To the truly depraved and warped individuals who take the time to post on a Morrissey fan site criticizing a response he posted whilst grieving the death of his Mother? You’re a complete and utter Loser who is getting off on the inflamed reactions of others. I’m not a fan of everything Morrissey says and does but he’s not “Pope” Morrissey he’s a singer who is famous for Singing not being a moral or spiritual compass. For anyone to look to celebrities whether they be singers, artists, actors etc. for any type of wisdom or guidance is laughable. We are all fallible human beings. The cancel culture and stamping of feet because you don’t like what someone has said is utter nonsense. Why not go out get famous for something - anything and then you too can spout your fallible ideas and be called out for it, made to grovel and “apologize” for what? What lesson was learned? Twitter is the perfect example of this a famous person posts something offensive - after someone points out to them whatever it was that was offensive- they then post a cringeworthy groveling “apology” how they promise to now be more “woke” End of Cycle until they do it again and again- wash rinse repeat......
Don't be stupid.
It's a Morrissey fan site that Morrissey hates. He's not here anymore.
Depraved and warped. What to be posting on a discussion forum? Democracy allows people to discuss and debate thank god. Careful when you dismount your high horse. Morrissey has said far worse things about people over the years. Where were those fanatics when he was being offensive about people?
The only person who gets off on the reactions of others is Morrissey and obviously you. Without these reactions Morrissey would not thrive. He thrives on the reaction and the attention. It is his modus operandi: People react against his posts, then people come in their droves to idolise and adore him. That is what he wants and needs. Without the bad reactions, the adoration wouldnt flow as much and then he doesn't get what he needs. A world without him being criticised in the press or wherever is not a world that Morrissey would thrive in. What would he do when no one is against him and everyone loves him? Who would he express his dislike of anymore? What F*** t shirts could he make?
As for the Pope Morrissey point well I think if you know your stuff he has attempted to be far more than a singer for a long long time. He has posted lengthy opinions for many years on and off stage that have nothing to do with just being a singer as you say. Maybe if he had just stuck to the job instead of posting ill thought out opinion he may well still have a successful career and you wouldnt see all these pages of commentary on his words.
I am pretty sure he would not like your comment suggesting that is is laughable for anyone to go to singers or artists for wisdom or guidance. That is a point he would be totally against. It is the singer that doesn't have an opinion or any wisdom that he has attacked throughout his career:
"it's just more lock-jawed pop-stars
Thicker than pig-shit
Nothing to convey
So scared to show intelligence"
As has been said before. If you don't want to get dirty don't play the game.
People commentating on a post on a discussion forum has nothing to do with cancel culture. Nobody is cancelling anything here. It is a discussion forum. If you don't like the discussion don't read it and don't add to it as you have done. People commenting on discussion forums has been around since the internet began and before that it happened in editorial columns and letter pages in newspapers. It isn't new and using the buzz word of the month , Cancel Culture, to describe everything someone posts that you don't agree with is the new thing that is "utter nonsense", as you say.
Indeed we are all fallible human beings so what is the problem? Are we not therefore all worthy of taking and giving criticism. The beauty of democratic debate. Thank god we still have that at least and we aren't being arrested and thrown in prison as is happening in other parts of the world for merely posting on the internet. We are truly fortunate that we can express opinion and views without fear but the other side of that expression is that it is also fortunate that people can dislike posts and react with their criticism. Truly fortunate.
As for going out and getting famous. I am pretty famous and successful in my field but are you saying that people are not allowed to discuss someone if they are famous and a celebrity. This goes back to the previous point. People are free to express and debate. The thing a lot of people haven't grasped is that it is flawed to just criticise the process and mechanism of debate. If you don't like it don't read it and don't comment on it. You have that free choice but trying to stop people discussing and expressing their view is hardly democratic and lies more with the cancel culture you have incorrectly referred to.
I am pretty sure no one in this debate has accused Morrissey of being offensive so I am not sure why your point about Twitter apologising is relevant to the point you have been trying to make. Maybe you are just trying to grab as many non relevant anti cancel culture traits and shove them into your post as though it backs anything up. What forum have you be reading to pollute your ideas with such things. People like to try to stop debate by stating anyone who debates points that they disagree with is trying to cancel something or is part of some new culture of silencing something but in reality it is just life long democratic debate and to object to that debate and call people depraved and warped for debating is nearer to the silencing and canceling point you have tried to use to object to this debate.