Morrissey Central "I DON’T KNOW WHY MY MOTHER IS DEAD" (August 23, 2020)


“Following a stroke, her recovery was remarkable.
She had three extensive head-to-toe examinations by the NHS who could find nothing amiss.
Four days following the third all-clear examination I was told that my mother had three weeks to live.
Nine days later she had withered and died without any attempt by the NHS to save her life.
Once the NHS waves you off with paracetamol, get ready to meet your maker.
The official cause of my mother’s death was not the trendy and unquestionable “covid” - but, instead, cancer of the gallbladder … which had gone undetected by the NHS during their three thorough investigations.
How I wish to all gods that my mother had expressed no faith in the NHS.
She might still be alive today.”

23 August 2020.


Media item:
You are not a fan of alternatives and that comes from jealousy towards people who create their own lives outside a socialist system. I doubt you have realised that people are not poor anymore in a way they used to be. Socialists tend to live in mansions and claim they are poor.
You just hate that people make money but that money is also needed for investment and therefor it also goes toward making things better. It funds education and the development of new technique.
The NHS can just deliver the same crap without losing funding and in there lies the whole issue with it. People always needed pressure to be better and when that is removed they cannot care less about the quality they deliver.
When it comes to Morrissey only today do people really get his lyrics. This is because his fanbase tended to be socialist and therefor interpreted the lyrics in a way he never intended.
The so called poor of today are people who refuse to talk to social workers and claim that their personal pride gets in the way of it. Social workers have to check a person background and all kinds of things to be able to provide any long term assistance. Those in the streets turned their backs on a system they want no part of. The so called poor cannot be helped cause they want no help and every study on this clearly shows that.
Again I advice you so study more.

Wow. I have never read so much sh*te in my life.

We don't live in a socialist system and I am not a socialist. I absolutely believe people can make money and actually socialism also is not against that either so you are showing your lack of knowledge on what socialism actually is.

I do live in a mansion but I am not a socialist.

I do believe however that people from whatever percentile they are in have a right to healthcare and that has nothing to do with whether people are allowed to make money or not. Healthcare should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

The poor want no help. Sure. Tell that to those queueing at food banks.
Now you are talking about something completely different.

You think Morrissey gets income directly from shop sales?

That tax goes through the record company and Morrissey then gets paid his fee after sales tax/VAT etc to his publishing company by the record company which is not in the UK. The record company will pay corporation tax in the UK.

It is absolutely all accounted for in the same way every time Apple sells a laptop it is accounted for but there is no income tax or corporation tax liability for Morrissey in the UK related to this.

Those sales are the same as any other product sale for products made by companies that are not UK based.

It is not him personally selling the goods, it is the record company. He has a contract with the record company and they pay him to wherever that may be.

You are talking about very complex corporate tax and you are trying to understand it as you go by saying this must happen and that must happen as you always do but in this subject you can't do that.

Do you think Bezos pays UK income tax? His company Amazon will pay employment taxes for its employees working in the UK and he will pay VAT and a certain amount of corporate tax for the uk arm of the Amazon company but it is a very small amount compared to the approx £11 billion Amazon makes annually out of the UK. Most of the profit goes out of the UK and is not liable to UK tax. The UK company is there to support the workforce and warehouse operations etc.

Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK. He just gets paid by his record company for sales etc. There is no requirement for him to do anything different. His company gets paid and then he gets paid a salary and shareholder dividends from that company and the tax is paid where he earns that and that is not in the UK.

I think you should just drop it because I dont think you will ever understand it and it is quite dull having to bit by bit explain that what you say is not correct every time you make another statement of alleged fact regarding corporate tax.

Bezos is the CEO of a global distribution company.

Moz is a writer & singer. The companies he deals with will take off the tax & then pass the rest to whatever company or him & then they'll pay whatever else is owed to wherever - but he's in the UK tax system.
At least until a few years ago, it was Lausanne in Switzerland. No idea if he is still mainly living there - he certainly seems to have been flitting back to the UK on a regular basis in recent years.

