a retro camp single & some working-classness. He still knows his roots, even if he's not savvy at pitching it to the media class.

January 2, 2020

It is now reported that the official BMG release date for Morrissey's "It's Over" is January 24th, by which time "Morrissey will be 116 years old" (secret source.)

View attachment 53923
Who’s the f***ing clown in the sweat-shop Kappa jacket? ...and what does the Salford Lads Club have to do with Melvis?
Apparently you can be a life-long anti-racist while still believing that Jewish people sneakily caused Imperialism & have no ability to understand English irony even if they've been here all their lives.
It’s all so simple, when you’re a simpleton.
Even if you're not someone who cares about sales figures though, how can you miss how toxic Morrissey's name/'brand' has become?

Knowing I was a huge fan, some of my friends used to send me bits of news - tour dates, TV appearances, etc. Now they send me things like, "You don't actually agree with the stuff he comes out with, right?". Even if you mention The Smiths these days, a weird silence descends like people are trying to work you out, waiting for you to say, "look, I know the singer is a cock...". He's gone from being the 'King of Indie' with an incredibly positive reputation to someone absolutely tainted. If you're still a fan, you have to qualify everything - "I-Like-Moz-but-not-the-politics" "I-like-the-Smiths-but-not-the-singer". His name is toxic, nobody wants to be associated with it - and all because he couldn't stop shooting his mouth off about politics. He is a PR disaster.

Yes, I have noticed.

But I don't think it's irreversible.

Having seen everything that's gone on in & around Labour, I could not give one flying f-k about his politics, or about anyone who thought he was worse than that shitstorm.

I would laugh & point.

Give it time, it'll be fine. Someone will have the guts to reevaluate & the rest will follow.
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Who’s the f***ing clown in the sweat-shop Kappa jacket? ...and what does the Salford Lads Club have to do with Melvis?

What have you got to with anything? we all ask ourselves. Such is life.

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