Morrissey Central "IT BREAKS YOUR HEART IN TWO" (January 2, 2020)

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I kind of like how odd this is - fey snark at his record company, a retro camp single & some working-classness. He still knows his roots, even if he's not savvy at pitching it to the media class.

January 2, 2020

It is now reported that the official BMG release date for Morrissey's "It's Over" is January 24th, by which time "Morrissey will be 116 years old" (secret source.)

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Yes, I have noticed.

But I don't think it's irreversible.

Having seen everything that's gone on in & around Labour, I could not give one flying f-k about his politics, or about anyone who thought he was worse that shitstorm.

I would laugh & point.

Give it time, it'll be fine. Someone will have the guts to reevaluate & the rest will follow.

This is correct. But in the meantime, It's advisable for the minders to start charting a path forward.

But don't listen to me, i'm only Machiavelli reborn.

BMG don’t owe Morrissey ANYTHING. He owes them. He signed the deal, took the money and is legally bound to repay them. At 8000 units, it doesn’t make much fiscal sense to keep swaddling him. He’s simply not releasing content that’s marketable to a relevant audience. The people who still buy Morrissey records are hard-core “fans”, who’d throw good money at a wedge of his shit-stained underwear. These are not music fans. These are fanatics. Many, who buy multiple copies of his physical records.

There were 25,000 total copies of LIHS sold (475,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). There were 8000 copies of the covers album sold (492,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). He’s a niche-artist. He has no prospect of reaching a benchmark that pleases ANY label.

Low-end independent level sales via a major label = DROPPED. Rightfully so. If Morrissey wants to continue releasing half-assed elevator wonk, he’ll need to fund it himself. ...and that’s not likely to happen, is it.

This “Dog on a Chain”, with its weak - predictable title, had better sell a good deal more than the last lot. Otherwise, it truly is over. There are classy ways to bow out but Morrissey is unfamiliar with this concept. He’s a complete narcissist. He’d rather burn down the entire shed than make the effort to listen to those who can help him patch the roof. He takes cold showers, rather than calling a plumber. He thinks the money he borrowed is his. This has been going on for 35 years. No surprises here. ...nor a shred of empathy for someone who can’t see past his own ego.

This is all easily fixable, if he shuts his gob, except to sing. He has a lovely voice. ...but he’s a hypocritical c***. The success of his residency in NY is a reflection of a generation seeking nostalgia. He signs and sells copies of other artists albums at his own gigs. He surrounds himself with fawning slugs, phones-in his performances - complete with cheap (in every sense) t-shirts for his mid-range musical backers. He’s scraping the barrel and swirling the drain all at once, licking both, in the hopes that the 4000 people who still buy 2 copies of his album will keep the pension top-up going.

...and YOU may but I have no room in my collection for GARBAGE.

None of the arts industries are as nuts & bolts as that. There are numerous factors that could keep him in play from an exec who loves him to a tax dodge. Companies will sit on things for years if it might return sometime in the future, sometimes even because they forget its there. He seems very good at surviving against the odds, wherever he ends up.
This is correct. But in the meantime, It's advisable for the minders to start charting a path forward.

But don't listen to me, i'm only Machiavelli reborn.

Ach. Again! You were exiled in the disgrace the last time. (Fabulous book, mind).

But, yes. A strategy would be good.
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That lad on the picture, is his name Callum?
He’s another one who thinks he’s Morrissey. Look at him there with that daft hat on his big daft head. Him and his dad are a pair of boring bastards.

BMG don’t owe Morrissey ANYTHING. He owes them. He signed the deal, took the money and is legally bound to repay them. At 8000 units, it doesn’t make much fiscal sense to keep swaddling him. He’s simply not releasing content that’s marketable to a relevant audience. The people who still buy Morrissey records are hard-core “fans”, who’d throw good money at a wedge of his shit-stained underwear. These are not music fans. These are fanatics. Many, who buy multiple copies of his physical records.

There were 25,000 total copies of LIHS sold (475,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). There were 8000 copies of the covers album sold (492,000 below the requirement for Gold certification). He’s a niche-artist. He has no prospect of reaching a benchmark that pleases ANY label.

Low-end independent level sales via a major label = DROPPED. Rightfully so. If Morrissey wants to continue releasing half-assed elevator wonk, he’ll need to fund it himself. ...and that’s not likely to happen, is it.

This “Dog on a Chain”, with its weak - predictable title, had better sell a good deal more than the last lot. Otherwise, it truly is over. There are classy ways to bow out but Morrissey is unfamiliar with this concept. He’s a complete narcissist. He’d rather burn down the entire shed than make the effort to listen to those who can help him patch the roof. He takes cold showers, rather than calling a plumber. He thinks the money he borrowed is his. This has been going on for 35 years. No surprises here. ...nor a shred of empathy for someone who can’t see past his own ego.

