Morrissey Central "IT'S OVER, IT'S UNDER, IT'S SIDEWAYS, IT'S DOWN" (January 1, 2020)


BMG Records have now marked Friday 10 January (2020!) as an official release date for Morrissey's "It's Over" single - even though it is currently number 2 in the UK vinyl chart and available from numerous major HMV outlets.


(The uncredited image is by Victor Esparza).
I wish Moz would stay quiet until his new record and the rereleases (vinyl, surely) happen. He just can't help having a dig at everyone. Who gives a toss about a single that is already available on California Son. Ends the year whinging. Starts the year whinging. If no record company is 'fit' to represent him then he should retire into obscurity.
I wish Moz would stay quiet until his new record and the rereleases (vinyl, surely) happen. He just can't help having a dig at everyone. Who gives a toss about a single that is already available on California Son. Ends the year whinging. Starts the year whinging. If no record company is 'fit' to represent him then he should retire into obscurity.

Quite well put that. It’s the having the dig part that I find embarrassing. 9/10 is unfounded and just cringeworthy. He’s a bitter and jealous old queen is Moz, and he need not be. Truth is, the damage is done. Hawking himself around America like dole has been celeb. It didn’t need to be like this.
Keep giving him release dates to complain about and he can't say anything racist. Unless he accidentally says, 'It's coming out in Britain First'

Clever BMG, clever.
You're not fooling anyone, Vegan Cum Sucker or whatever your other names are.

New photos from Smellvis 'Polish' tour:
Keep giving him release dates to complain about and he can't say anything racist. Unless he accidentally says, 'It's coming out in Britain First'

Clever BMG, clever.

Why would he say ‘Britain First’ ?
BMG are dragging their ass releasing this record but when It's Over goes to #1 they will be the first ones to pat themselves on the back. It's really laughable.
My only hope is that BMG doesn't f*** up the release of I Am Not A Dog On A Chain. There will be hell to pay if they do.
BMG are dragging their ass releasing this record but when It's Over goes to #1 they will be the first ones to pat themselves on the back. It's really laughable.
Record companies don’t “drag their asses”. They’re in the business of making money. They push and promote what sells. They bury the garbage, as is their right.

BMG pay for the recording, the mastering, the pressing and - through their partners - distribution. Morrissey owes BMG a shit-load of money. They own his ass. ...and if they don’t have a reasonable prospect to regain what they’ve graciously provided him, he’ll be out on it, scraping for someone else to pay for his pap.

Nobody in their right mind is going to pony-up. He’s f***ed over everyone who’s ever tried to help him. Most of his trite drivel is unlistenable. He’s basically a liability at this point.

Make no bones about it. Morrissey shits his own bed. BMG have given everything. They can’t be expected to toss in a lifetime supply of diapers for the saggy-assed old codger.
Now give them a bit of credit. They may be referring to Radio Ougadougou's top 100.
skinny ya old racist.iv visited ougadougou on many occasions and the people their are wonderful
The racism’s in your head pal. You hear Ouagadougou and automatically think of black people. If he said Timbuktu’s Top 100 would you still have cried racism.
its like um bongo,anyone who went to a cinema in the seventies would have seen the advert.
bongo um bongo.
you drink it in the jungle.
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