He could just mean it feels like his first home. I know he lies low & wouldn't be on the ex-pat scene but no one having any idea where his house is if he'd been there years is a bit odd.
You know what? Every so often a Randist/alt-right/fascist berk like you blows through here. Usually you get bored or banned fairly quickly so you generally don't last very long. You all tend to have the same modus operandi - you make ludicrous claims or spout well-worn conspiracy theories that no-one with an ounce of intelligence would take seriously, and when you get challenged on your utter bullshit you start demanding 'facts' and 'evidence,' despite the fact that you yourself have provided not one iota of proof yourself to back up your ludicrous assertions.
But don't let me deter you. Sometimes it's interesting to see how the other half (don't) think.

He's got no hook.
She wasn't young. It happens. When a person in their 40s drops dead, it's a shock. When a person in their 80s drops over, it's sadly routine. That's an average expiration date.

At any rate, I do feel sympathy for Morrissey. She seemed to be one of a very few true friends or allies with no trace of motive in his life.
If the NHS worked so well we would not be able to pay extra fees for every appointment as we have already paid huge taxes for it. Adding additional fees is the sign that the system is crumbling and the socialist solution is to put a band aid on a leaking hole. The extra fees for appointments is tax as well.
Only socialists claim that education and healthcare is free when everyone is forced to pay for it no matter what.
Why people pretend to love freedom when they at the same time back a system that is far from free is beyond me. People have this double standard cause they cannot even imagine another way of life.
Why are the people of the NHS abandoning their jobs for better paid jobs in private companies?
Why has the well educated white people of the healthcare been replaced by people from the third world?
Because it is cheaper to hire someone from another country and the private companies never tend to hire them so in the private care sector you find the white people who used to work for the NHS.
We need to be honest about this.

Rubbish. all of that. We don't have a socialist government. Did you miss that so which socialist solution are you talking about?

A fact might make your case look credible. I cant discuss with someone who is just spouting non factual statements without the ability to explain any of it with facts. You are just rattling words out and without facts are meaningless. So if you have no facts that you can produce I am unable and unwilling to discuss with you which is my standard response to any conspiracy theorist.
She wasn't young. It happens. When a person in their 40s drops dead, it's a shock. When a person in their 80s drops over, it's sadly routine. That's an average expiration date.

At any rate, I do feel sympathy for Morrissey. She seemed to be one of a very few true friends or allies with no trace of motive in his life.
At least you’re not nasty.
Now you are talking about something completely different.

You think Morrissey gets income directly from shop sales?

That tax goes through the record company and Morrissey then gets paid his fee after sales tax/VAT etc to his publishing company by the record company which is not in the UK. The record company will pay corporation tax in the UK.

It is absolutely all accounted for in the same way every time Apple sells a laptop it is accounted for but there is no income tax or corporation tax liability for Morrissey in the UK related to this.

Those sales are the same as any other product sale for products made by companies that are not UK based.

It is not him personally selling the goods, it is the record company. He has a contract with the record company and they pay him to wherever that may be.

You are talking about very complex corporate tax and you are trying to understand it as you go by saying this must happen and that must happen as you always do but in this subject you can't do that.

Do you think Bezos pays UK income tax? His company Amazon will pay employment taxes for its employees working in the UK and he will pay VAT and a certain amount of corporate tax for the uk arm of the Amazon company but it is a very small amount compared to the approx £11 billion Amazon makes annually out of the UK. Most of the profit goes out of the UK and is not liable to UK tax. The UK company is there to support the workforce and warehouse operations etc.

Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK. He just gets paid by his record company for sales etc. There is no requirement for him to do anything different. His company gets paid and then he gets paid a salary and shareholder dividends from that company and the tax is paid where he earns that and that is not in the UK.

I think you should just drop it because I dont think you will ever understand it and it is quite dull having to bit by bit explain that what you say is not correct every time you make another statement of alleged fact regarding corporate tax.
“Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK.”

Once again, how do you know?
Bezos is the CEO of a global distribution company.