This is all easily fixable, if he shuts his gob, except to sing. He has a lovely voice. ...but he’s a hypocritical c***. The success of his residency in NY is a reflection of a generation seeking nostalgia. He signs and sells copies of other artists albums at his own gigs. He surrounds himself with fawning slugs, phones-in his performances - complete with cheap (in every sense) t-shirts for his mid-range musical backers. He’s scraping the barrel and swirling the drain all at once, licking both, in the hopes that the 4000 people who still buy 2 copies of his album will keep the pension top-up going.

...and YOU may but I have no room in my collection for GARBAGE.

Good typing skills, of it is normal Skinny shit which everyone, apart from your sad-f***-self, is sick of reading. No change for 2020. Your miserable existence continues it seems. Sad.
FFS get a grip; does it really make any difference if I post as anonymous, mickey mouse, or tony blair?

You're called 'Acton' at this moment in time, & next minute you could be shithead skinny, or that stupid teenager Surface for all I know. Calling someone coward is one of Surface's fave childish playground lines.

My previous comment stands. You're an award winning idiot. You just don't like the fact that I've pointed it out to you.

Yours sincerely,
Signed Anonymous...aka various others that I can't be arsed to type out for you.

currently, Skinny logged in as 'surface' to mark down all the good posts.
Even if you're not someone who cares about sales figures though, how can you miss how toxic Morrissey's name/'brand' has become?

Knowing I was a huge fan, some of my friends used to send me bits of news - tour dates, TV appearances, etc. Now they send me things like, "You don't actually agree with the stuff he comes out with, right?". Even if you mention The Smiths these days, a weird silence descends like people are trying to work you out, waiting for you to say, "look, I know the singer is a cock...". He's gone from being the 'King of Indie' with an incredibly positive reputation to someone absolutely tainted. If you're still a fan, you have to qualify everything - "I-Like-Moz-but-not-the-politics" "I-like-the-Smiths-but-not-the-singer". His name is toxic, nobody wants to be associated with it - and all because he couldn't stop shooting his mouth off about politics. He is a PR disaster.

who are your friends? Skinny and his user names?
None of the arts industries are as nuts & bolts as that. There are numerous factors that could keep him in play from an exec who loves him to a tax dodge. Companies will sit on things for years if it might return sometime in the future, sometimes even because they forget its there. He seems very good at surviving against the odds, wherever he ends up.
Don’t kid yourself. The “exec” that throws himself behind Morrissey will be tossed out with the baby and the bath-water. Record companies are not altruistic, although - they ARE charities, to a point. They’ve been coddling Morrissey for 2 decades. Well past the point of recouping their investments.

BMG has provided a leaf for this insect to squat on. He’s just sitting there, blaming the world for his failures as a recording artist.

8000 physical copies are easily sold independently. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again... Morrissey’s pablum and shitty attitude don’t warrant major label support. The remaining sycophants and slugs will just have to pony-up, if they want this nonsense to continue.

BMG owns Morrissey’s ass. He’s VERY MUCH a dog on a chain. ...and a whiny, wimpy, slobbering “kick-me dog”, at that.
^^Idiot of the day award winner right here..^^
As a pure narcissist everything Morrissey does thrills himself.
Others have moved on in life and can no longer blindly adore him as they marry, with partners, parents, grandparents. Anyway, they have matured.
Therefore he appears more and more irrelevant and far removed from many lives.
He continues with photos and statements that thrill himself, even though it is blatantly obvious that a great number now see him as childish and self centered.
He pours over, instigates, every line in the press about himself.
Thrilled to death one may say.
None of the arts industries are as nuts & bolts as that. There are numerous factors that could keep him in play from an exec who loves him to a tax dodge. Companies will sit on things for years if it might return sometime in the future, sometimes even because they forget its there. He seems very good at surviving against the odds, wherever he ends up.
“Arts industries” are very much “nuts and bolts”, kiddo. They exist because they proliferate. They do this through sales. Melvis sold 8000 copies of his last album, in various physical formats. The cost of a 2500 LP vinyl run and much cheaper 10,000 CD run have not been recouped.

He autographs and sells other artists albums. He’s playing residencies, offering discount tickets and employing seat-fillers.

You’re obviously invested - and that’s fine - but don’t make yourself look like a total whack-job douche by insinuating that Sony/BMG are allowing grace-time on monetary recoup for an “exec”with a penchant for elevator music that has no market.

Independent labels take chances. Sony/BMG? Not so much.
This is correct. But in the meantime, It's advisable for the minders to start charting a path forward.

But don't listen to me, i'm only Machiavelli reborn.
Then you should be imprisoned, tortured and exiled, just like the c*** that you espouse, son. Machiavelli was a twat.

Not a clue in the jibber-jabber of Melvis’ slug-army, is there?

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