Moz is a writer & singer. The companies he deals with will take off the tax & then pass the rest to whatever company or him & then they'll pay whatever else is owed to wherever - but he's in the UK tax system.

It makes no difference what the product is, whether it is a song or the delivery of an item.

He is not in the UK tax system. Why do you keep stating he is? He is known to HMRC but is not tax resident and therefore has no tax liability here.

You have no idea what you are talking about with regard to how corporate tax and sales work.

I get paid for products and services to my company but the people paying for those "goods" dont take off income tax before it gets to me. My company pays tax from its income in the form of corporation tax. Many of those services and products are sold outside of the UK and we work within the tax rules in other countries to maintain a tax efficient business.

Morrissey's fees from record companies does not have income tax removed. This isnt a salary so it is not subjected to income tax. There isn't a company on the planet that does that. He isn't employed by a UK company and he is not tax resident. It is not the responsibility of a record company to take off income tax from his payments because he isn't one of their employees and he doesn't get paid personally from them. A company gets paid and that company does not exist in the UK.

He doesn't get the payments. The payments are made to a company which is outside of the UK. He then is paid a salary and dividends from that company in the country it exists in. There is no income tax liability for him in the UK and because he also has no corporate connection in the UK there is no company that he is a director of that is obliged to pay corporation tax here either. The record company is liable to tax on its sales but that isn't Morrissey's income tax.

You keep going round in circles. This is a standard corporate model. It is not unusual. You dont understand it but please stop stating what happens when you haven't a clue. This is why tax lawyers and corporate accountants get paid good money, because by their very nature they save the company money and save individuals money.

This isn't revolutionary. It is how it works and is perfectly legal.
“Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK.”

Once again, how do you know?

Because everything was shutdown and moved out of the UK. This has been also confirmed by several other people on this thread. It was influenced by Mike Joyce's attempts to take a percentage of all his assets for non payment of Smiths royalties and also through him emigrating to the US. This isn't a big secret.

He has no need for a company in the UK and to have one would not be tax efficient so would be unwise for someone with connections in Switzerland. I keep saying this but Switzerland is the key to all of this.

Aside from the facts why on earth would you think he would maintain a company in the UK which would then mean he would be liable to tax here and elsewhere and also to taxes in multiple countries. It would be a silly thing to do if you didn't need to. When he was living in the US there would be no reason to have a UK company and it would be problematic re tax efficiency. It would mean he would be liable to HMRC with regard to PAYE etc and why would anyone do that if not here.

All ties financially to the UK were closed down and sailed away in order to be removed from the grasp of the UK courts and Mike Joyce and also at the same time to be tax efficient. This hasn't changed when Switzerland appeared in the solution. If you can have a significantly lower tax model by running a structure based out of Switzerland why on earth would you have company in the UK? It would defeat the objective.
It makes no difference what the product is, whether it is a song or the delivery of an item.

He is not in the UK tax system. Why do you keep stating he is? He is known to HMRC but is not tax resident and therefore has no tax liability here.

You have no idea what you are talking about with regard to how corporate tax and sales work.

I get paid for products and services to my company but the people paying for those "goods" dont take off income tax before it gets to me. My company pays tax from its income in the form of corporation tax. Many of those services and products are sold outside of the UK and we work within the tax rules in other countries to maintain a tax efficient business.

Morrissey's fees from record companies does not have income tax removed. This isnt a salary so it is not subjected to income tax. There isn't a company on the planet that does that. He isn't employed by a UK company and he is not tax resident. It is not the responsibility of a record company to take off income tax from his payments because he isn't one of their employees and he doesn't get paid personally from them. A company gets paid and that company does not exist in the UK.

He doesn't get the payments. The payments are made to a company which is outside of the UK. He then is paid a salary and dividends from that company in the country it exists in. There is no income tax liability for him in the UK and because he also has no corporate connection in the UK there is no company that he is a director of that is obliged to pay corporation tax here either. The record company is liable to tax on its sales but that isn't Morrissey's income tax.

You keep going round in circles. This is a standard corporate model. It is not unusual. You dont understand it but please stop stating what happens when you haven't a clue. This is why tax lawyers and corporate accountants get paid good money, because by their very nature they save the company money and save individuals money.

This isn't revolutionary. It is how it works and is perfectly legal.

Royalty withholding tax is an income tax that's taken at source.
“Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK.”

Once again, how do you know?

It would have to registered with Companies House and anything he had registered is now dissolved.

All companies are required to be incorporated and registered with Companies House.
fair play to moz for having the foresight in registering both venlo and beechmount to his mum
kept the hands of joyce off them when it came to judgement time
there was also an interesting thread on here once about how moz owed more money to hmrc than he did joyce - can't find that now , but it seemed to be based in fact rather than some of the nonsense that gets posted
sorry to hear this Morrissey, it must be difficult for you knowing that they did absolutely nothing to help. thinking of you. furrowed.
Royalty withholding tax is an income tax that's taken at source.

You've been googling again.

So The Royalty Withholding tax was introduced only last year and is the UK government's response to try to get some money from new streaming technologies.

Until April last year there was no such tax and the UK government had no means within tax legislation to get some tax from the streaming companies. Prior to this when people bought or streamed music or film content through a streaming company the profit from that was not present in the UK. The money was taken from the customer outside the UK such as with Apple, Netflix. Amazon etc etc. There was no legal physical sale within the UK. The purchase was made on a system that was not considered to physically present in the UK so the only income the HMRC could get from such purchases and rentals etc was a bit of VAT/sales tax.

This new law started in April 2019 and effectively states that although digital content it is to be considered a sale within the UK so the UK takes 20% of the sale and only 20%.

However the key thing with this new tax is that it does not apply when the money is going to a company in a country that has a Dual Taxation Agreement with the UK because that agreement accepts that the destination company will be paying tax in its home country and therefore is exempt from the new tax. Switzerland has such an agreement as does the USA, Ireland and many other countries.

So again the money from these sales will get paid by the seller, such as the streaming company to the offshore company without the withholding tax being required or taken. It is assumed that the officials of the target company will be paying its tax as required in the country it resides in, not in the UK. People are not that dumb. Again structures and companies are in place to keep an efficient tax system.
Because everything was shutdown and moved out of the UK. This has been also confirmed by several other people on this thread. It was influenced by Mike Joyce's attempts to take a percentage of all his assets for non payment of Smiths royalties and also through him emigrating to the US. This isn't a big secret.

He has no need for a company in the UK and to have one would not be tax efficient so would be unwise for someone with connections in Switzerland. I keep saying this but Switzerland is the key to all of this.

Aside from the facts why on earth would you think he would maintain a company in the UK which would then mean he would be liable to tax here and elsewhere and also to taxes in multiple countries. It would be a silly thing to do if you didn't need to. When he was living in the US there would be no reason to have a UK company and it would be problematic re tax efficiency. It would mean he would be liable to HMRC with regard to PAYE etc and why would anyone do that if not here.

All ties financially to the UK were closed down and sailed away in order to be removed from the grasp of the UK courts and Mike Joyce and also at the same time to be tax efficient. This hasn't changed when Switzerland appeared in the solution. If you can have a significantly lower tax model by running a structure based out of Switzerland why on earth would you have company in the UK? It would defeat the objective.
Ok so the answer is that people on Morrissey Solo said so, finally.

Do you think 100% of corporate strategy is based on tax? Sounds like you’re the biggest tax avoider of them all.
Until a proper investigation is done, there's a mistake to investigate. Morrissey woudn't have said what he said without considering the facts.

"Morrissey wouldn't have said what he said without considering the facts."

Hhmm. He is upset. I am not sure fact consideration is foremost on his mind at this time.
It would have to registered with Companies House and anything he had registered is now dissolved.

All companies are required to be incorporated and registered with Companies House.
Yes so what, how are you going to find it? The owner doesn’t have to be a director. The name doesn’t have to be Morrissey Limited. It’s easy to avoid PSC if you want to. The fact is that none of the experts here or anyone else knows if Morrissey owns a UK company, despite all the claims they do.
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